Saturday, April 13, 2024

Chad Daybell Trial: First witness Rexburg Det. Ray Hermosillo Part Two

Testimony continued on Wednesday in day two of the trial of Chad Daybell with Detective Ray Hermosillo on the stand.

Chad is charged with three counts of first-degree murder as well as three counts of conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of Tammy Daybell, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow along with Grand Theft and insurance fraud.

Wood continued his questioning Hermosillo about the location where JJ's body was discovered. He admitted several photos taken on June 9th, 2020, of Chad's property and the west side of his house and had Hermosillo review them.

The first photo showed the front of Chad's house with a vehicle parked in the driveway. Hermosillo used a laser pointer to indicate where he stood as well as where Chad was looking when he was on the phone in the car.

The next photo showed the fire pit area on Chad's property. Hermosillo said that there was burned limbs and other debris.

The next picture showed the tree on the property and the pond area. Next was a close-up image that showed a grassy area above where JJ was buried.

The next image showed a thin layer of dirt and white rocks poking through. Wood then asked about the smell. Hermosillo sad as soon as they removed the topsoil, he instantly smelled the smell of a decomposing body.

The next photo showed the white rocks.

The one after that showed the wood paneling under the white rocks. Hermosillo said that they noticed deep thick roots that had already been cut.

The next image showed wet soil found underneath the wood panels. Hermosillo said that once the paneling was removed, the odor became a lot stronger.

The next photo showed a tight-wrapped black plastic item that had been buried under some dirt. Hermosillo says it was not buried too deep.

The next one showed a white piece of plastic and had a little slit in the plastic. There was some brown human hair through the slit of the plastic. Hermosillo said that this was the white plastic that had been inside the black plastic bag.

The next image showed a small body wrapped in black plastic and duct tape. The black plastic bag was in the white plastic.

The next exhibit showed the moist soil after JJ was lifted from the ground. "This is body composition. The body had begun to break down," the detective says. The photo also showed the roots that had been cut.

Hermosillo testified that once JJ's body was taken from the ground, he assisted the coroner and other officers in putting JJ in a body bag. The body was then put into the coroner's car and the corner, and a Freemont County deputy drove to the Madison Memorial Hospital's morgue with Hermosillo and Lt. Ball following behind. He said that once JJ was placed in the morgue, the detectives went back to Chad's house and assisted in a second burial site, which was the pet cemetery.

Hermosillo said that through the course of their investigation they learned that there was a section of land the family deemed as a burial site for their pets. He said, "We knew from talking to family members that the pet cemetery had a little black dog statue next to a post."

Hermosillo said he observed ERT digging in the pet cemetery area. He said ERT had begun removing layers of topsoil. He said once they began to see wet soil poking through, they slowed down and all of them got on their hands and knees and began excavating by hand using trowels and paint brushes. Hermosillo said they took turns digging and they could only work for a few minutes at a time because the smell was so bad.

Hermosillo said as they dug down, they found burnt pieces of flesh, charred bone, fatty tissue and "globs of burnt flesh starting to protrude through the dirt."

He said as they dug deeper, they found something plastic and green. Hermosillo said at that point the ERT team leader decided they were done for the day and Freemont County Sherrif's Office and the Madison County Fire department brought two large light trucks to illuminate the scene. He said that also officers from Rexburg and deputies from Freemont stayed and guarded the site.

Hermosillo said they all returned the next morning and put-up canopies to keep the scene from being compromised as much as they could. He said that they began digging again with "the same little tools to find out exactly what we were going to take out of the ground."

He said they took turns digging again because the smell was so bad and as they methodically removed the dirt the green object started to take a "roundish shape". He said that "At that point we saw what appeared to be the shape of a green melted bucket that appeared to have the remains of what we assumed were Tylee that were charred and burned inside."

Hermosillo said that once they got down to what they believed to be the bottom of the bucket, they saw part of a human skull underneath the bucket. There were also some teeth they ended up excavating underneath. He said that they put some tarps out and they tried to excavate it without it manipulating it in any way but that didn't work, and it all fell apart, so they had to go back and pick up all the pieces individually. Hermosillo said that the smell was horrendous. He said that once they were sure that they got everything out of the ground and measured and photographed, Tylee's remains, and the tarp were put into a body bag taken to the morgue. He said they followed in the same manner as he did with JJ's remains and then returned back to Chad's house.

Wood admitted evidence that only the jurors were allowed to see because they were too graphic. Hermosillo said that the photographs were of the pet cemetery and of Tylee's remains as they took her out of the ground. The first photo was displayed, it was of the pet cemetery with markers by the fire pit and some tarps on the ground.

