Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Selena Not Afraid Wandered Off After She Had Been Left At A Rest Stop.

Selena Not Afraid
Image result for Selena Not AfraidImage result for Selena Not Afraid
She was a junior at Hardin High school. 

On New Year’s Day 16-year-old Selena went missing from the I-90 rest stop between Billings and Hardin, Montana, where she’d been left accidentally after the van in which she was riding broke down.

For nearly three weeks, dozens of volunteers, local and federal law enforcement, and search and rescue teams were looking for her, only to come up empty. But that changed Monday when Selena was found only three quarters of a mile away from where she disappeared.

No foul play is suspected Selena’s death at this time. The suspected cause of death is hypothermia.

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