Friday, May 17, 2024

Chad Daybell Trial: Detective Stubbs Was Back on the Stand Followed by FBI Special Agent Steve Daniels.

Prosecutor Rob Wood asked Detective Stubbs about the search that had been conducted on the three apartments which had belonged to Lori, her brother Alex and her niece Melani P. This was the first search for JJ. Stubbs confirmed that he had been wearing a body camera.

Wood admitted into evidence and displayed the body cam footage for the court.
>>Here<< is one of the places that you can find it to watch. Stubbs said that the video was from November 17thm 2019. The video showed Stubbs walking into apartment 175, which was Lori’s apartment.

In the video Stubbs narrated that he was in the front room and that there was some damage to the door from the no-knock entry warrant. As he walked into the kitchen, he said that there had been keys that had been left on the counter, an envelope from Amazon to Lori Vallow and food in the pantry.

In the video Stubbs then walked into the garage where there were couches, tables, guns, and several totes.

Stubbs then walked up the stairs where there was the master bedroom and the master bathroom. There were a lot of hangers in the closet but nothing else.

Wood asked Stubbs if the empty closet was of note to him. Stubbs said yes that it had made him think that the occupants left in haste because of the visit the day before.

In the video there were two small computer desks with a printer and on the printer was a lease agreement for Lori Ryan.

He then walked down the hall and past the laundry room where there were two additional bedrooms. In one room there was a bed and in the closet were some coats, an empty box, a fan, a bedspread, and winter clothes in a box. The other bedroom had a bed, three guitar cases with guitars and a duffle bag full of toiletries that appear to belong to a man. The closet was fairly empty except for two swords and empty laundry baskets.

Wood asked Stubbs if had done any other walk-throughs of apartments that day with his body cam. He said that he did a walk-through of apartment 174 which was right next door. He said that it was Lori's niece, Melani P's apartment. Wood asked Stubbs if anything had stood out to him. He said that it appeared that someone was still living there, that there were clothes in the closet and a was a car in the garage. He said he thought what was odd was he had noticed on the counter she had a three-ring binder with clear plastic organizers inside. He said he thought it was off because he knew Brandon and Melani P. were divorced but she had numerous of his credit cards and driver’s license in there.

Wood then displayed footage of Stubbs entering Melani P's apartment. There was furniture inside and pictures on the wall. There were items on the counters including electronics and a purse. Brandon Boudreaux’s credit cards were on the counter and so was his driver’s license. 

Stubbs confirmed that JJ was not located that day. Wood asked if the search for JJ ever expanded to include the search for Tylee. Stubbs said yes.

Wood asked Stubbs if he participated or wrote warrants for the cellular or digital evidence in the case. Stubbs said that he did. Wood asked Stubbs if he had prepared a list of the digital evidence. Stubbs said yes.  

Wood asked Stubbs if he ever found evidence that Brandon had lived in apartment 174. Stubbs said no. 

Wood published an exhibit that showed the list of warrants Stubbs obtained. Wood asked Stubbs how many warrants of digital evidence he had obtained in the case. Stubbs said 20.

Stubbs said that the first warrant was to Verizon for the original phone number associated with Lori. Wood asked Stubbs if he had attained any useful information from the warrant. He said yes.

Stubbs said that warrants 77- 63 were made before the children were found. They were all done in attempts to locate the children and Lori.

Stubbs said that the information that they had gathered from the first warrant led to them getting the second warrant. He said that Verizon returned the warrant with names and email addresses associated with Lori’s first number. Stubbs said that anytime someone social media such as a Gmail account, Google keeps records of what you do, when you do it and where you are.

Wood asked Stubbs if someone can opt out of geolocation tracking. Stubbs said that there is an option to turn off location services and it would prohibit Google from keeping that information.

Wood had Stubbs read the four accounts that he had searched. 
  1. Alex Cox
  2. Lori
  3. Lori
  4. Chad Daybell
Wood asked Stubbs if he had been able to obtain any geolocation data from those accounts. He said yes and that the HomerJMaximus one gave them the most information.

Wood asked Stubbs what the next warrant had been written for. Stubbs reminded the court that at the time they were still in the process of trying to locate JJ and Tylee. Stubbs got choked up and paused and then he said that he was sorry. He said that the warrant was for a P.O. box they had located for Lori in Sugar City, Idaho. He said that they found a Verizon bill that had several numbers listed for Lori, Tylee, Alex and Charles that authorities didn't already have. He said that then they got a warrant for those numbers so they could get additional information and find the children.

