Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Danny Myles Was Murdered And His Sister Has Fought For Justice For Forty Years.

Christopher Danny Myles
He was a good kid and a special person. He was a true gentleman and respectful. He was an outgoing young man. He had a laugh that everyone who knew him remembers. 

He was born on September 30th, 1962 to Earl Crawford. He was the youngest of three children. Danny, as he liked to be called, was a native a Fresno California. He lived in Caruthers most of his life. He was a student at Caruthers High School. Danny loved history and served as a corporal of the Confederate Calvary Regiment of the Civil War Association. Danny loved to cruise around town and hanging out and the walk up food stand as well as swimming and fishing at the river. His favorite holiday was Christmas. Danny and his and his older sister Marita were really close and loved to decorate the tree together. They also worked in a vineyard cutting down grapes so they could get money for school clothes.

Danny wanted to move away to Kansas one day, but sadly that day would never come.

17-year-old Danny was last seen on Sunday, June 3rd, 1979 between 10 and 11 p.m. The next day he was found brutally slain after having been beaten, sexually assaulted, and then shot in the head with a small caliber weapon. He tried to fight off his attacker to no avail. His body was recovered from a grape vineyard. 

He was laid to rest on his older brother's birthday and was beaten so badly his funeral had to be a closed casket one.

Danny had fought with his killer so fiercely that there was plenty of DNA left behind.

In 2004, Marita got in touch with cold case detectives. The detectives said that there was a possible suspect and that they were going to do DNA testing. That is all Marita knows as of today.

Marita has fought over 40 years for justice for Danny. She continues to seek answers in the case and won’t stop until she knows the name of his killer. Detectives have been very negligent with his case and have said some very offensive and despicable things to his sister. They have also stopped contact with her and refuse to answer her questions about his case. Help her find out what happened to her brother and who killed him!


  1. 41 years and still nothing i believe who killed my brother might be deceased by now but can't they still solve his murder

  2. I am so sorry that you had to fight for so long. You think with the advancements in technology they would have identified the monster that did that. It is quite ridiculous they haven't found out who the culprit is and how awful law enforcement has treated you. You need someone to help you in your fight. You need to check out websleuths and profiling evil. They are wonderful, caring people that might shine some light on this injustice.
