Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Murder Of Kelsey Berreth: Patrick Frazee Trial :Day 5: Why Krystal Kenney Never Alerted Police.

Image result for kelsey berreth Image result for kelsey berreth
Krystal Kenney wept as she testified that Frazee told her that his daughter, Kaylee, was in her jumper in the back room when he hit Kelsey in the head with a baseball bat.

The prosecution introduced videos that authorities had taken when they went to Kelsey's home and Frazee's. In these videos, Kenney was seen pointing out where she had allegedly left evidence behind for authorities to find. Where the tooth was found at Frazee's ranch was also shown.

When asked why she didn't alert authorities or the family that Frazee was attempting to murder Kelsey, Kenney said that Frazee had a kind of power over her to get her to do things she did not want to do. She also said that she felt endangered by Frazee, even though they were about 750 miles apart when she was in Idaho. She reiterated that she testified that she was scared Frazee had "people" in Idaho. Plus, Kenney said she didn't think that Frazee was capable of going through with his plans of murdering Kelsey.

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