Hermosillo described the next photo. He said that it showed the change in color of soil from dry to wet. There was a piece of charred dry bone sticking out. "All the little pieces next to it are pieces of the burnt flesh, tissue, we later determined that were organs in the top of inside the bucket."

Hermosillo described the next picture. It said it was burnt flesh still attached to some bone laid out on a blue tarp. It showed part of the hip bone that still has burned flesh attached to it and fatty tissue.

He said that the next photo showed burned flesh inside the bucket.

According to Hermosillo the next photo showed part of a human skull next to the green bucket. "There were teeth there in the dirt as well."

He described the photo after that as of some tarps and hand tools that were used on the scene. The photo was taken after they got that mass out of the wet soil.

He said the next picture showed parts of Tylee when they tried to lift the mass out of the ground. That there were pieces of a skull, charred bone and burned rotting flesh attached to the bone.

Hermosillo said they followed Coroner Brenda Dye to the morgue as she transported Tylee's remains. The morgue was then secured, and the detectives went back to Chad's property. Once back at Chad's house they checked other burial site and made sure that the ERT didn't need assistance. At that point he said they decided they were going to take the remains of JJ and Tylee to the Ada County Coroner's Office for an autopsy. The remains were dropped off around 8-9 p.m. on June 10 at Ada Coroner's Office by the corner with Hermosillo and Ball following behind.

He said the autopsy took place June 11 early in the morning. Hermosillo said he attended the autopsy, but first they had a debrief at the coroner's office. They then went to the room where the autopsies were performed, signed in and put on white booties. The detectives then stood back against the wall while the autopsy took place.

He said the first body bag was brought out and opened it to reveal the black plastic wrapped small body. The doctor cut down the plastic and Hermosillo saw JJ with duct tape from his chin to his forehead, area wrap tightly around his head. He said that JJ had red pajama pants on, along with a red pajama shirt. He said JJ's arms were folded across his body and there was duct tape from elbow all the way around to his other elbow. JJ's ankles were bound with duct tape, and he was wearing his nighttime pull ups as well as his black sketcher socks. Hermosillo said the skin was sluffing and appeared to be blueish-green, black, yellow.

He said then that Dr. Warren and his team then cut the white plastic that was around JJ's head with duct tape. Hermosillo noticed that duct tape stretched from draw line to draw line wrap around J J's mouth. He said that the doctor also cut these several layers of duct tape from Jj's arms which revealed more layers of duct tape that had Jj's wrists bound. He said that the doctor then took off his clothes to reveal his nighttime pull up.

Once all the duct tape and the bag were removed, Hermosillo noticed from the photos he had seen that it was in fact JJ's remains.

He said once JJ's clothing was removed Dr. Warren pointed out some bruises on his arms, ankles and chest, as well as some scratch marks on the side of his neck. he said at that point Dr Warren's team performed an autopsy.

Wood admitted more photos. Hermosillo said they show JJ Vallow lying on the table after the autopsy team cut open the black plastic bag. Judge Boyce announced that there were graphic nature and only a jury would be able to see them.

Hermosillo went on to describe the first image. He said it showed what it looked like after they removed the plastic from JJ's body. There was duct tape wrapped around JJ's entire face. His red pajamas were still soaked with body the decomposition. "The level of duct tape on his arms is what really caught my attention" Hermosillo said. JJ had a white and blue child's blanket wrapped around him.

Hermosillo said that in the next photo was of JJ's lower half. He still had his red pajama pants on, his ankles were still wrapped in duct tape, and he had his black sketcher socks on. His legs and body were soaked with the decomposition.

The next photo he said was what they saw after Dr. Warren cut the plastic and duct tape off of J J's head. There was a layer of duct tape around his mouth that went from jawline to jawline. His brown hair was still matted down to his head wet and soaked from the decomposition.

Hermosillo said that the next photo was of the white bag that had been covering JJ's head. In the bag there was body decomposition that looked like blood.

He said that the next photo was another photo of JJ. In the picture it showed the tape was starting to lose its stickiness on JJ's face due to the body decomposition.

The judge then decided to take a recess.

After the recess Wood continued to question Hermosillo about JJ's autopsy. When the autopsy was concluded, Hermosillo said Dr. Warren and his team removed JJ from the autopsy table and brought out the second black body bag and placed it on the table. He said that next doctor Warren and his team opened the body bag looked at the remains and said there was nothing he could do at that time as far as an autopsy. Hermosillo said that at that point They left the coroner's office because there was nothing else that could do that day.

