Thursday, March 14, 2019

She Survived Being Shot,Stabbed And Left For Dead, But Can't Remember Who Tried To Kill Her.

Evelyn Bunte was 18 years old when she was shot three times in the head and then stabbed in the neck. She survived, but she couldn't remember who did it due to brain damage she received from the attack. 

The attack happened before 1 a.m. on November 5th, 2016, in the 3600 block of Galvez Avenue, in Fort Worth, Texas.

After graduating from high school the previous year, Evelyn moved out of her dad's house in Chicago and to Fort Worth, to live with some friends. Her dad had a bad feeling about this and didn't want her to go, be he couldn't stop her.

With in a month of her arrival, Evelyn found a job doing the night shift at Wal-Mart as a greeter and soon fell in love with a 19 year old railroad worker, Dallas Eyerman. Evelyn and Dallas soon moved in together.

On the night of the attack, Dallas claims that he was at work while Evelyn was at home waiting for Dallas' mother to give her a ride to work. Dallas says his mother called him at about 10 p.m. and said that she went to the house and banged on the door. She said that the house was dark and there was no answer.  Dallas claims that he called and texted her and there was no answer, so he rushed home. He says that when he got home, he was relieved to find her sleeping on the couch. He tried to wake her up and that's when he noticed all the blood. He then called the police.

By the time Evelyn reached the hospital, everyone was in complete and utter shock that she was still alive. It turns out that she had been home for over 5 hours before Dallas arrived home. And not only was she shot in the head 3 times, she was stabbed in the neck,  strangled, as well beaten, before being left for dad. Once at the hospital, she had to go through extensive life-saving procedures where they had to do brain surgery, and even take out metal shrapnel from her mouth. She was going to also require major rehabilitation.

Evelyn’s father got a phone call saying that not only had his daughter been brutally attacked, but that she was in critical condition in John Peter Smith Hospital in Texas. He immediately made the trip from Chicago to Fort Worth. Before entering the room the doctors informed her dad that Evelyn had coaxial blindness and she was very, very weak and almost paralyzed on the right side of her body.

When Evelyn's dad entered the room he saw that she had a large black spot on her cheek where she had been shot. Her head was wrapped and bandaged. And her eyes were going in a couple different directions. He fell to his knees crying and that is when Evelyn called out and said,
"Dad, don’t cry. Don’t cry. I’m still here. I’m still here.”

The doctors told Evelyn's dad that anything more than 5 millimeters into the back of the head will kill you. Evelyn's wound in the back of her head was 7 millimeters deep, this proves that her surviving was a miracle.

Not only did Evelyn suffer from severe brain damage, the attack has also left her partially paralyzed and fractionally blind. While Evelyn was fighting for her life, authorities were trying to figure out who was behind the brutal attack on her life, and why they would want to kill her? Sadly, Evelyn lost many of her memories and claims that she couldn’t recall at the time who orchestrated the attack. Evelyn’s father believes that her boyfriend, Dallas, was behind it all. He believes that Dallas did it in a jealous rage, but police's repeated interrogations turned up nothing. Dallas requested and took a polygraph test, which he failed miserably. The detective told Evelyn's dad that in all the years that he had been working cases, he’d never seen anybody fail a polygraph as bad as Dallas failed.

Allegedly Dallas’s father made a statement that he felt that Evelyn was cheating on Dallas. And his cousin supposedly produced some emails that he had sent to a former girlfriend, and in these emails he said that if he ever found out she was cheating on him he would shoot her.

Dallas claims that he was being framed by someone named Jesse he owed money too.

What do you think?

Since the incident, Evelyn went through intense therapy, learning how to walk again and even regaining not only the use of her right side, but part of her eye sight as well. 

Now she is a 20 year old mortuary student and living her life to the fullest.

I can't find an update on if they ever found out who did this horrific crime to her, but one think i know for sure is, Evelyn is a strong, courageous woman. If she can over come something like what she has been through, she can conquer anything that she sets her mind to.


  1. The boyfriend most definitely did it without a single doubt.

  2. I'm guessing he used a pillow between the gun and her head to muffle it and that padded the blow some.

  3. That's what i'm guess as well Unknown.

  4. He was arrested for assaulting a family member earlier this year

  5. I read an update recently on another site that said she’s back in Chicago with her dad after the DA showed her the proof that Dallas was her attacker.

  6. Thanks GigiAsh81. i wasn't aware of that. i had heard that she found out who it was, but found no proof so i didn't publish it. i know she wants to be a makeup artist for those who have passed on.

  7. Absolutely it was the boyfriend. No one glad shes alive.
