Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chad Daybell Trial: Defense Opening Statements.

John Prior began the defenses opening statements in the trial of Chad Daybell. Chad is charged with three counts of first-degree murder as well as three counts of conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of Tammy Daybell, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow along with Grand Theft and insurance fraud.

Prior started out by saying what is important is facts and evidence. He said not to get distracted by other things such as speculation or guesses.

Prior said that Chad went on a mission early in his life to talk to people about his religious beliefs. He served his mission in New Jersey, returned home and he then dated Tammy for six months. They then got married and had five children. Then they moved to Idaho and started a small publishing company that was predominantly run by Tammy. At the publishing company they published Chad's books. Prior said that Chad wrote fictious books about religious experiences and that were consistent with his faith. "He writes about his premonitions, he writes about good and evil, what it means to be good and what it means to be evil, he writes about dark and light. He writes about death and the coming of the end of things and when his savior in his mind is going to come back."

Prior said that in October of 2018 Lori came up to Chad at his booth at a seminar where he was selling his books and showed him a lot of attention. He said that Chad was pursued and encouraged by Lori.

He said that Chad's past was unremarkable, but that Lori's was a different story. He talked about how Lori married her first husband right out of high school and that the marriage was very short lived. Prior then said how Lorie's second marriage was short lived too.

He said that the main concern was Lori's brother Alex Cox. He said that Alex was Lori's protector who would do anything and everything to protect and help Lori without unbridled question. "If Alex Cox perceived there was a problem, Alex Cox reacted."

Prior then talked about Lori's 3rd marriage to Joseph Ryan. He said it was tumultuous and how Lori made allegations against Joe for abusing Tylee.

Prior then talked about Lori's 3rd marriage to Joseph Ryan which he said was tumultuous. He went on to talk about how in 2007 Alex approached Joe and shot him with a Taser. Prior said that there is documentation at the time Joe was worried about his life. He said that "It set the pattern for what we are dealing with Alex Cox." He said that whenever there was a problem with Lori Vallow, Alex Cox ran to the rescue with no questions.

He talked about how in 2019 Lori was still married to Charles when she started an inappropriate relationship with Chad. Then he talked about when Charles went to visit JJ with Tylee, Lori and Alex in attendance. He then stated that Alex shot Charles called 911 and then finished the job shooting him a close range. Prior said the jury they will see Chad Daybell had nothing to do with Charles' murder nor They attempted murder of Brandon Boudreaux.

Prior said that Tammy and Chad were married for 21 years with no discernible problems in their life until Lori came into the picture. He said that Lori was very manipulative in sexual person, and she knew how to get what she wanted. He said that she lured Chad into a relationship. He said that "eventually yes, there was a murder and there was a burial."

Prior said that Chad's backyard was a 4.5-acre farm, and that JJ was buried by an irrigation pond and hidden behind a tree. He said that Tylee was also buried in the back pasture in the pet cemetery. He said that he planned to bring forward four experts including DNA expert Dr. Greg Hampikian. He said Hampikian got Amanda Knox exonerated in Italy because of DNA evidence. Prior said that Hampikian was going to talk about the DNA evidence that was found on the scene. That he was going to talk about the how the fingerprint found on the plastic that JJ was found in belonged to Alex as well as there was a hair sample that belonged to Lori. Prior said, "He's also going to say there was no DNA evidence, no hair sample of Chad Daybell on Tylee Ryan or on JJ Vallow."

Prior says the jury will also hear from Forensic pathologist Dr. Raven, who would talk about the circumstances surrounding Tammy and how she would say there was no way to determine cause of death. He said that some of Tammy's kids would testify about her health struggles as well as her various medicinal treatments she would use. They would also testify that she would refuse to see a doctor.

Prior said that the jury would hear from Data forensic examiner, Patrick Eller. That Eller would testify as well as present data information to support that Alex visited the Daybell property on September 9th multiple other times. 

Prior said that forensic anthropologist Dr. Eric Bartelink was also set to testify. Bartelink would talk about the nature of the way Tylee's remains were burned. 

Prior ended his opening statements with "I'm going to ask you folks to return a verdict of not guilty. Thank you, folks."

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