He said that the next day, on June 12, he went with Ball back to the Ada County Coroner's Office. They picked up some evidence and transported it to the state lab in Meridian and were checked.

Hermosillo testified that during the investigation he worked with Fremont County. He confirmed that his primary focus was finding JJ and Tylee. He said that during his investigation Fremont County Sheriff's Office was investigating the death of Chad's wife Tammy. He said that they would meet with Freemont County and discuss the case together. He said it was important that they were working together the suspects in that case were the same suspects in the missing kid case. He said, "At that point we were still looking for two small children, so it was imperative to us that we shared information and gathered information from neighboring counties and anybody that was involved in this case."

Wood then asked Hermosillo if he was familiar with Charles Vallow. Hermosillo answered he was. He said that Charles was married to Lori and died on July 11, 2019, after being shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex.

Wood then asked him about the Jeep that law enforcement in Arizona were looking for. Wood asked him if he knew why they sought out the Jeep. He replied yes that the Jeep was used in the attempted homicide of Lori's former nephew in law Brandon Boudreaux. He also mentioned that Alex was a suspect in that case as well.

Wood then asked Hermosillo if he was aware of the incident that happened on October 9th, 2019, involving Tammy. Hermosillo said that she believed she was shot at in her driveway by what she initially reported was a paintball gun.

During his investigation Hermosillo prepared timeline on the case that Wood was able to admit that timeline into evidence after some objecting by Prior. He also prepared a chart with key figures from the case in order to aid and investigation. Hermosillo began reading the timeline.

This is not his chart this is a chart that I made.
  • July 11th, 2019- Charles Vallow was killed by Alex Cox
  • September 2nd or 3rd, 2019- Lori, Alex, Tylee and JJ moved to Rexburg, Idaho.
  • September 8th, 2019- Tylee's last known proof of life, which is the photos taken at Yellowstone.
  • September 22nd, 2019- JJ's last proof of life, which is a photo taken with him sitting on Lori's couch.
  • October 2nd, 2019- Attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux, which was Melanie P's husband at the time.
  • October 9th, 2019- attempted shooting of Tammie Daybell.
  • October 19th, 2019- Tammy died.
  • November 1st, 2019- Detective Ray Hermosillo was contacted by Freemont County about Tylee's jeep that was seen fleeing Brandon's shooting.
  • November 4th, 2019- The jeep was seized at Lori's home.
  • November 5th, 2019- Lori and Chad were married in Kauai, Hawaii.
  • November 25th, 2019- Ray was asked to do a welfare check on JJ Vallow.
  • November 26th, 2019- Ray talked with Alex and Chad outside Lori's home. The pair alleged that Lori wasn't home. Alex said he didn't have Lori's phone number and Chad said he barely knew Lori.
  • November 27th, 2019- The search warrant was executed at Lori's house.
  • June 9th, 2020- The search warrant for Chad Daybell's house was executed and JJ and Tylee's remains were found.
  • June 10th, 2020- The day the children's remains were taken to the ADA county's coroner's office.
Wood was finished with his questioning and now it was John Prior's turn to cross examine Hermosillo.

Prior asks Hermosillo about a number of witnesses he has interviewed including Melanie Gibb and David Warwick. 

Prior asks Hermosillo if he's supposed to look at evidence as a whole and not to judge and to remain neutral during an investigation. Hermosillo confirmed that was true. Prior then asked him what he does with the evidence. Hermosillo said he follows the evidence and puts a case together and provides it to the prosecutors. Prior then talked about blurring the lines between prosecutor and detective and says that a prosecutor for instance doesn't show up to a crime scene. Hermosillo said that he's had prosecutors show up to certain investigations and that it is important for the prosecutor to have all the information. Prior wanted to know if that created a problem in his mind. He then asked Hermosillo if it was appropriate for a prosecutor to interview witnesses and then inject their own opinions. Hermosillo said that if it was their personal opinion no that it would not be appropriate.

Prior then discussed the body cams. Hermosillo confirms that all the detectives share one body camera. Prior then asked what the policy was reporting or trying to preserve a recording when an interviewing witnesses. Hermosillo said that when they happened at the station they are recorded. 

