Monday, April 22, 2024

Chad Daybell Trial: Rexburg Police Det. Chuck Kunsaitis and FBI Forensic Accountant Michael Douglass Took The Stand.

The 5th day of the murder trial of Chad Daybell began on April 17, 2024.

Rexburg Police Detective Sargant Chuck Kunsaitis was the first witness of the day called by the prosecution. He had been a detective since 2011. Before that he was in a patrol officer and patrol supervisor.

Kunsaitis said that he became aware that on Nov. 27, 2019, Det. Hermosillo conducted search warrants at three townhomes on Pioneer Road: 174, 175 and 107. Kunsaitis said he showed up on scene later that afternoon and walked through apartment 175 to look for evidence. He found a printer in Lori's master bedroom and an invoice for a storage unit at Self Storage Plus.

Kunsaitis said he then went to the storage unit with a warrant. He said that he found a tote, a baseball glove, photo albums and a few other things. 

Kunsaitis said he also wrote a warrant in Dec. 2019 for a post office box in Sugar City. He found bundle of around 100 pieces of unopened mail addressed to Lori Vallow, Charles Vallow and Alex Cox. He said among the mail there were cell phone bills, bank statements and letters from IRS in the post office box. He said that some abandoned mail from apt. 107 was also turned into the police department. Kunsaitis said that he served warrants and subpoenas to banks and cell phone companies. He then stated that in a missing person case, a lot of information can be learned by looking at bank statements and financial accounts.

Wood then displayed an exhibit which were a list of financial accounts associated to Lori and Tylee, that Kunsaitis had put together.

The first account on the list was from 
  • JP Chase- Lori and Charles 
  • Another JP Chase- Lori and Tylee. 
  • Business account- Lori and Charles
  • BBA Compass account- Lori 
  • Another BBVA Compass account- Tylee and Lori.  
  • Barclays Hawaiian credit card- Lori and Charles
  • Barclays credit card- Lori and Alex
  • First Hawaiian Bank account and a Chase Southwest card- Lori.
  • Another business account- Charles. 
  • $2 million life insurance policy- Lori.

Wood admitted another exhibit. The first page was an electronic signature card document for the JP Morgan Chase account. This was an everyday account Charles and Lori used this account in Arizona, and it interacted with Tylee’s joint account when they sent money between accounts.

The history of deposits, transfers and debits on the Chase account belonging to Lori and Charles were then shown

The next document was the signature card on the JP Morgan Chase application that belonged to Lori and Tylee.

The next document showed samplings of Tylee’s activity on the bank account from January of 2019- October of 2019. She used it regularly. The death benefits she got following her father, Joseph Ryan, who died on April 3rd, 2018, went into this account. The document showed she was very active on this account. She was spending money at stores, fast food, gas stations on an almost daily basis. Kunsaitis said that Tylee traditionally spent money at brick-and-mortar stores, and that money started to slow down as she moved to Idaho. Lori contacted the Social Security to change deposits from Tylee’s account to her own on August 16, 2019, before Tylee’s death.

The next document was a partial monthly statement with a dates Aug. 23, 2019 – Sept. 3, 2019, from Tylee Ryan’s account. Through August, she was actively out spending money. Her card was last used in person at a McDonald’s in St. George on September 1, 2019, while the family was moving to Idaho. Tylee's last proof of life was September 4th.

Kunsaitis testified that in the middle of August, Lori contacted Social Security and stopped having the monthly stipends deposited into Tylee’s account and had them switched to Lori’s personal account. There were no more funds going into Tylee’s account. 

The next exhibit showed a statement with Tylee’s ending balance zero.

The next exhibit was a document that showed Lori’s online bank activity on Tylee’s account. Tylee and Lori each had their own individual PINs. If them made changes to the account, it would indicate who was doing the changes based on their PIN login. Lori used Tylee’s identifying number to access and empty Tylee’s personal bank account on September 20, 2019, shortly after the last proof of Tylee’s life.

