Tuesday, April 9, 2019

One Of The Men That Did The Autopsy On JFK Reveals What He Saw And The Inconsistency In The Official Autopsy Report.

James Curtis Jenkins was 21 years old and a Navy corpsmen who served as “autopsy technicians” and assisted the Navy pathologists, at President Kennedy's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital. After the autopsy, he was given orders by the secretary of the Navy and also by the department of defense not to discuss the autopsy.

James did talk to the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations because it was congress mandated and he would be subpoenaed anyway. One of the men that interviewed James was an attorney and the other was an FBI agent. They were looking for confirmation of the Warren Commission findings and validate the single bullet theory.

James says he wants to see a legal conclusion to JFK's assassination, not a political one. He would even be willing to participate. James stated that the Clark Commission had ties to the government and that people that would have been more objective were pushed aside.

He says that what he saw at the morgue, what he did at the morgue and what he participated in doesn't make sense from a medical or anatomical standpoint. 

James said that two FBI agents claims that there was no brain. James claims that Dr. Humes took a brain out of the Cranium and handed it to Dr. Bosewell who handed it to him. 

Recently, James has tried to get into archives photographs and evidence of the autopsy that he participated in and has been denied. He says that there is photographs that Fox put out there that he has seen and they are strange. 

When JFK's body came in to the morgue at 6:30 p.m., it was in a shipping casket. This is not typical protocol for a president. The body was taken out of the casket and placed on the table. It was already wrapped in sheets. He said while they were examining the body, four military officers came in. This is when Dr. Humes unwrapped the head and Humes And Dr. Fink examined it in front of James. James says that the description of the head wound in the autopsy report was not accurate to what he saw. He says that the size and the location of the wound were different than what was documented. In the report it states that over half of the brain was missing and James claims that less than a third of the total brain was missing. He also says that there was a large incision at the top of JFK's head wound and that it was though tears in the scalp had been surgically connected. He says that this could mean that someone had access to JFK's brain before it went to the morgue.

James claims that the tracheotomy done on JFK was very unusual, even for an emergency tracheotomy. He said that it was done horizontally and he had never seen one done that way. He had never seen one done that large either or with ragged edges like that one had. One that large would never been done because you would probably damage the thyroid.  It is possibly that it was done that way to remove evidence of a gun shot entrance wound.

He saw only one other wound on JFK's body and that was in his back. James says that that wound was non fatal and that Oswald couldn't have been the perpetrator of that wound. The shot would have to have come from the right front.

James thinks that Oswald was killed to keep JFK's assassination from going to trial and under the control of the government.

He thinks that Humes, Bosewell and Fink were good men that were close to retirement from their military careers and that they were given a scenario to follow.

James does not have a very high opinion of Lyndon Johnson. You can tell that Johnson had animosity toward JFK and that he was a very ambitious guy. 

James asked the question,
"Who are the two people in the government at the time that benefited the most?" 
Which the answer to that was Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover.

Did you know that there is recordings of Jackie Kennedy saying that Johnson is a very dangerous man and that she always feared him?

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