Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Curious Disappearance Of Jennifer Kesse.

Jennifer Kesse was born May 20th, 1981 to Joyce and Drew Kesse in New Jersey.

She was a graduate of Vivian Gaither High School in Tampa, Florida, Kesse attended the University of Central Florida in Orlando, graduating in 2003 with a degree in finance. She was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority.

She worked for a finance manager for a Florida property and vacation company.

Jennifer was 24-years-old when she was last seen on January 23, 2006, at approximately 6 p.m., leaving her place of employment, Westgate Resorts, in Ocoee, Florida.

After work she chatted with her family on the phone. She called her boyfriend, Robert Allen, later that night at around 10 p.m.

The next day, Robert was expecting his usual call or text from Jennifer before she went to work, but no call or text came. This worried Robert, so made several attempts to contact his girlfriend, but texts went unanswered and phone calls went straight to voicemail.

People at her work started worrying about Jennifer as well. She had never showed up for work and had missed an important meeting. She never called in sick or to say she was running late. Her coworkers said that this was very unlike her. 

Jennifer's employer called her parents around 11 a.m. to inform them that their daughter was MIA. This prompted Drew and Joyce to make the two hour drive down from Tampa to Orlando to check if their daughter was at her home. When her parents arrived, they noticed that Jennifer's care was missing.

When Drew and Joyce entered Jennifer's condo, they didn't see anything amiss. They found a damp towel, puddles in the shower, a pair of pajamas on the floor, and some makeup on the counter. Also, Jennifer's mom said that Jennifer's favorite pair of pumps were missing from the closet. This all suggested she got ready for work before she disappeared. 

Jennifer's condo was never processed.

Investigators first thought that Jennifer was abducted on her way to her vehicle before work. They now think she was abducted between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m after she got in the vehicle on January 24th.
Two days after Jennifer's disappearance it was discovered that on the day she disappeared, at 12 p.m., At an apartment complex 1.2 miles away from Jennifer's condo, a hidden surveillance camera catches an unidentified person parking Jennifer's Chevy Malibu and then walking away. The person was mostly obscured by fencing. The only thing discernible about the mystery person is that they are between 5’3″ and 5’5″.

To me, in the video, it seems like it's a woman with her hair pulled back.

Jennifer's car was found still parked where the unidentified person left it.

After analyzing Jennifer's car, a latent print deemed “too minuscule” to yield any helpful information and a small DNA fiber was found. Jennifer's DVD player was still in her car, but her purse and cellphone were never located.

Investigators believe that Jennifer's car was wiped down.

Police brought a search dog to Jennifer's car. The search dog tracked a scent from the car back to her apartment complex, leading investigators to believe that the suspect returned to her apartment parking lot after leaving the car.

Jennifer is still missing.

Her family has filed a lawsuit against the city of Orlando, the Orlando Police Department and the department’s chief in an effort to make thousands of documents related to her disappearance public.

When Jennifer went missing, she was 5'8", 124 lbs, with sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

Anyone with information in the disappearance of Jennifer Kesse is asked to call the FBI's Tampa office at 866-838-1153.

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