Wood asked Stubbs if there was any useful information from that. Stubbs said yeah that it solidified a lot of what they had already done, numbers that were associated. He said that they were able to eliminate a lot of those phones.

Stubbs went on to explain another warrant. He said that when the apartments were abandoned after November 27th, 175 particularly the landlords or owners went in to clean the units and found two electronic devices that were turned over to police. Police issued a warrant on those devices. and were associated with those devices.

Stubbs talked about another warrant, which was a tap-and-trace warrant. He said that they still hadn't gotten answers from Lori as to where the kids were. Stubbs said that Verizon sent police live data as the phones were on the move. He said that it allowed officers to see where the device was in real time.

Stubbs said that tap-and-trace warrants were for Lori, Alex, Tylee and Chad. Wood asked Stubbs why they were looking at Chad’s location. Stubbs said that Lori and Chad were married, and they couldn’t get a hold of either one of them. He said that they couldn’t get any straight answers from either one. He said that they couldn’t get information on where the children were. And they were associated.

Wood asked Stubbs if they were able to locate Lori and Chad using those warrants. Stubbs said that the devices tracked to Kauai, Hawaii. 

Stubbs said that upon finding where Chad and Lori were, they had investigators and FBI go to Hawaii and locate Chad and Lori. He said that a warrant had been obtained to gather evidence from their vehicle and residence. He said that ten electronic devices were taken from their rental car.

Wood asked Stubbs if he had gone through the devices himself or had help. Stubbs said that the information they get back from Google or Verizon they can be thousands of pages long and just for one person to go through all the data, especially in a short time frame, it was simply impossible. Stubbs said he had worked with the FBI and other agencies to go through all the information.

Stubbs said that there was another tap-and-trace warrant. He said that at the time they still had no answers even after contacting Chad and Lori as to where the children were.

The next warrant Stubbs talked about was of devices that they had seized from #174, Melani P.'s apartment. Stubbs said that software at the time that the FBI used couldn't break into the phones, only the tablet. Stubbs said that forensic software is always slightly behind. He said that for example, whenever a phone comes out with new technology, forensic people who develop software are always taking the new device and trying to figure out how it "ticks". So, the software hadn't been updated so they could break into the passcodes.

Stubbs said that the devices taken from Melani P's apartment had two phone numbers linked to her. Stubbs said that that was before Tylee and JJ had been found in 2020. Melani P wouldn't give the authorities a straight answer to where the kids were either.

Wood asked Stubbs if he had the chance to interview Melani P. He said that he only had interaction with her when she was being interviewed in obtaining her phone to do a forensic on it. 

Stubbs agreed that one of the ways to collect evidence is off the device itself as well as the phone carrier and app companies.

Stubbs said that after Lori and Chad had been served in Hawaii a notebook was found in their vehicle that had pages of email accounts and passwords. He said that police worked to obtain warrants on the accounts.

Stubbs said that on a lot of the devices found they had the "Smule" app. He said that it was a music sharing app, but it also had a place that you could send messages back and forth. So, a warrant had been written to the company.

Stubbs testified that the children had been found on Chad’s property on June 9th, 2020, and additional warrants had been issued after that time. Even though the kids had been found, there had still been a lot of questions that needed answered.  Stubbs said that a warrant had been written FBI and police to bring specialized equipment on the property to get cell phone signal strengths.

Stubbs said that they had wanted to find anyone who had spent significant time in or near Chad’s property and Lori’s apartment on critical dates. He said that they wanted to see if there was anyone else officers should be investigating. 

Stubbs agreed that if someone had their Google location turned off, they would not show up in the geolocation search.

Stubbs said that they narrowed it down to 12 devices of interest. He said that they requested warrants on the 12 devices to find out who they belonged to. Stubbs said that Google did not respond and after much time passed, he got a hold of someone at the company and was told 12 devices was too broad and suggested that they narrow their search. Stubbs said that he lessened the request by two and asked for details on ten devices. Stubbs said they ended up receiving information for those 10 accounts. 

Stubbs says an independent expert was brought in to for an outsider’s perspective on the devices and nothing new was discovered. 

Wood asked Stubbs about some of things found when he did his searches. He asked Stubbs if there had been any searches that had stood out to him made by the lollytime account. Stubbs said that on August 25th, the user, which was Lori, looked up "wedding rings made of malachite" and visited websites about rings. He said that the user tried to purchase two rings, an 11.5 size and 4.2 size with a total of $808. He said that the credit card failed, and the purchase had been declined.

Stubbs said that on September 20th, the user searched the definition of possessed. He said that on September 30th, she looked up how to remove the back seat of a Jeep and then watched a video about how to do it. Stubbs said that two days later, a gray Jeep Wrangler with Texas license plates had been used to shoot at Brandon in Arizona. He said confirmed that it had been the same Jeep found in Rexburg on November 4th, 2019.

