Thursday, March 28, 2019

President Trump Was Claiming He Was Trying To End The War On Coal.

Last year at this time, President Trump signed "The Energy Independence Executive Order", which suspended more than half a dozen measures enacted by former President Obama. When Obama was president he argued that climate change was "real and cannot be ignored". 

Among those measures that was rescinded is the Clean Power Plan, which required states to slash carbon emissions. The Trump administration said that scrapping the plan would put people to work and reduce America's reliance on imported fuel.

Well i'm all for our country being self-sufficient, why not promote solar energy and other resources that are better for our environment? Instead of letting big companies do whatever they want?

There is also less restrictive rules on methane emissions from the oil and gas industry and more freedom to sell coal leases from federal lands.

Does Trump believe in climate change? Does he even care? Well back in 2015 he said that it was a "Hoax".

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