Prior then asked about the day Hermosillo went to Lori's apartment. Hermosillo confirmed that he went with officers Ron Ball, David Stubbs and Dave Hope all arriving in at different times. Hermosillo said the purpose was to do a welfare check on JJ. He said that it was just him and hope at first and then because the lies that they were told it's David Stubbs and Ron Ball were called in. Prior asked Hermosillo to confirm that nobody thought of pulling out their phone and doing an audio or video recording of the conversations that they had with Chad and Alex. Hermosillo said that Prior was correct.

Prior then asked Hermosillo to confirm that nobody ever threatened Chad to give over Lori's cell phone number. He said the Prior was correct. Hermosillo said that he had to ask Chad twice for Lori's phone number because he refused the first time. 

Prior then asked Hermosillo about the paintball gun incident. Prior said that at first Hermosillo referred to it as a paintball gun incident and then later referred to it as a shooting. Hermosillo answered, "I guess". 

Prior asked Hermosillo if he's had a chance to look at all the evidence in case. Hermosillo confirmed that he had. Prior then asked Hermosillo if he had seen all the evidence in relation to Tammy death. Hermosillo replied yes. Prior then show the court the Facebook post Tammy wrote about the paintball incident in her driveway. 

“Something really weird just happened, and I want you to know so you can watch out,” Tammy wrote on her Facebook. “I had gotten home and parked in our front driveway. As I was getting stuff out of the back seat, a guy wearing a ski mask was suddenly standing by the back of my car with a paintball gun. He shot at me several times, although I don’t think it was loaded. I yelled for Chad, and he ran off around the back of my house.”

Prior pointed out that it was a paintball gun that Tammy claimed that the guy used to shoot at her with. 

He then asked Hermosillo if he looked at the search engine for Tammy Daybell's account. Hermosillo replied he had not. 

Then Prior then asked if he had listened to the 911 call about the paintball incident. Hermosillo said he had. Prior asked him to confirm that Tammy mentioned in the call that she was shot at with a paintball. Hermosillo said that that was correct. Prior asked Hermosillo if he was going on a hunch that it was a gun that was used to shoot at Tammy. Hermosillo said no that he had evidence of Alex's Google searches about shooting through a Dodge Dakota at that time. Prior then asked him if he had evidence where Alex was at the time of the incident. Hermosillo answered, "Yes sir" and that Alex was at the Daybell residence that day.  Prior then asked Hermosillo about the Dodge Dakota Tammy got out of. He wanted to know if Hermosillo knew who was driving. Hermosillo said no. Prior asked if Chad Daybell had been driving the vehicle, would they'd be trying to look at if Alex was trying to shoot Chad. Hermosillo said Chad didn't call 911 Tammy did.

The court then took a lunch break.

When court readjourned Prior asked Hermosillo about Alex's internet searches. Hermosillo said that Alex had Googled what caliber would take to shoot through the windshield of a Dodge Dakota. Prior want to know if because of the Google searches that Alex did is that why he thought that Alex was trying to kill Tammy. Hermosillo said yes along with Alex being at Chad's house earlier that same day. Prior than asked Hermosillo to confirm that "We don't know who Was driving the Dodge Dakota regularly do we?" Hermosillo said that he was correct.

Prior went back to talk about June 9th and asked Hermosillo if Chad left his house at a high rate of speed. Hermosillo said that was correct. Prior and then asked him if he knew that when Chad had left that he had left in the Dakota. Hermosillo said that he didn't live in the Dakota that it was another vehicle. 

Prior said then he was going to do a recap. He said that the account that Alex had used to do his Google search was under Homer J. Maximus. He also said that "we" know the Alex Googled what caliber it took to penetrate a Dodge Dakota. To both of statements Hermosillo answered correct. Prior then said that "we" don't know who the intended target was that it was just someone who owned the vehicle. Hermosillo said he assumed so. Prior asked if those events were why he thought Alex wanted to kill Tammy.  Hermosillo said that that was correct. 

Prior wanted to know if Hermosillo took into consideration Alex did the Google searches. He said he did, but he couldn't remember the date unless he looked at his notes. Prior said he would help Hermosillo out a little bit and then displayed an exhibit that showed that Alex Googled the terms on Oct. 12, 2019.  Prior then asked if that was the only time a Google search was done. Hermosillo said on the evening of Oct. 9, 2019, which was the night Tammy was shot at, Alex Googled "how to make an AR-15 function in cold weather." 
Prior asked Hermosillo if Alex had a habit of Googling a lot of things. Hermosillo says he couldn't answer that. Prior asked Hermosillo about Alex Googling Hannibal Lecter. Hermosillo said he was not aware of that. Prior said that they would get back to the Hannibal Lecter "thing" but first he wanted to go through some of Alex other Google searches. Prior showed that Alex Googled "sharpening swords" three days after Tammy Daybell died. The next search Alex did was on Oct. 23, "15 Facts About 'Silence of the Lambs' You Didn't Know." Prior asked Hermosillo if he recalled that search. Hermosillo said did not. 