Stubbs said he searched the search history of because the children had still been missing. Stubbs said that the user of the account had been Chad, and on September 8, 2019, the user of the account looked up what the wind direction was going to be on September 9th. Stubbs said it was significant because it had been believed that on the 9th, Tylee’s body had been burned and buried in the fire pit behind Chad’s house.

Wood asked Stubbs about a flash drive he found in Lori and Chad's possession in Hawaii. Stubbs said that on the drive had been several photos of Chad and Lori’s wedding from November 5th, 2019. Stubbs said that he had used forensic software to search the device so the original content had not been disturbed. Stubbs said he had found that photos of Chad, Tammy, their kids, Chad and Tammy’s courtship to their marriage to their kids being born and there kids growing up had all been deleted.

Court took a recess and when they came back, Wood published a photo of Lori and Chad on the beach with a wedding officiant on the beach. 

The next image was of Chad holding Lori in his arms on the beach as they kiss. 

The next photo was of Lori doing the hula with Chad playing a ukulele. 

The next photo was of Chad and Lori looking into each other’s eyes. 

Another photo showed their malachite rings.

Another image was of Lori’s ring on her left hand. 

Next was a picture of Chad’s ring. 

The next picture is of Chad and Lori standing in front of the LDS temple in Hawaii. 

Wood had no further questions.

Prior was up for the cross. He asked about Universal Time in adjusting cellular data. Stubbs said that the UTC was a standard time and depending on where you were at in the world, it was UTC plus or minus. In Rexburg, it was UTS -6 or -7 depending on daylight saving.

Prior asked for clarification about who was living in which apartment in Rexburg. 175 was Lori, 174 Melani P and 107 Alex had been at one time. Prior asked Stubbs if he had gone through the garages of those units. Stubbs said yes.

Prior asked Stubbs to review 15 photos on a computer to see if he could recognize things as being found in 175. Stubbs said he was involved in searching 174 and doesn’t personally recall seeing the items in the photos.  

Prior asked if Stubbs found any evidence that tickets to Disneyland or Knotts Berry Farm were purchased. Stubbs said that he didn’t personally investigate that aspect of the case but was aware of a trip.

Prior said that just because Lori’s apartment was vacated, that didn't mean Chad’s home was vacated. Stubbs said that they hadn't searched Chad’s house, they searched Lori’s.

Prior asked Stubbs if he was aware Chad was not implicated in the attempted murder of Brandon. Stubbs said that he was aware.

Prior asked Stubbs about trying to reach Melanie Gibb and said that Gibb lied to police. Stubbs said that he hadn't been involved in that part of the investigation. 

Prior asked Stubbs about Lori saying she was going to move to live with Gibb. Stubbs said he recalled that. He then stated how Lori had told them that Gibb and JJ were at "Frozen 2." Prior asked Stubbs if he looked into the possibility that Lori had been moving to live with Melanie. Stubbs said that they had looked into that possibility.

Prior asked Stubbs if he had ever looked at Gibb’s phone records. Stubbs said no. Prior asked Stubbs if he had looked at David Warwick’s phone records. Stubbs said no.

Prior asked Stubbs if he had been aware of the circumstances that had surrounded September 22nd and 23rd, which had been when JJ disappeared. Prior asked Stubbs if he had been aware that David and Gibb had been at Lori’s house when JJ was last seen alive. Stubbs said that there had been a number of people at Lori's house.

Prior asked Stubbs if he agreed that Lori could be very convincing. Stubbs said no. Prior talked about Stubbs not taking action to keep Lori from fleeing during both visits to her apartment. Stubbs said correct. Stubbs said that they had not established JJ was not Gibb at the time, so they had no reason to detain her.

Prior asked Stubbs about the comment he had made "Not, not." after the visit to Lori’s apartment. Stubbs confirmed that that phrase was used in law enforcement meaning turn off the body cameras. Stubbs said that it had allowed officers to state their opinions without having them recorded.

Prior asked Stubbs how many calls he had made to Chad about JJ. Stubbs said that he had personally did not make any. Stubbs confirmed that there had been no warrant to search Chad’s home at the time.

Prior asked Stubbs if he had ever found a message from Chad to Lori that said, "Let’s kill the kids." Stubbs said he did not.

Stubbs said that prosecutor Rob Wood had been present during the search of Lori’s apartment.

Prior asked about Stubbs tapping phone calls. Stubbs said no. He said that a tap was to listen someone, and they hadn't listened to anyone. 

