Thursday, April 25, 2024

Chad Daybell Trial- Melanie Gibb Finished Her Testimony and Retired FBI Agent Doug Hart Took The Stand.

Lori Daybell's former friend, Melanie Gibb, continued to be cross-examined by defense attorney John Prior. 

Prior asked Gibb if she provided a hair sample to law enforcement. She said she did not. He asked if she ever was required or turned over her phone to police. She said no. He asked if she ever was asked or turned over emails or social media accounts to law enforcement. She said no. Gibb confirmed that she did provide a DNA sample to police in 2021.

Prior asked Gibb if she was familiar with the group Seven Gatherers. She said she was not. Prior asked Gibb if Chad and Lori ever talked about a plan of spending their lives together. Gibb said yes, within a month or two of them meeting, they started talking about being head of the 144,000.

Gibb testified that she was present a few times when Chad openly discussed his premonitions about Tammy not living long and that he said this before he met Lori. Prior refers to a text message Gibb sent Rob Wood that said Chad told people his wife was going to die young.

Gibb confirmed that Chad never told her he intended to do harm to Tammy, JJ or Tylee.

Prior said that he wanted to talk to Gibb about the call she received from Chad about him not wanting her to call the police. Prior than asked Gibb to confirm that in 2019 she was at Lori's home in September from the 19th to the 23rd. She agreed. Prior asked her if that was the last time she saw JJ. Gibb said correct. Prior asked her if she subsequently learned that JJ was murdered around that time. She said yes.

Prior asked Gibb if Chad called around Thanksgiving of 2019 and told her not to talk to the police. Gibb said yes.

Prior then asked Gibb if Lori called her before the Nov. 23, 2019, warning her that Chad was going to call. Gibb said no that Chad called on the 23rd and said Lori was going to get a hold of her. Prior asked her that on Nov. 25, 2019, Chad Daybell contacted her and specifically asked her where JJ was. Gibb said no.

Prior asked Gibbs if Lori called her after she talked to Chad. Gibb said yes that Lori told her the police had come asking for JJ and that she told them that Gibb had JJ and that she needed to go to the movie "Frozen" and take pictures.

Prior told Gibb that she was denying the fact Chad called her seeking out information on JJ. Gibb says yes.

Prior asked about the police calling Gibb and inquiring about JJ. Gibb told them she had him, even though she didn’t. Prior said after that point, she decided to tell police she didn’t have JJ because she was having an emotional issue how to deal with it. Gibb said correct. She said it took a couple of weeks to go to the police and tell them the truth.

Prior asked if Gibb went and recorded the conversation with Lori with talking with police. She said correct. Prior asked her if the recording took place on December 8th. Gibb said yes. Prior asked Gibb if she recalled having a call with Ray Hermosillo. She said yes. Prior told Gibb he thought she didn't talk to police before making the call. Gibb said she spoke with police but wasn't sure of the date. Prior said that she made two calls to Rexburg Police Det. Ray Hermosillo on Dec. 6 and 7. Gibb said she couldn't recall the dates.

Prior said during the call, the majority of the conversation was between Gibb and Lori. Gibb said yes. Prior said that the only time Chad got on the phone call was to talk about his premonition about Tammy. Gibb agreed Chad was not a significant portion of the call.

Prior said that during the phone call Lori made a comment "You more than anyone else knows the truth." Gibb said yes. Prior asked if that was a way to hide that fact that Gibb and Lori knew what happened to JJ. Gibb said no. Prior then asked Gibb if Lori was being vague on the phone call because Chad was there, and Lori didn’t want Chad to know that she was going to talk about the murder of JJ Vallow. Gibb said she didn't what her agenda was.

Prior asked about Chad, Lori and Gibb using different names. He said that the names James and Elena had come up. Gibb said yes. Prior asked Gibb if she was aware that those names were from a book Chad was writing about his relationship with Lori. Gibb said yes.

Prior said Gibb's nickname was Phoebe. Gibb said she occasionally went by that name.

Prior showed an email sent from Gibb to Lori where she said she would teach people about dark portals. There was some confusion over who sent the email to whom. The email was from July 25, 2019. Prior said Gibb was getting ready to go teach at a mountain retreat. Gibb said she did remember anything like that. Gibb said that the text was from Lori to Gibb. Prior said the message was from her to Lori. Gibb said that she never taught in any camp about dark portals.

