Friday, April 21, 2023

Lori Daybell Trial Day Two- Part 2- Chart and Timeline

Rob then showed the court a chart people and of times and events in the case that Ray made to help the jury understand Ray's testimony as well help the jury keep track of individuals in the case. Ray then went over a basic timeline of the case.

I do not have pictures of Ray's chart so i am just going to put pictures of the players in the case as well as a timeline.

July 11th, 2019- Charles Vallow was killed by Alex Cox

September 2nd or 3rd, 2019- Lori, Alex, Tylee and JJ moved to Rexburg, Idaho.
September 8th, 2019- Tylee's last known proof of life, which is the photos taken at Yellowstone.
September 22nd, 2019- JJ's last proof of life, which is a photo taken with him sitting on Lori's couch.

October 2nd, 2019- Attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux, which was Melanie P's husband at the time.

October 9th, 2019- attempted shooting of Tammie Daybell.

October 19th, 2019- Tammy died.

November 1st, 2019- Detective Ray Hermosillo was contacted by Freemont County about Tylee's jeep that was seen fleeing Brandon's shooting.

November 4th, 2019- The jeep was seized at Lori's home.

November 5th, 2019- Lori and Chad were married in Kauai, Hawaii.

November 25th, 2019- Ray was asked to do a welfare check on JJ Vallow.

November 26th, 2019- Ray talked with Alex and Chad outside Lori's home. The pair alleged that Lori wasn't home. Alex said he didn't have Lori's phone number and Chad said he barely knew Lori.

November 27th, 2019- The search warrant was executed at Lori's house.

June 9th, 2020- The search warrant for Chad Daybell's house was executed and JJ and Tylee's remains were found.

June 10th, 2020- The day the children's remains were taken to the ADA county's coroner's office.

Prosecutor Rob Wood then entered photos of the pet cemetery and burial site where Tylee's remains were found into evidence. Ray described the soil and the "rotting and charred flesh" and broken bone fragments found as well as the clumps of flesh, fatty tissue, organs and bone found in the melted bucket. He reiterated that underneath the bucket was a partial skull and teeth and that the smell at the site was so bad that they had to take turns digging.

Rob asked Ray about June 10th, 2020, when Ray and Ball escorted JJ and Tylee's remains to the coroner's office. Ray told the court that he and Ball went back on June 11th, 2020, to witness the autopsy performed by medical examiner Garth Warren.

JJ's autopsy
The body bag that had JJ's body in it was the first to be examined. When the seal to the body bag was cut and unzipped the black plastic bag with duct tape and dirt on it was revealed. It was then placed onto the metal table, had photographs and whatever evidence was needed was taken from it. Then they cut down the center of the black plastic bag. Inside the bag was a little boy in red pajamas with a white plastic bag around his head and several layers of duct tape from his chin to his forehead area. His arms were folded across his chest with several layers of duct tape holding them into position. His feet were also duct taped and bound and had a white and blue child's blanket draped over the top of him.

Dr. Warren then cut the plastic bag that was wrapped over JJ's head, exposing another layer of duct tape over his mouth from jawline to jawline. He then cut the duct tape away from JJ's arms revealing another layer of duct tape wrapped around his wrists, binding them. After the duct tape that was cut that was binding JJ's wrists, Ray said that from the photographs and the descriptions of JJ he had seen and heard during the course of the investigation, he could tell that that body was of JJ.

Rob then asked Ray what stood out to him in the autopsy. Ray said the amount of duct tape that JJ had been wrapped in, his pajamas that were soaked with human decomposition, that he still had on his nighttime pull up diaper and there was some visible bruising on his arms.

Tylee's remains were brought out next. Once the body bag was open Dr. Warren said that there was nothing he could do with the remains that day and asked them to come back tomorrow.

Next Rob entered photos of JJ's autopsy into evidence and had Ray describe what was depicted in the photos.

In cross examination Jim Archibald for the defense asked Ray to clarify about the date of when he first heard of JJ and also asked to explain what an infotainment center was, even though Ray explained all this all ready.

Jim also asked if Ray or Hope had worn body cams or recording devices when they talked to Chad and Alex, which they had not. Ray was then asked to explain what the reasoning for the search warrant for Lori's home was. Ray testified that it was in order to find where JJ was since he had been lied to about his location and also Chad and Alex's actions that day.

Jim then asked Ray if there was any indication that the weapons or the weapon paraphernalia that was found in Lori's garage belonged to Lori and Ray's answer was no.

Jim asked Ray if he followed up on every tip that came in after Tylee's alleged proof of life and Ray answered yes.

Ray was then asked where Lori was at the time of Tammy's death. He replied that Lori was in Hawaii.

Jim then asked where the FBI was while Ray and three other officers secured the scene at Chad's house. Ray said they were waiting at a church. He was also asked if it was the first time he had worked with the FBI. Ray replied that he had worked with the FBI on numerous occasions.

Court then adjourned for the day.

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