Friday, November 8, 2019

The Murder Of Kelsey Berreth: Patrick Frazee Trial :Day 4: Krystal Kenney Took The Witness Stand

Image result for kelsey berreth
Krystal Lee Kenney's explosive testimony shook the courthouse as she recounted how Frazee manipulated her into being involved in his fiancee's death, how he killed Kelsey Berreth and made her clean up the gruesome scene. She also claimed that she was afraid not only for her life, but that of her daughter's as well.

Kenney testified that a little after 7 a.m., she walked opened the door of Kelsey's home and saw blood everywhere. She said she could not help but thinking she was “probably next.”

She said she cleaned as much of the furniture and floor as she could, but that the curtains and stuffed animals couldn’t be cleaned, so she used some of Kelsey’s trash bags to dispose of them.

A framed photo of Kelsey, Frazee and their daughter also had to be cleared of blood, she said. She also found a bloody sweater that had the sleeves tied up but thought nothing of it at the time.

She followed bloody footprints up the stairs. She said they were all over the kitchen, near the bedroom and in the bathroom.

She said it took 4 hours to clean the whole place. When she moved a cedar chest inside, she found the tooth in question, she said.

Kenney claimed that she left little spots of blood here and there for the police to hopefully find.

She stopped at a Sonic and got herself a drink and Frazee and his daughter lunches, she said, and wanted to make herself appear as normal as possible when she saw him.

Once she met up with him, she said he asked her, “Did you get it done?”

She said she replied, “I did the best I could do,” to which Frazee allegedly responded, “You better hope you did because our lives depend on it.”

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