Prior had no more questions. 

Wood was up for the re-direct. He asked Stubbs if Gibb or David Warwick showed up in the geofence. Stubbs said no. Wood asked Stubbs about the tap and trace and why one wasn’t done on Melanie Gibb. Stubbs said that Gibb had cooperated with police. Wood asked Stubbs if any of Gibb’s or Warwick’s kids had been found on Chad’s property. Stubbs said no. Wood had no further questions.

Next up to the stand was FBI Special Agent Steve Daniels. Daniels was part of the Evidence Response Team (ERT) for the FBI. Daniels said that the ERT is basically crime scene investigator. He said he had worked for the FBI for 26 years and that he had left the ERT one year ago. Daniels said that since 2001, he had helped recover human remains in many cases. He said that when he left ERT, he was the senior team leader in the Salt Lake office.

Daniels said that he was the senior team leader in the search for JJ and Tylee. He said he had worked with other FBI departments and the Rexburg Police Department while planning the search of Chad’s property. He said that they had come up with a search strategy and got satellite imagery of the property along with cell phone information and details of the case.

Daniels said that they had arrived on the property sometime after 7am on June 9th, 2020. He said that eight ERT members were on the site, and they each had pre-assigned roles and responsibilities. He said that someone started a crime scene log, another began taking photos of the crime scene and Daniels started an administrative log of the scene. He said that he had also did a walk thru of the property.

Daniels said that two ERT members were designated to go to or find the fire pit area and further assess it. He said that they had arial images that showed some kind of fire pit. He said that they had a text message talking about burying something in the pet cemetery, so he said that he had needed to figure out where the pet cemetery was. He said that they also had a few telephone pings on the property from September 2019 showing where certain people had been on the property. One of those areas had been northeast of the pond.

Wood admitted photos that had been taken the day law enforcement searched Chad’s property for JJ and Tylee. Daniels said that he had worked with the Salt Lake City Total Station operator, the Salt Lake City Pharaoh Scan operator and with the operational projects unit and created an interactive exhibit detailing the work they had done on Chad’s property.

Daniels said that a total station device was a measuring device that sat on a tripod while using a laser for point-to-point measuring. He explained that a pharaoh scanner was also used to measure and scan things on the property. He said that 40 scans had been performed on the property. He agreed that the data they collected had been voluminous.

Wood admitted the exhibit Daniels prepared. It had the key points from all the scans, measurements and etc. The exhibit was a summary of his findings. 

The first slide showed key locations in and around the city of Rexburg which included the Salem Church, the Daybell property, Walmart, BYU-I Idaho library and Lori’s apartment.

Next was a photo of Chad’s house with a vehicle parked in the driveway.

The next was a photo taken from the second story window looking toward a tree were JJ’s remains were found. There was a trailer parked near the tree that was a law enforcement trailer. 

Another photo from the second story showed the view of the property from the other direction. It showed some of the outbuildings such as a chicken coop, a shed and then a larger barn or shed in the background. Just beyond the barn is where Tylee's remains were found. Over to the right was the firepit area and then a law enforcement vehicle.

The next photo showed the view from a kitchen window. It is still pointed to the east of the property, and you can see the large
 barn and beyond the barn was Tylee Ryan’s burial site and the fire pit area. 

Next was an image of the property taken from one of the bedrooms at the house. You can see the outbuildings and the large tree where JJ's remains had been found. Just past the large garage was where Tylee's remains had been found.

Next was a satellite image of the property. Daniels pointed out the fire pit and the area near the tree, where they had telephone pings. He said that law enforcement did not exactly where the pet cemetery was located on the property.

The next satellite image was a close up of the fire pit. The location of Tylee’s grave was noted, along with the spot where her charm was found.

Next was a photo of exactly what the area first looked like on June 9th, 2020. Daniel said that they had been able to assess that that it was the pet cemetery because of the dog statute and the depressions in the ground underneath. 

The next image was of the Pharoh scanner and the grids police made on the property. 

The next photo was of the fire pit when they arrived. Daniels said that the fire pit was processed layer by layer. He said they then had begun by removing limbs and then went through each layer one at a time. He said that a tarp had been put down and wooden sifters had been brought in to sort through the soil.

Next was of the fire pit with soil and rocks removed. 

The next image was of the cinderblocks and more of the soil removed.

The next image is a metal necklace-type chain found in the fire pit. Possible bone fragments, organic material, fabric and other items were found in the fire pit.

The next photo was of the silver charm that had been collected in the fire pit. Daniel said that it was one of the first pieces of evidence they had collected on June 9th. He said that the charm had been found just outside of the grid perimeter. 