Prior asked Gibb if she had discussions with people about light and dark. She said she did but only to the inner circle and she didn’t go around teaching. Prior showed Gibb a message where she apparently spoke about a man named Mike James and a woman named Nancy being super dark. Gibb didn't recall the message and didn't recall talking to people outside of the inner circle about light and dark.

Prior asked about castings. Gibb agreed that she had never had anything to do with castings until she met Lori. She also agreed that physical violence as never part of casting. Prior asked if death was ever in the equation for castings. Gibb said that eventually they said that the person would pass on if the evil spirit left. Prior asked if that teaching was consistent with the LDS faith. Gibb said no.

Prior asked Gibb if Lori had paid for her flight Hawaii in 2019 when she visited Lori. Gibb said she didn't think so, but she couldn't recall. Gibb confirmed that Tylee was not there at that time. Prior asked if there were occasions Lori paid for people’s flights. Gibb said she didn't know.

Prior asked Gibb if she ever had asked Lori if she had paid for Chad's flight to speak in Arizona. Gibb said that didn't sound familiar.

Prior asked Gibb if she arrived in Rexburg on the 19th of September 2019. She said yes and confirmed that Lori picked her up at the airport. He asked if Alex was there. She said not in the car. 

Prior said that Gibb told law enforcement in a previous interview that she went with Lori to a restaurant right after she arrived in Idaho Falls. Gibb said that was right. Prior said that the restaurant's name was Johnny Carino’s. Gibb said that she just remembered going to an Italian restaurant. Prior asked Gibb if she recalled that Lori had hired a babysitter that day.  She said that she thought so. Gibb testified that she believed that Alex met them at the restaurant.  

Prior asked Gibb if she recalled her going with Lori after the restaurant to Walmart. Gibb said she couldn't recall.

Gibb didn't recall seeing Chad that day, she said just remembered she was with Lori. 

Prior asks Gibb if she remembered going to Gravity Factory, a jump house, on Friday. Gibb said she wasn't sure if it was Friday or not. She also said she wasn't sure of the time, only that it was light outside. Gibb said that they went to the jump house for JJ. Gibb said that they were there around two hours. She said that Alex came and went from the jump house. Then they went out for pizza. Prior said Gibb had to go back to Lori’s townhouse to get ready to pick up David. Gibb said that wasn't correct, David drove in. Gibb testified that that night Alex, Lori, Gibb, David, JJ and Chad were hanging out at Lori’s house. Alex played Guitar Hero.

Gibb confirmed that she went to a Firm Foundation conference. Prior asked if she remembered texting Wood that she was at the Firm Foundation for about ten hours taking pictures. Gibb said she couldn't recall, but it was possible. Gibb didn't recall seeing Chad that night.

Prior asked Gibb if she and David slept in on Sunday. Gibb says no, she doesn’t sleep in. Gibb testified that Lori colored and cut her hair, which took a few hours. Prior asked if they went out for lunch. Gibb said she didn't remember the lunch arrangements. Gibb said they then went to see a field and may have been with David. She said that they then went to meet up with Chad to see a piece of property.

After they saw the parcels of lands, Gibb said she went back to Lori’s townhouse. She said they recorded their podcast that night, and Chad was not there. She said they finished recording around midnight.

Gibb said that she left with David on Monday around 9:30 a.m. to drive to Pocatello to visit David’s son. Prior had no further questions. 

Blake conducted the redirect. She asked Gibb if Chad ever indicated that he had visions. Gibb said yes, he shared them publicly. 

Blake asked Gibb how did Chad and Lori use the term "Vibrations". Gibb said Chad and Lori used the term in a way to express their knowledge about translation. Gibb said they said that he higher the vibration number, the closer the body would be to a translated state and that when you are translated, your body is changed in a way, so you don’t have to eat or drink, and you are stronger and more powerful.

Blake asked if it would be fair to say that some people may have a glow about them. Gibb said yes. Blake asked if that was different than the light and dark Chad and Lori taught. Gibb said that she thought so.

