Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Is There A Chance That Joran Van Der Sloot Was innocent Of Natalee Holloway's Disapearance?

Natalee Ann Holloway was an American woman who vanished on May 30, 2005, while on a high school graduation trip to Aruba in the Caribbean. Holloway lived in Mountain Brook, Alabama, and graduated from Mountain Brook High School on May 24, 2005, shortly before the trip.
In my opinion i think Jordan or his father had something to do with her disappearance, but i could be wrong. But i thought i'd write about some things i find interesting. 
I don't why but, Beth Holloway claimed that she arrived at Aruba at 10:30 p.m., but airport records show that actually she arrived at 7:45 p.m. It is alleged that the day before Natalee called her mother and told her that she had no intention to go back to the US. Was Beth Holloway on her way to Aruba before her daughter was declared missing?  

Beth Holloway also already printed posters to hang around Aruba with her on the plane. The posters didn't have anything about her disappearance or kidnapping. 
"It said Natalee please call me Hootie." So is it true that Beth thought or knew that Natalee ran away?

Once she was in Aruba, Beth went to the Van der Sloot's family home first, before going to police. 
The second poster she then made said "kidnapped". There wasn't anyone who claimed to have kidnapped her or asked a ransom. Why doesn't it saying "missing"?

When Natalee had just disappeared Beth Holloway told to the press that her daughter was a virgin that led a clean life. She also claimed that Natalee had that graduated with honors at High School and that she had received a scholarship to study medicine at a college. Later it turned out that she didn't graduate with honors, she didn't get any scholarship, she was sexually active, she smoked, she drunk, she used drugs, and she had ran away from home before.

Allegedly Aruban police wanted to investigate the family more thoroughly, but supposedly the FBI wouldn't let them do that. At that point the investigation was about not endangering the Aruban economy and about the relation of The Netherlands with the United States. It is said by the Aruban police that there were even calls being made from The White House to the office of the Aruban Prime Minister.  Out of that, 75% of the Aruban national income comes from tourism, especially from the USA. 
George "Jug" Twitty was Natalee's stepfather at the time of her disappearance. Beth and George and divorced now. Some claim that Natalee was pregnant when she disappeared and that Twitty was the baby's father. George is a businessman. He was president of a international real estate company. Some people claim that he is a money launderer for the international mafia and is also an arms dealer for the US government. He went to school together with Jossy Mansur. 
Jossy Mansur was the editor of the Papiamento-language newspaper Diario in Aruba. It is said that his family owns around 60% of the island. In 1999 him and his brother Luis sued the Netherlands government before the United Nations Human Rights Committee for disseminating what the Aruban government termed a top secret report that claimed that the Mansurs were involved in organized crime. The report by the Dutch Internal Security Service mentions the Mansurs by name and portrays them as criminals who were associated with criminal organizations involved in drugs trafficking, gun trafficking and laundering money obtained from criminal activities. Paulus Van Der Sloot, father of Joran Van Der Sloot, was a prominent Aruban lawyer involved in the report.

Natalee's former boyfriend was on the island at the time she disappeared, but that was never investigated. 
I don't think they even questioned Natalee's friends either. 
On a side note, did you know that Beth dated John Ramsey, JonBenet's father, at one point after she divorced Twitty?

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