The next picture was a closer view of the charm. 

The next photo was of the charm, but this time with a placard. 

The next one was a close-up photo with scale.

Physical evidence was then brought into the courtroom by a deputy wearing gloves. They were first given to Prior for inspection and then taken to Daniels. Daniels was wearing gloves as he opened the first exhibit. He identified it as the Pura Vida necklace chain that had been found at Chad's property on June 9th, 2020. The other exhibit was the charm that had been found by the firepit.

Wood then displayed the chain on the big screen to the jury. The chain said Pura Vida on the end of it. Daniels said that it was in the fire pit and the team had found the chain while sifting through soil. 

Wood then displayed the charm on the screen. Daniels said that it was the charm found just outside of the northeast grid permitter on Chad's property on June 9th, 2020.

Wood shows a photo of Tylee and in the picture, Tylee was wearing the chain with charm. (The picture was really awful quality on the live feed. If i am able to find it somewhere else i will put it here at a later date.)

An image of part of the pet cemetery was shown. Dog and cat remains were found in the general area. Daniel said that they initially processed by hand going layer-by-layer and once those remains were removed, they used a backhoe to go deeper. Tylee’s burial site was just north of the pet cemetery site.

Graphic photos were then shown to the jury, prosecution and defense. 

Daniels described the next photo as being one of two vertebrae found at the scene. Daniels said that around the time, there was a smell of human remains decomposing. He said that they then had stopped using the tractor and processed the area by hand.

The next photo was described as white bricks that had been found by the remains and were considered possible evidence. Daniels said at that point they had already found JJ’s burial site and he had been covered with stones and cement.

Daniels said that in the middle of the next photo was the second vertebrae. He said that the hand tools had been brought in.

Daniel said that in the middle of the next photo was a larger piece of white bone. He said that that area ended up being Tylee's burial site.

Daniels described the next photo as being around that bone where they had started to excavate. It said that it showed charred flesh. He said that shovels, rakes and a variety of other smaller tools were used at that point.

The next photo was described showing pieces of Tylee. Daniel said they were the first pieces that they were able to say that they were human remains. Daniel said that they started to wrap up for the day and the remains went to the coroner.

Daniel said that the next picture was a close-up of that charring pink flesh.

Daniels described the next photo of what the scene looked like on June 10.

The next was an exit photo.

The next photo was on June 10th of the orange stakes that had been set up around Tylee’s burial site. It also showed one of the wooden sifters.

The next photo showed a melted green 5-gallon bucket and at the very bottom was Tylee’s skull. Daniels said that on the soil on the top side, there was a harder substance to it that made it difficult for them excavate. He believed it could have been concrete so a backhoe had been brought in to move it.

Daniels described the next photos as close-ups of the melted green bucket and the skull. He said that they excavated it the best they could, but when the team went into the ground to remove the remains, they fell apart. He said that everything fell to pieces, and they picked them up and put them into a body bag. 

Daniel said that the next photo was the coroner's body bad and the pieces that were put into it. 

The next photo was of the anthropologist and the coroner going through the remains once they were removed.

The next photo was described as being a close up of the bricks that were found at the burial site.

The next photo was of Tylee's burial site where they had the backhoe go in a little deeper just to make sure they hadn't missed anything. He said that when they were done, they back filled everything.

The next photo was of the Pharoh scanner, diagrams and the ERT photographs in a line.

The next photo was described as of the big barn on Daybell property. The next photo described as of the inside of the big barn. Daniels said that he had been interested in what tools could be used to bury someone. The next few photos showed tools lined up in the garage.

An image of shovels and other tools that were taken into evidence were shown to the court. Daniel said that they are the tools most likely used in the burial. 

There was a picture of a pickaxe. 

The next photo was a close-up of the pickaxe with the debris on the blade and other black marks.

The next was a closer up of two of the shovels that had been taken into evidence.

The next were more tools that had been taken into evidence.

The next was and overall photo of the garage.

The next one was an overall photo of some of the tools.

This was a photo of the tools that they actually had collected into evidence.

This was a photo of some of the bricks by the shed that were of the same kind that had been over at Tylee's burial site.

Daniels said that all tools had been packaged on scene and then turned over the Rexburg Police Department. 

Wood admitted some physical evidence. A police officer and deputy brought in the tools. Daniels approached the table wearing gloves. He unwrapped the pick and held it up in front of the jury. He said that the pick was dirty. He then unwrapped the next exhibit which was a shovel. Daniels said that the shovel seemed dirty and was a tool they were interested in from the scene. 

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