Blake asked Gibb about her communication with prosecutors and if any of that communication altered her version of events. Gibb said no. Blake asked Gibb if she ever observed Chad and Lori on the phone together. Gibb said yes when she was with Lori, she was able to overhear some of the conversations. Gibb said that Lori would tell her some of the things that Chad told her.

Blake asked Gibb who labeled people dark or zombie. Gibb said Chad. Blake asked that once someone was labeled dark or zombies, what would happen to their bodies. Gibb said if the casting was successful, the body would naturally die. Gibb said JJ, Tammy, Charles and Tylee were all labeled dark or zombie.

Blake asked about the phone call and the part where Chad told Gibb she could be in danger. Blake asked Gibb if law enforcement asked her to record the call. She said no. Blake asked Gibb if Chad ever jumped in to correct Lori on the call. Gibb didn't recall that. Gibb confirmed that Lori told her that JJ was ok.

Blake followed up by asking about the call Gibb received from Chad around Thanksgiving. Gibb confirmed that he had asked her not to pick up the phone when the police called. Gibb said she asked Chad if JJ was with Kay. Chad had told her no. Gibb testified that she didn’t know JJ had been reported missing when Chad told her not to talk to the police. Blake had no further questions. 

Prior had some follow- questions. He asked Gibb about castings and if the purpose was to rid the body of evil spirits. She said yes. Prior had nothing further.

The court took a morning recess, but before they did Boyce said something needed to be addressed without the presence of the jurors. 

Blake said Prior had been allowed to do a recross on all witnesses. She objected to him being able to recross everyone and asked that he be limited to only if a new issue arises. Prior said that it was not up to the prosecutor to decide when he could recross, it was up to the judge. He also accidently called Blake "Ms. Gibb".

Boyce said there are limitations on what should be allowed in redirect. He said he had been liberal in allowing the scope to be broad because there was an agreement between the state and defense in being efficient in moving through witnesses, so they didn't have to be called twice. Boyce said he will keep an eye on the topics and take the objection under advisement.

The next witness called was retired FBI Agent Doug Hart. Hart is currently the chief deputy for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office. He has been employed with them since September 2022. Prior he was a special agent for the FBI for 27 years. Working for the FBI his first assignment was in Hawaii where he spent 5 and a half years on the Organized Crime Drug Squad. His next assignment was in Idaho where he spent 7 years working violent crimes and person crimes on the NESP Indian reservation. His third assignment was to be the supervisor of the Treasure Valley Metro Violent Crime Task Force. His last 7 years in the FBI he was supervisor for the southern 34 counties in Idaho for all criminal programs, that was how he became involved in the investigation.

Hart testified that the case was brought to the FBI’s attention towards the end of Nov. 2019. Since the case had to do with missing children, that is something the FBI are experts in.

He said that when the FBI became involved it became a joint investigation with the Rexburg and Freemont police as well as the state of Idaho's Attorney General's office, Social Security and a few other entities.

Hart was the FBI supervisor in the case. He reviewed and approved things that went into the case file and also carried several investigative assignments in the case. He looked into two iCloud accounts of Lori Vallow, lori4style and lollytime. Lollytime started July 1, 2019, but lori4style was an older account and started in 2011.

Hart said that the amount of data on the iCloud accounts was voluminous. He said that the FBI used a program called Cellebrite to search through the accounts and organized it. Hart created a summary exhibit that showed what was discovered. Blake admitted the exhibit into evidence.

Hart testified that Chad and Lori met on Oct. 26, 2018. He said there are communications in the exhibit that reference the time frame of when the couple met.

Blake asked Hart if going through those communications, did he discover when the last know sighting was of Tylee. He said yes that she was last seen on September 8th, 2019. Blake then asked him when the last known sighting of JJ was. He said that it was September 22nd, 2019. She then asked Hart when the date was that Tammy was declared dead. He said on October 19th, 2019. Blake then asked him if he learned when Chad and Lori were married. He said that it was November 5th of 2019.

Blake showed the first slide. It was a text messages between Lori and Audrey Barattiero. January 23rd, 2019. 

Lori- “Hi Audrey, this is Lori. I would like to talk to you sometime. Text me or call me. I’m excited to be able to talk to you about what we both know :-)”

Audrey- “Hi Lori. Guess you talked to Chad. Haha. Did he tell you I have a crazy work schedule? I might be able to talk tonight. I’ll have to play it by ear but I wouldn’t know until about 9:30 p.m. or after. The same for tomorrow.” 

