Wednesday, April 10, 2019

An Agent In The FBI Thinks JonBenet's Family Could Be Guilty In Her Death And Some People Wonder Why The FBI Didn't Aid In Her Case.

Jim Clemente, a former FBI agent and profiler who worked on the Ramsey case, says that the family being so easy exonerated is "absurd." He also stated that in his entire 30 year law enforcement career he has never seen a case in which a DA has issued a letter exonerating somebody, especially based on one type of evidence.

Did the parents have something to do with JonBenet's Death?
Some believe that Burke's voice is at the end of the 911 tape, if so this implies that the Ramseys were lying from the beginning. 

They also tried to leave town immediately. 

After they stopped cooperating with police they went on CNN. That is a point that i think is a little odd. 

They hired a PR firm, which was a useless idea in my opinion. 

They made a photo op during the funeral. All i can say about that is.. that is sad. 

Some say that they did not behave as aggrieved parents "should." i think everyone reacts differently to each situation that they face with. That being said, John to me seemed deceptive. Does that mean that he had something to do with her death? i dunno, i do believe there was more going on than the public knows. 

There are claims that the cords used to bind Jonbenet were staged and that they the way they were tied would not have bound a live child.

Did The Ramsey's Have Help With Local Law Enforcement?
There was a web of connections between the Ramseys and other powerful and well-connected figures such as DA Alex Hunter. Remember that the grand jury wanted to indict the Ramsey's but the DA decided not to. 

Lou Smit, an experienced detective who had investigated more than 200 homicides, said that had he been the first detective on the scene, he would have brought a dog in. This would have found JonBenet's body in minutes. He also said that he would have separated the Ramseys, asked them to come down to the station to give hair samples and blood samples. He would have also taken their clothes and conducted initial interviews. Smit said that had they refused they would have been arrested. He thinks that all of this  would have cleared the Ramsey's of involvement. Did you know that that authorities didn't get Jonbenet's parent's cloths until several months later? 

Government Coverup?
Lockhead Martin Security and the FBI are two units in the Boulder Area that are trained to react to an act of terrorism, like kidnapping. Nobody from either came near the crime scene. Had the FBI been on scene one would have gone in or out of that house. No one would have touched the crime scene. Every home in that area of Boulder would have been secured. In the case of Adobe Graphics three years before, there was an executive kidnapped and hundred's of FBI agents poured in to run things. Did both units know, not only were there no foreign terrorists, that what happened neither affected the security of the United States of America or the security and profits of Lockheed Martin?

Where was the security and the bodyguards from Lockheed Martin. Where was the protocol that they so carefully shared and worked on at Lockheed Martin?  Norm Early who had been the district attorney of Denver and was the vice-president of Lockheed Martin Security at the time of the murder of JonBenet stated that their had been not one word of JonBenet's alleged kidnapping. He said that when he found out he began to call executives and lawyers among others and said, 
"Why wasn't my family alerted? What happened?" 

And they said to him,
"Well, there was no threat" 

And he said,

"How do you know that?" They said,"Well, I don't know. We just knew". 
And he said,
"Well, think about it and I want an answer!"

How did LockHeed Martin know that the ransom note was a hoax immediately? 

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