The next exhibit was a checking summary that showed a zero balance on Tylee’s JP Morgan Chase account for anything after Sept. 20. 

The next exhibit was a signature card application page for JP Chase for Charles and Lori Vallow.

Wood admitted more financial documents. Kunsaitis talked about Lori’s BBVA account. A sample portion of monthly statements were displayed. Tylee’s benefits were deposited on Aug. 28, 2019. Kunsaitis testified that the police believed Tylee was killed ten days later.

Two deposits were made into Lori’s account on Sept. 18, 2019 – one for JJ’s benefits and one for Lori’s benefits. Wood asked Kunsaitis if the deposit date was significant to Kunsaitis. He got emotional and with great effort said, “JJ was killed a few days later.”

Wood then admitted A chart that depicted Tylee’s Social Security benefits deposit history. Deposits went into Tylee’s account but then the deposits started going into Lori’s account after Tylee’s death. After the account change happened, $7,465 of Tylee’s benefits went into Lori’s account.

The next exhibit was a chart that showed JJ’s Social Security benefits were deposited into Lori’s account. Total amount after JJ’s last proof of life was $7,835.

The next exhibit was a summary that showed Tylee and Lori’s BBVA account. It was opened Aug. 19, 2019. 

The next exhibit was a translation history of Tylee’s BBVA account. Kunsaitis said that Tylee was not receiving any deposits from Social Security. All the deposits were from her mom. The transactions show the bank card was used only used three times and it was along the move from Arizona to Utah.

All other transactions in connection to this account were done online, Kunsaitis says. The next page shows transaction history on Tylee’s account from Aug. 2019 through Jan. 2020. Kunsaitis says this activity is completely opposite of what Tylee was using on her JP Chase account. Everything was done online with the exception of Sept. 17 at Costa Vida and another purchase on Oct. 7. Both dates were after Tylee was murdered.

Kunsaitis said the money went into Tylee’s account from Lori’s account and then immediately Venmoed out to Colby Ryan. 

The next exhibit was a copy of the receipt at Costa Vida in Rexburg in Sept. 2019. Another page showed a purchase at Costa Vida in Ammon on Oct. 7, 2019.

The next exhibit was a Barclay’s credit card applications for Lori and Charles from 2015 and 2016. 

The next exhibit showed transaction activity on the credit card belonging to Lori and Charles. On June 12, 2019, there was a payment to Valley of the Sun mortuary on the credit card, which was the day after Charles was shot and killed. On July 20th, 2019, there was another transaction for an Allegiant airline round trip ticket for Chad Daybell from Provo, Utah to Mesa, Arizona. The airline ticket purchase was made during the time Tammy Daybell was alive.

The next document was Alex Cox’s monthly credit card statement. Alex and Lori shared the account. At the bottom of the page, there was an airfare purchase for Lori between Mesa/Phoenix and Idaho Falls on Feb. 25, 2019. Idaho Falls airport was the closest airport to Chad’s home.

Next were purchases Lori made on the credit card showing she bought airfare for Tylee Ryan and Tylee’s Breanna friends from Phoenix to Lihue on Kauai. Lori also bought a plane ticket for Chad Daybell to go from Idaho Falls to Phoenix in March 2019. Charles was still alive at the time of these purchases.

The next was Alex Cox’s application for a Barclay’s credit card. 

Wood then admitted two business record affidavits. 

The next exhibit showed the business agreement with Chrysler concerning the Jeep. 

The following exhibit was the rental agreement Lori signed for the Pioneer Road apartment. Kunsaitis pointed out that on the application, the reason Lori stated for leaving her previous home was that she was "Bringing children to attend BYUI." Lori also claimed that Tylee graduated at 16 and was too young to live alone. Lori listed her income as Social Security. Which she listed as over $5,000.