Lori- “He did. That’s ok. Just let me know when you’re available. No pressure. I just think it’s fun to talk to someone who knows what’s really going on :)” 

Audrey- “So what times usually work for you? I usually talk to him on my lunch breaks on Mondays or Tuesday. Sunday afternoons I can talk.”

Hart said that Audrey Barattiero was a friend and associate of Chad who was introduced by Chad to Lori. Hart said that it struck when Lori was excited to talk to Audrey about “what they both know”. He said from that text and the one where Audrey said, "Guess you talked to Chad," that they all know something.

The next messages were sent between 9:18-9:30 p.m. on July 13, 2019.  

Melani P. (Loris' niece) to Lori- “Brandon (Melani’s ex-husband) is making me promise to not have your or AI around my house or kids. He’s talked to a lawyer. And he said his lawyer said that due to the circumstances he can do that. What do I do.” 

Melani P. to Lori-"He brought Aly Bloomer’s husband here who is a cop.”

Chad to Lori- “He can’t do that, just like he can’t get a restraining order against you. The mediator would make that clear. You and All did have any charges against you.” 

Chad to Lori- “I will check ALL Bloomer and husband.”

Hart said that during his investigation he discovered that Chad assigned people dark or light and would give them a score. Hart said that Lori and others would seek Chad’s visions in relation to whether people were dark or light. Hart said that Chad was going to check what Aly Blommer and her husband scores were.

Hart said that in the first text message from Melani to Lori , Al was referring to Alex.

Lori to Chad- “Good idea.” 

Chad to Lori- “Aly Bloomer is 4.1 dark. Her cop husband is 3 dark. I suppose Brandon doesn’t know yet about the discovered Charles texts?” 

Lori to Chad- “Not yet but I’m sure he knows it’s not good. They have had a lot of conflict. Mel says he looks scared.” 

Lori to Melani P.- “Aly Bloomer’s husband 3 (dark emoji).” 

Chad to Lori- “His emotions are 75 percent panic, 25 percent fear. Yeah, he’s a little worried.”

Hart said that the text display how Lori would ask Chad's advice or visions and then pass that information along to others.

Next slide. 
Lori to Chad- “Can you clear Mel’s new house? She is sleeping there tonight. And check it for recording devices?” 

Chad to Lori- “Glad we are in sync! I will clear the house and check it. Was he surprised when she returned home early?” 

Chad to Lori- “I’m working on the house, but having to break down some dark entities Brandon created. I detect three listening devices.”

Lori to Melani P.- “From your dad: I’m working on the house, but having to break down some dark entries Brandon created. I detect three listening devices.”

Hart said the individuals within the group look to Chad as the supposed visionary who will give them this type of information and when the requests were made, Chad responded.

Next slide from July 13 at 11:06 p.m. 
Chad to Lori- “Concerning the two weeks, BYU-Idaho’s graduation is July 23rd. Adam is getting his bachelors and Leah and Joe are getting their associates. They are all walking in the same commencement ceremony. I feel she will be gone by then, but I will still have that hoopla to deal with, because a lot of my and Adam’s family are coming and will stay for July 24th. So I believe that’s why the Lord hinted I might not get to be with you until that is over. Please ask about that.”

Hart testified that the messages were sent two days after Charles Vallow was shot and killed.

Blake asked Hart who Adam was. He said that Adam was Chad's son-in-law, Leah was Chad's daughter and Joe was another son-in-law.

Blake asked Hart who he believed the “she” was referring to. Hart said Tammy Daybell.

July 14 at 7:42 a.m., Chad to Lori- “Good morning my most beautiful Lili. (Thanks for joining me in the shower this morning. Wow!) Getting ready to leave for my meetings. Does noon your time look like a time we could talk? I love you so immensely that the whole universe knows it, and very soon the people on this little blue globe will know it too.” 

8:19 a.m., Lori to Chad- “Morning sunshine. Sure. Call me if you get a chance.” 

