Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Stephanie Parze Never Text Her Mom To Tell Her That She Had Gotten Home Safely. UPDATED On 05/23/2020

UPDATE: On January 26th, 2020, Two local catering hall employees were walking southbound on Route 9 in Old Bridge, N.J., in the afternoon when they spotted what they first thought was a mannequin about 6 feet from the guardrail. It turned out to be Stephanie's body. The spot was near one where the police and others had previously searched.

“Two angels found her,” an emotional Mr. Parze said. “These two angels were put there for a purpose. That’s how we feel.”

Stephanie Parze
Image result for stephanie parze

"Stephanie Stephanie
You're not where you're
Supposed to be
Stephanie Stephanie
Come on home

You're out there baby girl
Missing in this world
Stephanie Stephanie
Come on home

You're mama she's been crying
And your daddys breaking down
Can you hear the prayers spreading through the whole damn town

Baby girl we are coming
Looking day and night
Can you hear your Mama's calling
Or see your Daddys search light
Your sisters need to know
Oh where did you go
Stephanie Stephanie
Come on home

Your friends here are so sad
You're the best one they've ever had
All of Jersey is shutting down
No one's leaving til your found

Stephanie Stephanie
You're not where you're supposed to be
Stephanie Stephanie
Come on home"

-Sue DesMarais

She was a cosmetologist that moonlighted as a nanny.

At 10 p.m. on October 30th, 2019, Stephanie was 25 years old when she was last seen. She had said good night and went home after an outing with family to see psychic medium Cindy Kaza's show at the Stress Factory Comedy Club in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Her mother asked her to call as soon as she arrived home. Stephanie agreed and then left. On the way home Stephanie sent a Snapchat photo of herself to her mother. That was the last time Stephanie's family heard from her.

The next day, Stephanie's parents drove by her place and saw her white Hyundai Sonata in the driveway. They assumed she was just sleeping and so they left. After Stephanie failed to show up for a babysitting job that night, her parents went back to Stephanie's house. The front door was unlocked and her cell phone was in the house on the couch, but they couldn't find Stephanie. The leftovers that she took home that night was left on the piano.  Her shoes and leather jacket were on the floor and every light was turned on in the house. Even the ones even the light going down to the basement was on and she would never go down that way. Shortly after this they reported her missing.

When police searched the home, they couldn't find any signs of forced entry. There was a huge search in Long Pond Park, but nothing was found.

Stephanie had filed a domestic-violence complaint against her ex boyfriend, John Ozbilgen, a month before she disappeared.
Days after Ste, police interviewed Stephanie's ex-boyfriend John Ozbilgen. When they searched his phone, they found showing sexually explicit behavior to a child. He was arrested, charged with child pornography and detained. While in custody prosecutors found out that Ozbilgen had text Stephanie ten times in a span of nine minutes. The last text he had sent was just before she vanished. In it Ozbilgen calls Stephanie horrible names and blames her for their breakup. Ozbilgen became a person of interest in the case.

Right after Stephanie's disappearance, cops asked neighbors for video from their outdoor surveillance system to try to spot Ozbilgen's comings and goings in his silver SUV. Officers also had been parked in unmarked cars outside his family’s Freehold home for weeks.

After Ozbilgen's release, his parents found him dead inside his home on November 22nd of 2019. He had hung himself. He had left a suicide note saying that he couldn't deal with being in prison.

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