The next exhibit shown was a financial account attribution list related to Alex. Kunsaisits said his everyday account was at Desert Financial Credit Union and had a “decent” account balance. He said that Alex was very wise in his spending. Alex also had a Mercury Mastercard and two Capital One credit cards. He opened up an account at Mountain America Credit Union when he moved to Rexburg.

The next exhibit was a consumer loan application for a 2017 Ford F150 pickup truck in the name of Alex Cox.

Kunsaitis says Alex was responsible on his main bank account and made payments to his credit card from this account. He said Alex quit his job when he moved to Idaho. He said that his job in Arizona was at Heritage environmental where he received 2-3 paychecks a month. Just before he quit his job, he got a loan for $21,000 on Aug. 8. He had no regular income after the move to Idaho.

Alex began purchasing firearms in Aug. 2019. Kunsaitis testified that Alex had not bought firearms before. Wood asks Kunsaitis also said that Alex listed "Medical reasons" in his application for getting the $21,000 loan. Kunsaitis said he never found any medical documents regarding Alex’s health during this time.

The court took a break. Once back Wood showed a timeline of Alex Cox’s financial details from Feb. 7, 2019 – Dec. 12, 2019 – the day Alex died.
  • February through August- Alex had a steady income. 
  • Aug. 9- He applied for the loan, and it was deposited into the account.
  • Aug. 10-Oct. 24- Alex made 46 transactions for gun-related purchases. 
  • Nov. 13- Alex opened Mountain America Credit Union account in Rexburg and died less than a month later.
Next was a list of Chad Daybell’s bank accounts and the transaction history on a few of those accounts.

The next exhibit was a bank account application for Chad Daybell at First Hawaiian Bank followed by a credit card application for him at Citibank.

The next exhibit was a Wells Fargo Visa card application for Chad.

The next one was Capital One monthly statements for Chad and Tammy.

The next exhibit was a Hawaii Dreams Realty document from Julie Black. The email to Julie Black was sent from on Nov. 8, 2019. Which was three days after Chad and Lori were married. “We are interested in seeing this property. Would the owners be interested in leasing this property to a clean couple with no pets or children.”

Kunsaitis said at the time Chad sent the email, the kids were missing.

Next was a CableOne document that Lori signed up for service on Sept. 3, 2019, for service in apt. 107 but she was living in apt. 175.

Kunsaitis said that later in his investigation he discovered Lori was in possession of Tylee’s cell phone and Venmo transfers were being made through Tylee’s account. 

The next document showed a CableOne document for Alex Cox for the other apartment. Kunsaitis said Alex and Lori switched apartments.

The next document was a letter from Windstream in Missouri. Kunsaitis said Lori transferred money into Tylee’s account through Windstream and then immediately sent via Venmo to other places. Windstream Services provides/tracks IP accounts and said the Venmo transfer was done on Oct. 10, 2019.

The next exhibit was a Residence Inn bill in Kansas City, Missouri. The IP of the Venmo account was tracked to this hotel. The room was registered to Melani Boudreaux. Lori traveled to Kansas City with Melani. Lori was in Missouri using Tylee’s phone without Tylee. Kunsaitis said that according to flight records, Lori and Melani flew from Phoenix to Missouri. He said that only two people were listed for that room which Melani paid for.

Kunsaitis testified that he did a pharmaceutical record search. He said that when doing missing person cases, they will reach out to the state pharmaceutical board to see if any prescriptions were filled and that can give them a clue to where a person is.

Kunsaitis said that they searched prescription records for JJ, Tylee, Melani Boudreaux Lori. They searched in Arizona, Montana, Hawaii and Idaho. 

Wood asked Kunasitis why Montana. Kunsaitis said early in the investigation they received a tip that JJ and Tylee might be held in a compound in Montana. He also added that the reason why they searched for Melani is because she had lived next door to Lori.

Kunsaitis found prescription records for JJ in Hawaii but not in the timeframe they were looking for and nothing for Tylee in Hawaii. Kunsaitis said Tylee once traveled in 2019 by Tylee Vallow one way but returned Tylee Ryan. Kunsaitis said he learned Arizona only kept track of narcotics and opioids.