Hart said Lori was in Arizona, and Chad was in Idaho at the time of the message of them being in the shower. Hart said that the second message showed that Lori and Chad's relationship was secret, but Chad was going to announce it in the future.

Chad text Lori the next day. “I love you so much! You are my greatest desire and my best friend. Now on with the story.” 

Chad then text Lori portions of the story he wrote. "They would both attend the same event in mid-November, and it seemed like that day would never arrive. Each day they opened their hearts to each other a little more. James knew he could trust her with the mysteries of the universe that had been revealed to him. He knew they had been married before, and they had been close friends with the Savior when he lives in Jerusalem. James had served in an important position in the Lord’s church, and Elena had been his beloved spouse and best friend. That relationship was now meant to continue in this lifetime.”

Hart said that what Chad wrote was autobiographical and were events from 2018.

Next slide: Chad to Lori- “As James and Elena talked on the phone, he tried to delicately describe their connection to each other, and he was delighted that she believed him. He also shared that they had been married other times on a previous world, and she accepted that information as well. James was overjoyed to have these memories restored to him, because he truly loved her with all of his heart. He knew they were meant to be married again and complete important missions together before the Second Coming.”

Chad to Lori- “He also became aware that his spirit would visit her at night, and they would wrap around each other in a sensual embrace. Kissing her was so wonderful and real, and he knew that the next time they saw each other, he needed to kiss her. He wouldn’t be able to resist holding her. He was absolutely in love with her in every way.”

The next slide showed messages sent the evening of July 14, 2019. Chad to Lori- “Hanging in there, but really missing you too! Please find out the name of Mel’s campout in Utah. I have no intention of going, but I feel it is our avenue to get together, whether she is still here or not.” 

Lori- “Zion’s family camp. Mel speaks Wed night and Dave speaks Thursday night. Shelly M is their main speaker…eye roll.” 

Chad- “My trip to speak at the camp July 24-26 has been approved and is now on the calendar.”

Hart said that the “she” in the message referred to Tammy. He said he believed the camp was an excuse for Chad and Lori to meet up in person.

July 14, Chad to Lori- “I need so badly to just gently kiss you…for hours.” 

Chad- “It would likely lead to other activities.” 

Lori- “Likely or Luckily?” 

Chad- “It would LUCKILY lead to nakedness.” 

Hart said that there was a lot of sexting messages in iCloud, and this was just one example.

July 15th, Chad to Lori- “I know you won’t get this for another hour or so, but my love for you is overflowing right now. I just want to hold you endlessly. You are my wonderful best friend I can’t live without!” 

Lori- “And yet…you are. So sad (emojis) missing you! Just landed! Gotta get to work!!”

Hart said that Lori would manipulate Chad. 

The next slide: July 18, Lori to Chad- “I just got the letter from the insurance company saying that I am not the beneficiary. It’s a spear thru my heart. Who do you think he changed it to? Brandon?? or probably Kay?? He left nothing for jj!!” 

Chad- “Wow. That’s terrible. There is no way to find out?”  

Lori- "I might be able to see when i get his computer on Sunday. I could check the emails send to the insurance company. I will show changed of beneficiary. He must have done it recently."

Chad- "It seemed like you would have had to agree to the change. Maybe your name was forged? You should have a good paper trail to prove it."

Chad- "I love you. This is terrible but it is probably another step in bringing down the Gadiantons, especially Brandon."

Lori- "Nope. He can change it any time he wants. He's the agent and anyone can change the beneficiary at any time with their own signature. I'm thinking it must be Kay."

Chad- "Hmm. It would be interesting if he got it changed after he had two bullets in his chest."

Blake asked Hart what Gadiantons meant. “The Gadiantons were a group of people from the Book of Mormon – robbers and thieves.” When the phrase is used, it identifies someone as being a bad person.”

Blake asked Hart if he was aware of the attempted shooting of Brandon. Hart confirmed and said that the shooter narrowly missed him.

Lori responded that he (Charles) could change the life insurance at any time. Chad told Lori that he thought Kay was the beneficiary, and she was probably “freaking out” after Lori got “those computers.” Chad said he was going to shower and give Lori a blessing. 

Lori texted Chad later that day at 12:19 p.m. "So, I talked to the insurance company. He changed it in March, so it was probably Ned before we got rid of him. They can't tell me to who of course, but it's done. I will still get the four thousand a month from SS."

