Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Story of Timmothy Pitzen

Timmothy James Pitzen was born on October 18th, 2004 in Aurora Illinois to Amy and James Pitzen. He was always happy,  got along with everybody and was always looking for the next adventure.
The last time Timmothy's dad saw him, it was on May 12th, 2011 and James was dropping off  Timmothy to kindergarten class at Greenman Elementary School in Aurora, Illinois. An hour later, between 8:10 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Timmothy's mom signed him out of school.
Surveillance camera footage shows them leaving together. After the school day was over, James went to pick up Timmothy from school. James talked with Timmothy's teacher and found out that Timmothy had left with his mom that morning due to a family emergency. 

James went back home and to Amy's workplace to see if they were there and found nothing. James tried Amy's cell a few times, but there was no answer, so he left messages that when unanswered. He then decided to call Amy's parents and they hadn't heard from her either. The next day, with still no sign of Amy or Timmothy, James called the police and reported Timmothy missing. 

Two days later, at around 1:30 p.m., Amy called her mother claiming that her and Timmothy were fine and that they will be back in a day or two. Amy called James' brother as well stating that Timmothy was fine. She also said that Timmothy belongs to her and that they will be fine and safe. Timmothy was overheard saying that he was hungry in the background of one of these phone calls.

The next day, cops knocked on Jame's door and inform him that they had found Amy. She was in Rockford Illinois, in a cheap little motel room. Just one problem though, she was dead from an alleged suicide and Timmothy was no where in sight.

Investigators attempted to retrace Amy and Timmothy's trail after leaving the school. 
From Aurora Amy and Timmothy had traveled East to a vehicle repair shop, where she dropped off her 2004, blue Ford Expedition SUV at 10:00 a.m.. An employee of the shop then drove Amy and Timmothy to the Brookfield Zoo. They returned and retrieved their vehicle at 3:00 p.m. and traveled North to the Keyline Cover Water Resort in Gurnee Illinois, before going to Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin, where they spent the night. 
On the way they, they stopped at Shopko in Racin, Wisconsin, where Amy bought toys and cloths for Timmothy. They also went to a gas station in Johnson Creek, Wisconsin for gas and drinks. 
There was surveillance footage of Timmothy following his mom around and then playing with a toy truck on the floor of the lobby as they check out at 10:00 a.m. 

This is Timmothy's last known public sighting.
At 1:30 p.m. the same day this is when Amy makes the phone calls to her family. Her cellphone pinged in the Sterling Rock Falls area of Illinois. This is the last known time when Timmothy was heard from by his family.

After all of this, Amy went to Family Dollar to purchase the stationary she used to write the suicide notes, and then Sullivans  grocery store, both near Rockford, in Winnebago. A security camera records Amy, alone, going into the grocery store at 7:25 p.m. and purchased milk and crackers. After this, she checked into the Red Roof Inn, where sometime that night or the next morning, she slashed her wrists and neck, as well as taking an overdose of antihistamines.

The next day is when Amy's body was found by a maid at around 12:30 p.m., in the bathroom of her hotel room. She had left a suicide note on the table in the room. In the note, Amy apologized for the mess she had made and claimed that Timmothy was safe and with people that loved him. And that he would never be found. There was also photos of Timmothy laid out on the bed.

Amy had also mailed a note to her mother that read.
"I've taken him somewhere safe. 
He will be well cared for and he says that he loves you.
Please know that there is nothing you could have said or done that would have changed my mind."

Supposedly there is a third suicide note that Amy had sent to one of her friends.

Amy had been married four times before she married James. After her first divorce is when she really started struggling. Amy had survived a past suicide attempt and she struggled with depression. James and Amy were not getting along and Amy was in contact with one of her ex husbands. This didn't set well with James and he threatened to take soul custody of Timmothy if she ever left him. 

Some people speculate that Amy killed Timmothy, but experts believe that Timmothy is still alive out there somewhere. The toys and clothes that Amy bought while they were traveling together were never found and neither was his spiderman backpack. Also not found was the clothes that Amy was scene wearing at the Kalahari Resort along with her I-Pass transponder.

 In the months before Timmothy's disappearance, Amy had made two trips to the area where Timmothy went missing.

When investigators looked at Amy's vehicle they determined that Amy had parked in a grassy area, possibly near a stream, but close to a highway somewhere on her journey. Grass and dirt was found under the rear bumper, suggesting that she had backed into a field. There was also dried blood found on the back seat. The family says that was there previously from a nosebleed that Timmothy had.

Investigators scoured the route that Amy had took on the fateful trip, but no signs of Timmothy were ever found.

Timmothy enjoyed going to the zoo, using playground equipment such as the swings and sandbox, bike and Go-Kart riding, and his collection of Matchbox cars. He was learning how to swim at the time of his disappearance. His favorite foods included Chuck E. Cheese pizza, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, and anything from McDonald's.

At the time if his disappearance Timmothy was 6 years old 4'2" tall, 70 pounds lbs with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing green or blue shorts, a brown t-shirt, white socks.

In 2013, Amy's phone was found on the side of a road somewhere on Route 78, just North of Mount Caroll Illinois and turned into police. There was not one clue found on the phone to the whereabouts of Timmothy.

James believes that Amy would have never harmed Timmothy and that he is still alive.
23 year-old Brian Rini was trying to steal a neighbor's car this last Wednesday in Kentucky. When the neighbor approached him, Brian claimed that he was Timmothy Pitzen, which he is not. Brian was found to have a long criminal history and was once psychologically evaluated.

Does Brian know who had Timmothy? Or was it a case that stuck into his head?

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