Kunsaitis then read an email Lori sent to her tax accountant that was dated September 9th, 2019, at 5:03pm.

"Hi Mike, this is Lori Vallow. I'm not sure if you've heard, but Charles passed away in July. It's been a pretty stressful couple of months. I saw online that our tax return got sent out, but it went to an old address. I moved with the kids and forwarded the mail, but I'm not sure they will forward the tax return check. Is there some way to contact them and cancel that check and do a direct deposit? Or how would that work? Let me know when you can. Thanks, Lori."

The accountant wrote back that he was sorry to hear about Charles. The email was dated Sept. 9, 2019. Kunsaitis reminded the court that Tylee’s last known proof of life was Sept. 8th into the 9, so Tylee was no longer alive at the time of the email.

Wood then admitted Flight records from American Airlines. Kunsaitis testified that there was flight information for Tylee and Lori. Tylee flew round trips Hawaii in February and March of 2019. There were no records for JJ. Lori flew multiple times and so did Chad. He said that that was around the time Tammy was killed. Tammy was killed on October 19th. Kunsaitis said that one of the times Chad and Lori flew was to Hawaii on November 3rd. 

Next exhibit showed Southwest Airlines reservation records. Lori and Charles traveled in 2019. JJ had six trips between Phoenix and Houston prior to them moving to Idaho. There were no flights for Tylee.

A United Airlines flight record for Chad was displayed which Lori had paid for through her BBA account.

Wood admitted a huge stack of papers which the bailiff handed Prior. Prior jokingly said, “I’ll just do some light reading, judge.” 

A timeline of travel for Chad and Lori were displayed. Kunsaitis said that Chad and Lori met on October 26th, 2018, and that the timeline started in January of 2019.
  • January 6th-10th- Chad traveled round trip from Idaho Falls to Phoenix which was booked in December of 2018 by Chad.
  • March- Lori booked a round trip flight from Phoenix, Mesa, to Idaho Falls, but cancelled it on the 26th. She ended up booking a flight to Hawaii instead.
  • March 19-21- Chad flew roundtrip from Idaho Falls to Phoenix, Mesa, which was book on the March 13th2019 by Lori.
  • April- Lori flew from Phoenix, Messa to Idaho Falls which she booked on the 29th. Then she went from Idaho Falls to Phoenix which she had booked on the 3rd.
  • April 26th- Chad flew round trip from Idaho Falls to Houston, Texas with a stop in Denver which was booked by Lori and paid for by her BBA account. Chad used his Spring Creek credit card to pay for extra baggage.
  • May- Lori flew one way from Phoenix, Mesa to Provo, Utah which she booked.
Kunsaitis pointed out that Charles was killed on July 11th. He also wanted the court to noticed that after he was killed, she traveled by the name Lori Ryan. He also said that in August they were moving up to Idaho.
  • Late August- Lori and Melani B. flew round trip from Phoenix, Mesa to Idaho Falls which she booked. 
The rental lease for the apartments was then displayed.

Kunsaitis reminded the court that the last known sighting of Tylee was on September 8th and the last known sighting of JJ was on the 29th.
  • October 8th-13- Lori flew round trip from Idaho Falls to Phoenix. Mesa. 
Kunsaitis said that this was the trip to Missouri when Lori used the Venmo at the Missouri hotel. He reminded the court that this was the day before Tammy was shot at.
  • October 17th- Lori flew from Las Vegas to Hawaii. She was supposed to return on the 21st. She flew back on the 24th from Phoenix to Idaho Falls after flying back from Hawaii.
Kunsaitis reminded the court that this was just two days before Tammy died. He said that on October 23rd, Tammy had her funeral in Rexburg.
  • Early November- Chad and Lori flew roundtrip from Salt Lake City to Kauai, which Chad booked flight five days after Tammy’s funeral service. Chad and Lori were married in Hawaii on December 5th.
  • November- Lori and Chad flew from Hawaii to Phoenix in and then to Idaho Falls.
  • November 28th- Chad flew his kids and spouses to California. No record of Tylee or JJ on this trip. 
  • December 2019- Chad and Lori flew from LAX to Hawaii.
Kunsaitis reminded the court that JJ and Tylee were found on June 9th. 2020.