July 21, 2019, Lori to Chad- “Found it. Ned gave all of it to Rhonda.” 

Chad- “Glad you found that out.” 

Lori- “It fits. Now she will try to take him. Thx for working on her. Work on me too. Reading all this stuff makes me sick.”

Chad- “We will work hard on Rhonda when we are together. I will get her numbers as low as I can by Wednesday.” 

Lori- “Good. Let’s work on it hard.” 

Hart said that Rhonda was the name that Chad gave the dark spirit that inhabited Kay Woodcock, JJ’s grandmother.

Blake asked Hart if he never saw any signs of grief or sorrow from Lori or Chad. Hart said "None."

Next slide: July 21st at 8:17pm, Chad to Lori- “James and Elena had agreed to visit the temple the following morning. She returned to the hotel room, and after additional romance on the couch, they calmed their nerves enough to give each other a blessing. As James placed his hands on her head, he connected with Elena’s true eternal self. He knew hew as in the presence of an exalted goddess who had returned to earth to perform a special mission. This mission included being with him, and they would progress together as translated beings. The full plan wasn’t yet completely clear to him, but the immense power radiating from her confirmed his belief that she was among the greatest women in the universe.”

Chad- “They embraced following the blessing, and the emotions they felt were a mixture of eternal bless and telestial desire. The sexual chemistry was undeniable, but the spiritual unity was a glorious bonus for them both. They had only known each other for three weeks, but two lonely, misunderstood souls had finally found their best friend that they could trust and confide in.” Lori responds: “She loves it.”

Chad- “They arrived at the temple, and they both felt they should do sealings together. They were soon seated in a sealing room, facing each other. Elena looked so stunning as she smiled at him. She seemed calm, while he felt quite nervous. Their opportunity soon came to kneel across the altar from each other, and as the sealer pronounced those sacred words, James and Elena knew that they were now sealed as husband and wife for eternity. As the earthly sealing was taking place, a similar scene involving their spirits was happening on a higher plane, where they kissed and unified their souls. They knew they had just begun a new journey together that was eternal and never-ending.”

Hart said Chad and Lori went to the Gilbert, Arizona, temple together while they were both married to other people.

July 21, Lori to Chad- “It’s making me so happy to read about our life that I am finally going to dance. Missing you and loving you from afar!!” 

Lori- “It was great. I feel free again. I love you more than ever and can’t wait to. be with you forever. I’m begging father and mother. That’s my job tonight!” 

Chad- “I will be right beside you, begging just as much. I need you desperately!!!” All of these messages have multiple lip, fire and/or heart emojis.

Hart said that Chad and Lori had a clear plan to be with each other together and forever and that they were both begging God for that to happen. He testified that Tammy was alive when these messages were exchanged. Blake asked Hart if there was ever any indication of Chad planning to get divorced or separated. Hart said no.

July 22, Chad to Lori- “Love you. going with Garth in an hour to see ‘The Other Side of Heaven 2.’ Missing you desperately, but so excited to be with you." 

Lori- “I love you. U will enjoy the scenery…looks like Kauai a lot!”

Lori- “Hopefully we will be there some day soon together!”

Chad- “That is the plan! And my greatest desire.” 

Chad- “Hi darling, Back from the movie. We enjoyed it! I look forward to being on a tropical island with you!”

July 26th, Chad to Lori- “I’m home. Missing you immensely and feeling very tired, but I had a splendid time with you, my love! I will text again soon.” 

Chad at 8:13 p.m.- "I’m a grown-up version of Harry Potter, who has to live with the Dudley's in his little space under the stairs. Every few weeks I get to escape and have amazing adventures with my Goddess lover, but then I have to return to my place under the stairs, feeling trapped. But I sense permanent freedom is coming!"

July 28, Lori to Chad- “R u mad? Sad? What?” Chad to Lori, “I’m doing okay. Just no privacy here to hardly text, and I’m missing you immensely. I feel good about the trip.” 

Lori- “I need a distraction while I’m waiting for you! I love you!”

Chad- “Absolutely. I think you’ll have a fun time!” 

Hart said that Lori was going to take a trip with Alex and Melani P to Southern California.

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