Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Arizona's Oldest Cold Case: The 1975 Murder of Gas Station Attendant Nancy Hartley is Slowly Unthawing.

"She was just a very, very good woman." 
~Vickie Goulette

Nancy Jane Hartley was born on July 8th, 1927, to an airplane factory precising grinder Glenn B Ulrich and grocery cashier Leota Lafern Walker. Nancy's husband, Ronald Hartley, had been a sergeant in the United States Army in Korea. They had two children together as well as a grandchild. Nancy was a devote Baptist and a member of the 35th Avenue Baptist Church.

On March 12th, 1975, 47-year-old Nancy was planning to attend church after her shift at the Pasco Self-Service gas station in West Phoenix, Arizona. Sadly. Nancy never made it to church. at 5:30 p.m. that evening, Nancy was found with her ankles bound and she had been shot. There had been evidence of a struggle. She later died hours later at the hospital.

Detectives believe the attackers were two teen boys who may have attended Carl Hayden High School, just right down the street from the gas station.

This year, ABC15 recently track down a witness and put her in touch with the cold case division assigned to the case. The witness said she and her sister were teenagers at the time. She said that they were approached by some young men the day that Nancy was killed. 

"They grabbed my sister and I… and then I, you know, just shoved them off and we went on our way. They were standing there looking at us walk right into the house," claimed the witness.

Just 15 minutes later, they heard sirens, and that Nancy had been shot. The witness then reported to the police her run in with the boys.

Days later, she says she was told the boys were caught. She believed that all this time, until she spoke with ABC15.

Detective Roestenberg, who took over the case a year ago, has submitted four pieces of evidence, with DNA profiles, to a crime lab and is hopeful that there will be arrests soon in the case.

Vickie Goulette has never lost sight in the search for her mother's justice.

"I would like to face them and tell them what they took: you took a mother, and a grandmother, and now a great grandmother…great, great grandmother," Vicki told ABC15.

If you know anything about this murder mystery, you're asked to call Phoenix PD at (602) 262-6151 or Silent Witness at (480) 948-6377.

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