The court then took lunch. Once back in session judge Boyce said that there would be a brief motion hearing outside the presence of the jury. 

Prior said he needs guidance from the court about questioning Kunsaitis about firearms. He said the 2007 felony case involving Alex and Joseph might come into play as he cross examines Kunsaitis. Boyce then ruled that incident could not come into play during the trial. Wood argued the 2007 event shouldn’t be brought into this trial. Prior wanted to bring up whether Alex legally or illegally bought the weapons. Boyce ruled that if the matter were to come up and Prior wants to inquire, he could ask a general if the witness was aware Alex had a firearms felony, but not get specific. 

The jurors were brought back in. Wood had no further questions, so it was Prior's turn to question Kunsaitis.

Prior asked Kunsaitis if Lori and Alex had a very close relationship. Kunsaitis answered yes.

Prior then had Kunsaitis confirm that Lori and Chad met in 2018. He said that then there was a flight to Mesa, Arizona on January 6th, 2019. Kunsaitis said that was correct. Prior then asked if that was a business trip for Chad. Kunsaitis said he didn't. Prior then asked him if he knew if Chad had appeared at a Podcast on that day. Kunsaitis said that he had no information of that. Prior then asked if Chad may have been on a business trip on March 19, 2019. Kunsaitis said that he was unaware. Prior then asked if he was aware of Chad’s occupation. Kunsaitis said that Chad he owned a publishing company, wrote some books, spoke at events and recorded podcasts. Prior said that Chad often traveled for work. Kunsaitis agreed. Prior then asked what Chad traveling twice had to do with Charles Vallow’s death. Kunsaitis said it had nothing to do with his death.

Prior then asked Kunsaitis how many flights Lori paid for Chad. Kunsaitis said there were two, January and March of 2019. Prior stated that that had nothing to do with the death of Charles Vallow.

Prior then asked if Kunsaitis knew the facts surrounding Charles' death. Kunsaitis not all but he knew Chad was not implicated in his death. Prior claimed that by putting the death on the timeline, it seemed that Kunsaitis was implicating Chad in connection to the death. Kunsaitis said no.

Prior admitted exhibits that showed Alex searched the internet for firearms. He then asked Kunsaitis if he was aware that Alex looked at firearms on other occasions. Kunsaitis said no. He asked Kunsaitis if he was aware that Alex had a felony conviction prohibiting him from purchasing firearms. Kunsaitis said that there was an arrest, but it did not prohibit him from purchasing firearms.

Prior asked Kunsaitis about the timeframe he searched for information on Alex looking up firearms. Kunsaitis replied that it was during the time JJ and Tylee were missing. Prior asked if he was aware about the paintball gun incident with Tammy Daybell. Kunsaitis said he was.

Prior asked Kunsaitis if Chad and Lori ever had a joint bank account. He said he didn't believe they did. Prior stated that they never co-mingled their money, but Alex and Lori did. Kunsaitis said that on one account they did.

Prior asked who were the people who went to Costa Vida after Tylee's proof of life and used her BBA account. Kunsaitis said he attempted to. He said that he met with managers of both stores and obtained receipts. He tried to get video from the stores, but too much time had passed, he said that did know that Tylee's phone was in range of the cell phone towers in the area. He said that when Chad and Lori were detained in Hawaii, they had Tylee's phone.

Prior asked Kunsaiti if he looked at the CPS of Alex's phone on both of those days to see if he went to Costa Vida. He answered he did not and that Tylee’s card was used and Tylee’s phone was in the area of the restaurant and that was all he could testify to. 

