Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Mystery Of The Missing Single Mom

Patricia Ann Adkins had an infectious laugh, loved the outdoors and she was a good and loving mother. She was born on May 4th,1972.

She was a 29 year old single mother in 2001 and working as a shift supervisor at an automotive plant in Marysville, Ohio, and was up for a big promotion. It was June 21st, Patricia took her animals to a local kennel for the weekend and her daughter to her sister's. Patricia was last seen clocking out of the auto plant that she worked in, just after midnight. She had told her family and friends that she was going to Canada for the weekend with her secret boyfriend. Supposedly she climbed into the bed of his pickup truck and hide underneath the cover so she wouldn't be seen by the boyfriend's passenger. The truck pulled away and Patricia was never seen again.

Patricia's best friend and co-worker, Heidi Knight, said that everyone like Patricia. She also said that Patricia was very fond of one of her co-workers in particular and that he worked on the assembly line there. Patricia and this man spent a lot of time together on the job and love blossomed. There was just one problem with that, this man was married and that's why he was Patricia's secret boyfriend.

The secret boyfriend also had a side business, an auto shop, that Patricia sometimes would take her car to to get fixed. Patricia was loaning her secret boyfriend money, because he said he couldn't leave his wife until he had enough money so he was sure he wouldn't lose his business. She ended up loaning him $90,000 in cash. Shortly before she went missing, Patricia had given her boyfriend a strict deadline for paying her back the money.

When Patricia didn't return for a family barbecue her family began to worry and started calling her house and left messages on her answering machine. The next day Patricia's sister, Marsha, called the secret boyfriend's house, pretending to be a potential customer. The wife answered and informed the sister that he wasn't there. The sister then called again hours later, this time the boyfriend answered. He denied even knowing Patricia, let alone going away with her for the weekend. 

Marsha and her best friend Heidi went to Patricia's house to see what they could find. In Patricia's closet was several money bands. After the house search Marsha calls the boyfriend again, this time in the middle of the night, and his wife answers the phone. Marsha informed the wife about her husband's affair with Patricia and about their supposed weekend together. The wife is very calm and hands the phone to her husband. Marsha asks the boyfriend if he killed Patricia, he calmly says that he just worked with her, that was all.

It turned out that a lot co-workers of Patricia's knew about the relationship that Patricia was having with the married man.

Not believing the boyfriend's lies, Marsha called the sheriff and reported Patricia missing on July 8th. There was no activity on Patricia's credit cards or cell phone. The authorities are considering foul play being involved in Patricia's disappearance.

When questioned by authorities, The boyfriend  said he and Patricia had no plans to go on vacation together, he had never had an affair with her and he only knew her slightly. He and his friend said they left the plant together on June 29, drove 30 miles in the direction of their hometown of Canton, Ohio, stopped at a Burger King restaurant, waited 45 minutes in the drive-through line, got their food and went home. The boyfriend's wife backed up their story, saying her husband arrived home at 2:30 a.m., the usual time, and that she didn't know anything about an affair. The Burger King manager, however, said they were never busy in the early hours of the morning and no one would have had to wait 45 minutes in the drive-through to get their food. The manager said that the wait time that night was 15 minutes tops.

The boyfriend gave authorities to search his property. They brought in cadaver dogs that alerted to extra, fresh concrete poured outside the barn, which was the boyfriend's shop. Authorities brought in a backhoe to dig everything up and found nothing. They did find items in the boyfriend's house that Patricia gave to him as gifts. When investigators searched the boyfriend's truck, they found Patricia's cat's hairs and a spot of blood. He also had a new truck bed cover. Investigators won't release the results of the blood test or any other evidence they may have found.What they didn't find was what the boyfriend did with the money that Patricia allegedly gave him.

The boyfriend agreed to a polygraph, which he failed. After he failed the polygraph he quit his job at the plant.

The only person of interest in Patricia's disappearance is the boyfriend and investigators believe that she was murdered.

Patricia never came back to pick up her daughter or her animals and she didn't make to her scheduled hair appointment.

Patricia would be 46 years old now. At the time of her disappearance she was 5'8, 120 pounds, blonde hair and hazel eyes.  She was wearing steeled-toed sneakers and an all-white Honda work uniform consisting of pants and a long-sleeved shirt with two red outlined patches on the upper chest; one of the patches says "Patti" and the other says "Honda of America."  She had a small teal-colored duffle bag, a maroon coin pouch and a key chain with her Honda identification card with her. Her navel and ears were pierced. Her nickname is Patti. She has a tattoo of a flower design on her lower middle back; the design is of three orchids colored blue, green, purple and peach with leaves, arranged horizontally across her back. She had corrective laser surgery to her eyes.

If you have any information, no matter how small, please call

Marysville Police Department 937-642-3900
Union County Sheriff's Department 937-644-5010

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