Prior then asked Hermosillo if he did a check on all the guns and knives found in apartment 175 which is where Lori had lived, but Alex's name was on the tenant agreement. Hermosillo said he personally did not, and he didn't know how to do a check on knives. Prior then asked Hermosillo if he was assumed that the guns, knives and ammunition belonged to Alex. Hermosillo said yes, they were found in his belongings.

Prior then said he wanted to talk about Charles Vallow. He asked Hermosillo who was charged in the death of Charles. Hermosillo responded that Lori was. Prior now asks Hermosillo who is charged in the death of Charles Vallow. Prior then asked if he was aware that Chad Daybell was not charged in Maricopa County in relation to Charles. Hermosillo yes, he was aware.

Prior then moved on to ask Hermosillo who was charged in the allegations against Brandon Boudreaux. Hermosillo replied that Lori was. He then asked Hermosillo if he was aware Chad was not charged in connection to Brandon's shooting. Hermosillo said yes.

Prior asked Hermosillo if he had evidence as to who killed Charles. Hermosillo said yes. Prior than asked him who he thought killed Charles. Hermosillo answered Alex. Prior then asked Hermosillo he thought took a shot at Brandon. Hermosillo answered Alex to that question as well.

Prior then asked Hermosillo if he got to look into Alex's past. He replied that he did briefly. Prior asked Hermosillo if he was aware that Alex assaulted Joseph Ryan in 2007. Hermosillo answered yes. Prior than asked him if there were any indication that Chad knew Lori back then. Hermosillo said not to his knowledge.

Prior moved on to the initial welfare check for JJ in November 2019 at Lori's apartment. He asked Hermosillo if he followed up with calls to Chad. He said that was right. Hermosillo replied that every time they called Chad, it went straight to voicemail. Prior then asked if Hermosillo went through Chad's phone records. He said that he personally had not. 

Prior then talked about the empty hangers in the closets in Lori's apartment. He asked Hermosillo if there were any indication that she had boxed up the clothes and had them sent somewhere else. Hermosillo said he didn't know. Prior wanted to confirm that he knew that Chad was married to Lori at that time. Hermosillo answered that that was correct. Prior then asked him if it was his allegation that Chad left and tried to avoid law enforcement. Hermosillo said he couldn't answer that. He said that all he knew was that he couldn't get a hold of Chad after the day of the welfare check at the end of November. Prior then asked Hermosillo if he had gained any information that Chad had went on a vacation at the end of November. Hermosillo sad that they later learned Chad was in California. He then asked Hermosillo if he was aware that when Chad was in California, he was at Knotts Berry farm with his kids on a family vacation. Hermosillo said that he couldn't testify to that. All he knew was that Chad had been in California. 

Prior asked Hermosillo to confirm that Chad had went to Hawaii after the California trip. Hermosillo said yes. Prior asked Hermosillo if they made contact with Chad when he was in Hawaii. Hermosillo replied yes. Prior then asked how they found out Chad was in Hawaii. Hermosillo said it was through tips and cell phone data. Prior asked if they looked at plane records. Hermosillo explained each officer was tasked with different things. He said that a financial officer did look through finances and he assumed that the officer looked through plane records and finances.

Prior said that he was going to switch gears again. He confirmed with Hermosillo that he received a subpoena from his office and excepted it. Prior the asked him if he was willing to come back and testify if he needed him again. Hermosillo said yes.

Prior went back to talk about Hermosillo's investigation specifically pertaining to JJ. He asked Hermosillo if JJ's last known proof of life was September 22nd, 2019. Hermosillo acknowledge it was. Prior said that the last known proof of life for Tylee was September 8th of 2019. He says there was a 15-day gap between JJ's and Tylee's proof of life. Hermosillo said "roughly". Prior asked if as part of his investigation if Hermosillo looked into where JJ was on the 22nd. He answered "correct". Prior said that JJ was at Lori's home on the 22nd. Hermosillo said that was correct. Hermosillo said correct when Prior said that Lori, JJ, Melanie Gibb and David Warwick were there. Prior said that Lori, Melanie and David were recording a religious podcast, and that the allegation was that JJ was acting up and Alex took JJ into apartment 107. Hermosillo said that was correct. Prior asked if the last time JJ was seen was later that evening when Alex carried him back into Lori's apartment. Hermosillo said yes. Prior said that sometime that evening was when Hermosillo believed JJ was murdered and then buried on Chad's property the next morning. Hermosillo replied yes. 