Kunsaitis said there was no information to suggest Chad took any of the Social Security funds from JJ or Tylee. Kunsaitis said that was correct. Prior said that Lori was the only person who took the money, and it was not a reflection on Chad. Kunsaitis said that was correct.

Prior had no further questions. 

Wood had some follow up questions. He asked Kunsaitis if he was responsible for GPS data. He replied no. Wood then asked if during his review of finances, was aware of Lori and Chad being in a business together. Kunsaitis said no. Wood then asked if they were they in a relationship togethe. Kunsaitis answered Yes. Wood asks if Lori was married to Chad when she received some of the Social Security funds. Kunsaitis said yes. Wood had no further questions. 

The next witness called to the stand was FBI Forensic Accountant Michael Douglass. He had worked for the FBI for 7 years. Before that he worked as a tax and fraud auditor for the State Tax Commission for 4 years.

Wood asked Douglass what a Forensic Accountant did. He testified that they reviewed electronic and financial data, create financial analysis, provide to the information with the investigative team, discuss the information with prosecutors, hold interviews with subjects and witnesses and testify to their findings.

Wood asked Douglass if in the terms of his investigation if he looks at the finances in whole to see if they affect other events. He answered yes.

Wood then asked Douglass how he became involved in Chad's case. Douglass said that his office was involved in the case for quite a while before he was brought in to look through the luminous amounts of financial records. He testified that built a spreadsheet that included around 80 account records. 

Wood admitted a timeline Douglass made regarding Tylee’s bank account records including her JP Morgan Chase account she had with her mother and her BBVA and the transactions that took place monthly. He said that the JP Morgan Chase account had deposits from the money that Tylee had been receiving from her dad Joe Ryan's death. Douglass said that then Lori and Tylee set up the BBVA account. He said that the withdraws began in August 2019 and ended in March of 2020.

Wood admitted a timeline that showed the monthly number of transactions on Tylee’s accounts. 

Douglass said that Tylee was very responsible with her money and that she never had a negative balance in her account. 

Douglass testified that there was a lot of activity and then it dropped down to very little from August of 2019 to September of 2019. He said that Tylee the JP Morgan account and Lori had multiple accounts. He said that Tylee had made her payments on time and had no reason for change in financial status. He said that Tylee's Social Security payments were transferred from her JP Morgan account to Lori's BBVA. 

Douglass said that Tylee had a job working for her uncle Dr. Jeff Schifflet JNS investments.

The sound wasn't working on the for a few minutes of the stream. When the sound cut back in Douglas had said something about someone cosigning for Tylee for the Jeep and that Tylee started to make the payments June 3rd of 2019. I am assuming it was Charles that cosigned. Douglas then reminded the court that Charles was killed July 11th.

