Friday, January 24, 2020

Shemika Cosey Could Have Been Pregnant When She Disappeared.

Shemika Keyanta Cosey
Image result for Shemika Keyanta Cosey
"I want my baby to know we miss you, we love you, we need you home." -Paula Hill

She was born on October 1st, 1992 to Paula Hill.

Between 1:30 and 8:30 a.m. on December 29, 2008, 16-year-old Shemika disappeared from Berkeley, Missouri. She had been staying at her aunt's home in the 6000 block of Napier. The night before Shemika and her family were watching movies. She was in and out of the home several times that night. There was someone fighting for her attention outside. When her family woke up in the morning, she was gone along with he purse and coat. Shemika's clothes and other belongings were inside the residence, the front door was unlocked, and there were no indications of foul play. Authorities believe she left of her own accord and never searched for her. They didn't even look in her room or anything either. 

Paul and her family searched on their own, handing out flyers with Shemika’s photo. Shemika's friends have been of little help, they or their parents don't want them to get involved.

Shemika's family believes that she left of her own free will as well, but was intending to come back.  They believe that someone did something to Shemika. Her family is worried that she is a victim of sex trafficking or worse.

Shemika's mother once saw her inside a dark sedan with a much older man. She worried her teenage girl was smoking marijuana, and said she once a discovered a fake ID that her daughter was using to sneak into local nightclubs.

Paula also found three notebooks with written messages Shemika had passed to a friend in class, just a few months before she disappeared. In them, she talked about a boyfriend, and that she might be pregnant.
Shemika may still be in the local area. She has been known to frequent East St. Louis, Illinois. Few details are available in her case.

At the time of her disappearance she was 5'5" tall, 135 - 160 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. Her ears were pierced and she was wearing her eyeglasses. She was last seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, a tan Old Navy jacket and blue jeans.

If you have any information, no matter how small, please contact the Berkeley Police Department at 314-524-3311.

I think that there should be a new policy for when a child, that has been classified as a run away, has turned 18 sometime after their disappearance, and haven't contacted anyone, that their case should then be investigated as a kidnapping o that some foul play is involved.

I think that most of the time when a child runs away, then turns 18 and never contacts family ever again, that some kind of foul play is involved. Whether the child ran away in the first place or not, i believe that something bad happened to them after they disappeared.

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