Prior then asked Hermosillo if he had talked to Melanie Gibb and David Warwick. He replied that that was right. Hermosillo confirmed that he went to Provo, Utah on June 4th, 2020, and interviewed Gibb and Warwick with Lt. Ron Ball and prosecutor Rob Wood. Prior asked if the conversation was recorded. Hermosillo said that the very beginning wasn't because the recorder malfunctioned. Prior said that the recording was around 22 minutes. Hermosillo said that didn't sound right because they were there for about an hour. 

Prior said that the photos that had been shown in court suggested that JJ had been found in red pajamas and Sketchers socks. Prior then asked if JJ was wearing red pajamas when he was carried upstairs by Alex. Hermosillo said he didn't know. Prior was done with the questioning.

Wood began his re-direct. He asked Hermosillo who Chad was with when he first met him. Hermosillo said it was Alex. Wood then asked the if Chad looked afraid of Alex. Hermosillo replied "No". Wood asked if Alex was Chad's brother-in-law. Hermosillo said yes.

Wood asked Hermosillo if in cross examination he was asked about his beliefs. Hermosillo said yes.

Wood then asked Hermosillo what the scope of his investigation was. He answered that initially it was to find the Jeep then he confirmed that it expanded to find the whereabouts of JJ and Tylee. Wood asked Hermosillo to confirm that during the investigation he was getting his information from various sources. Hermosillo said that was correct.

Wood then showed the timeline on the screen. He then asked Hermosillo if he was asked his beliefs regarding the paintball incident. Hermosillo answered yes and confirmed that he didn't believe that it was a paintball gun. He said that during the course of the investigation, they learned that the night before the shooting Alex Googled about drop yardage from 300 yards to 100 yards. Hermosillo said that meant that you are adjusted the sights to your target. They also found out that Alex drove up and down the road on Chad's property and also on the property the morning Tammy was shot at. He said that also the evening that Tammy was shot at was cold and Alex did Google searches under the name Homer J. Maximus on how to make an AR-15 function in cold weather. Hermosillo said that was why they believed it wasn't just a paintball gun. "We believe Alex Cox was there to shoot Tammy Daybell."

Wood then asked if the fact Tammy died 10 days after the incident had any bearing on whether he believed it was a paintball gun. Hermosillo replied yes. Wood asked if the fact Chad got married 17 days after Tammy died had a bearing on his believe it was a paintball gun. Hermosillo says yes to that question as well.

Wood asked that if finding two kids buried on Chad's property had any bearing on whether or not he believed it was a paintball gun. Hermosillo said yes.

Wood asked that if learning that Lori's husband died within months of the other deaths had any bearing on whether he believed it was a paintball gun. Hermosillo said absolutely.

Wood asked him if Brandon being shot at have any bearing on his belief if it was a paintball gun. Hermosillo said yes.

Wood said, "And it was your belief that Alex was tied to these events, correct?" Hermosillo answered yes.

Wood then said to Hermosillo that since he was asked about his beliefs, was it his belief that Chad was tied to those events. Hermosillo answered yes, that based on their investigation, that the lies they had been told and the fact that they tried to get a hold of the kid's mother Lori, their stepfather Chad and their uncle Alex to no avail.

Wood asked Hermosillo if during the course of his investigation, did he find out when Chad died her one Alex died. He said yes December 12, 2019. Wood then asked him if any time after Alex died, did Chad called the police and inform them that there might be two dead children buried on his property. Hermosillo said Chad did not. He asked Hermosillo if Chad called the police after Alex died and told them that he was concerned that somebody might have harmed his wife. Hermosillo said no. Wood wanted to know if Chad called the police before Alex died and said that his life might be in danger. The last question was objected to by Prior and so it wasn't answered.

Wood asked Hermosillo what the first thing was he asked Chad when he first met him. Hermosillo said he asked Chad when the last time was he saw JJ. He said that Chad said that he last saw JJ in October An apt 1O7 with Lori. Wood then asked Hermosillo if he had asked Chad for Lori's cell phone number. He answered he had. Wood then asked him what Chad's response was. Hermosillo said that Chad's response was that he didn't know Lori's cell phone number.

Wood's the last question was did Hermosillo follow where the evidence took him in this case. He answered yes.

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