Douglass said that through information from Lori's iCloud account, Social Security and bank records he learned that- 
  • July 18th- Lori had sent Chad a text that she would not be receiving life insurance money regarding Charles, but she would receive $4,000 a month in Social Security.
  • July 24, 2019- the last deposit of Tylee's SS money into her JP Morgan Chase account.
  • August 12, 2019- Lori had a life insurance policy for $2million dollars that she changed the beneficiary solely to her son Colby. 
A recess was taken. When court readjourned Douglass went on with Tylee's financial timeline.
  • August 14th- Lori applied for her Rexburg apartment and put on the application that she was receiving $5,740 in Social Security due to a dead husband.
  • August 16th- Tylee's Social Security payments were changed to be deposited in Lori's BBVA.
  • August 19th- Lori and Tylee opened Tylee's BBVA account.
  • August 28th- Tylee's Social Security payments being to deposit into Lori's account.
  • September 1st- The move of Lori, JJ and Tylee.
  • September 8th- Tylee received a text message from Colby wanting money via Venmo. Tylee responded back that she couldn't because her mom had her money now. Also on that day, Chad had Googled the wind direction, and that day was also Tylee's last proof of life.
  • September 9th- Lori emailed her accountant asking about a tax refund she had not received. 
  • September 10th- Tylee's account was added as a funding source to Venmo.
  • September 20th- Tylee’s JP Morgan Chase account was completely closed, and the remaining amount was withdrawn. 
  • September 22nd- Last known sighting of JJ. Texts associated between Tylee’s phone and Lori and Colby about sending money to Colby.
  • October 9th- Attempted shooting of Tammy.
  • October 10th- Provided the IP data regarding a transfer of funds. Money was sent to Colby via Venmo from Kansas City, Missouri.
  • October 19th- Tammy died.
  • November 5th- Chad and Lori's wedding
  • June 9th- JJ and Tylee's bodies were discovered.
Wood then admitted a timeline showing JJ's financial history. Douglass said again that through information from Lori's iCloud account, Social Security and bank records he learned that- 
  • July 11th, 2019- JJ's father, Charles, was killed.
  • July 18th- Lori had sent Chad a text that she would not be receiving life insurance money regarding Charles, but she would receive $4,000 a month in Social Security.
  • October 9th- Lori listed JJ's service dog for sale on Animal Direct.
  • August 12, 2019- Lori had a life insurance policy for $2million dollars that she changed the beneficiary solely to her son Colby. 
  • August 14th- Lori applied for her Rexburg apartment and put on the application that she was receiving $5,740 in Social Security due to a dead husband.
  • September 1st- The move of Lori, JJ and Tylee.
  • September 8th- Last known sighting of Tylee.
  • September 18th- JJ's Social Security payments started being deposited into Lori's account.
  • September 22nd- Last known sighting of JJ. 
  • October 9th- The attempted shooting of Tammy.
  • October 19th- Tammy's death.
  • November 5th- Chad and Lori's wedding.
  • June 9th, 2020- Tylee and JJ's remains were found.
Wood admitted an exhibit that showed the Social Security payment table of money going into Lori’s BBVA account. Grand total of $22,545 went into the account after the deaths of the children.
  • October 9th- The first SS payment that Lori received after Tylee was murdered.
  • October 16th- The first payment that Lori received after JJ was murdered.
Wood admitted a document Douglass had prepared called “The Grand Theft Financial Timeline.” 
  • April 3rd, 2018- Joe Ryan died.
  • June 14th, 2018- Social Security began being deposited into Tylee's JP Morgan account.
  • October 23rd of 2018- Lori opened her BBVA account.
  • October 26th of 2018- Life insurance benefits were paid to Lori. Also, Lori and Chad first met.
  • July 11th, 2019- Charles was killed.
  • July 12th- Lori's bank of Hawaii card was used to pay Valley of the Sun mortuary. It was also the same day that Chad called the same mortuary.
  • July 18th- Lori had sent Chad a text that she would not be receiving life insurance money regarding Charles, but she would receive $4,000 a month in Social Security.
  • July 24, 2019- the last deposit of Tylee's SS money into her JP Morgan Chase account.
  • August 12, 2019- Lori had a life insurance policy for $2million dollars that she changed the beneficiary solely to her son Colby. 
  • August 14th- Lori applied for her Rexburg apartment and put on the application that she was receiving $5,740 in Social Security due to a dead husband.
  • August 16th- Tylee's Social Security payments were changed to be deposited in Lori's BBVA.
  • August 19th- Lori and Tylee opened Tylee's BBVA account.
  • August 28th- Tylee's Social Security payments being to deposit into Lori's account.
  • September 1st- The move of LoriJJ and Tylee.
  • September 8th- Tylee received a text message from Colby wanting money via Venmo. Tylee responded back that she couldn't because her mom had her money now. Also on that day, Chad had Googled the wind direction, and that day was also Tylee's last proof of life.
  • September 9th- Lori emailed her accountant asking about a tax refund she had not received. 
  • September 10th- Tylee's account was added as a funding source to Venmo.
  • September 18th- JJ's Social Security payments started being deposited into Lori's account.
  • September 22nd- Last known sighting of JJ. Texts associated between Tylee’s phone and Lori and Colby about sending money to Colby.
  • October 9th- The attempted shooting of Tammy.
  • October 10th- Provided the IP data regarding a transfer of funds. Money was sent to Colby via Venmo from Kansas City, Missouri.
  • October 19th- Tammy's death.
  • November 5th- Chad and Lori's wedding.
  • November 11th- Email to a rental company named Kuai Dreams where Chad said he and Lori were a clean couple with no kids and no pets.
  • December 20th- Rexburg announced their investigation.
  • January 3rd of 2020- The first search on Chad's property.
  • June 9th, 2020- Tylee and JJ's remains were found during the second search on Chad's property.
Next exhibit was a timeline that focused on Chad and Tammy Daybell’s financial history. It also included information regarding Lori and life insurance and travel information.
  • October 3rd, 2018- Chad purchased a pre-paid phone.
  • October 26th- Chad and Lori met.
  • February 23rd, 2019- Alex's Barclay card was used to purchase a flight for Lori to Idaho Falls.
  • March 14th- Lori's Barclay card was used purchase a flight for Chad to Arizona.
  • April 22nd- Lori paid for Chad's flight to Houston using her BBVA account.
  • May 31st- Chad bought another pre-paid phone.
  • June 17th- Another pre-paid phone purchased by Chad.
  • July 11th- Charles death.
  • July 12th- Lori's bank of Hawaii card was used to pay Valley of the Sun mortuary. It was also the same day that Chad called the same mortuary.
  • July 18th- Lori had sent Chad a text that she would not be receiving life insurance money regarding Charles, but she would receive $4,000 a month in Social Security.
  • July 20th- Lori used her Bank of Hawaii card to purchase a flight for Chad to Arizona.
  • August 2nd- Lori's Barclay card for Chad to Arizona again.
  • August 10th- Lori's Barclay card was used to purchase her flight to Idaho Falls.
  • September 1st- The move of LoriJJ and Tylee.
  • September 8th- Tammy's life insurance was increased. Also, the last know sighting of Tylee.
  • September 18th- Chad purchased another pre-paid cellphone.
  • September 22nd- JJ's last know sighting.
  • October 8th- Chad initiated a refinance with Wells Fargo.
  • October 9th- The attempted shooting of Tammy.
  • October 19th- Tammy died.
  • October 24th- Chad filed with the life insurance company and cancelled the refinance.
  • October 30th- Chad filed his life insurance claim.
  • November 1st- Chad received his final check and resigned from LDS Avow. 
Douglass said that Chad would write a column for LDS Avow and would get a percentage of the fees he acquired on those who would read his column.
  • November 5th- The wedding of Chad and Lori.
  • November 18th- Chad purchased a Sim card and a Total Wireless phone card.
  • November 29th- The trip to Knotts Berry Farms Chad took his kids and their spouses and Lori on.
  • December 20th- Rexburg announced the investigation. Chad also transferred $1,000 each to three of his older children.
  • January 3rd of 2020- The first search of Chad's property. There were also two transfers to Chad's middle son Seth of $1,500.
  • March 6th- Lori was extradited from Hawaii to Idaho.
  • March 8th- Chad sold his Dodge Dakota and his Chevy Equinox to his two daughters for $200 each. 
  • June 9th, 2020- Chad transferred $8,000 each to his older children that morning. Also, Tylee and JJ's remains were found during the second search on Chad's property. 
Douglass said that on June 9th, Chad transferred $10,000 from his Spring Creek book account to his personal account which made the balance $20,000. That same date he moved $8,000 to Seth’s account. He also sent $8,000 to Joseph and Emma Murray to his son Garth from a savings account. He said that the transfers were made around 9:50 a.m. that morning. Police were on the property searching for the kids.

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