Thursday, October 10, 2019

Was Justice Really Served For The Murder Of The Princess Of Buttermilk Mountain, Nancy Pfister?

๐Ÿ‘‘Nancy Pfister๐Ÿ‘‘
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She was Colorado royalty. She was a well loved, high society, party girl and travel agent.
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Nancy was born on July 4th, 1956, in Orofino, Idaho to Art and Betty Pfister. 
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Art helped build the town of Apsen back in the 1960's.
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He also was the founder and owner of Buttermilk Ski Resort.
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Betty was a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) in World War II, who, in later years, flew a helicopter, which she was notoriously known for parking in the family's driveway. Nancy was raised in Aspen, and later graduated from Aspen High School. She took classes at Brooklyn's Pratt Institute. In her youth, she met John F. Kennedy, Jack Nicholson, Cher and Michael Douglas when they vacationed at her parents' ski resort. Nancy was briefly engaged to Douglas.
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When she was 29-years-old, Nancy gave birth to her daughter Juliana. Ten years later, She later gave birth to a son. She was greatly involved with her kids, and was a member of the Roaring Fork School District PTA.
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Nancy's favorite watering hole was the J-Bar in Aspen. She liked to hang out with her friend, Hunter S. Thompson. One night while at the bar, she accidentally set herself on fire.

In November 2013, Nancy had a farewell party for herself at her home on Buttermilk mountain. She was going to Australia for the rest of the winter. Little did Nancy know, it was a final far well.
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On February 26, 2014, 57-year-old Nancy had just arrived back from Australia three days earlier. Nancy had text one of her friends to say that she was crippled by jet lag and trying to go to sleep. Her assistant, Kathy Carpenter, found Nancy's body, stuffed in her own closet. Nancy was bound with electrical cord, wrapped in trash bags and then completely wrapped in sheets. She had been beaten in bed to death with a hammer and her mattress had been turned over to hide the blood stains. 

Kathy frantically called 9-1-1.
Kathy: "My, my, my friend. I found my friend in the closet!"
9-1-1: "Ma'am, i need you to take a deep breath so i can send you help. I need you to tell me exactly what happened."
Kathy: "I found my friend in the closet! She's dead! My friend came back from Australia. And she had some people living there. And, um, she made threats to them about owning money."

The were a few suspects in Nancy's murder. One of them was Kathy Carpenter. They would argue a lot. It was said that Nancy sometimes didn't treat Kathy right. Kathy claims to have never touched the sheets that Nancy was cocooned in, yet she said that she saw that it was Nancy inside. Investigators learned that Kathy had taken $6,000 and two rings from Nancy's safe deposit box the next day.

William "Trey" and Nancy Styler were also suspects. Mr. Styler was a retired anesthesiologist and Mrs. Styler was a noted horticulturist. They had moved from Denver to Aspen in the hopes of starting a new life after they had lost just about everything due to bad investments. When they arrived in Aspen, they started a Botox and laser spa.

Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Styler were involved in a nasty money dispute. The couple had rented Nancy's home while she was in Australia for the winter. Also, before Nancy had left on her trip, they also stayed with her for a month for free and she let them start up their spa there. In order to get that free month, Mr. and Mrs. Styler were to help Nancy get ready for her trip and help around the house. Nancy would allegedly walk around in the nude and be very demanding with Mrs. Styler.

While in Australia, Nancy sent accusatory emails to Mr. and Mrs. Styler, claiming that they had damaged the property and did pay the utilities. She also said that she was coming back early and gave the couple four days to vacate the premises. By the time Nancy returned, Mr. and Mrs Styler were living in a nearby motel.

Police showed up at Mr. and Mrs. Styler's motel room to take them in for questioning. Investigators discovered that Mrs. Styler hated Nancy and had threatened to kill her before. After 12 hours of questioning, they are released due to there not being enough evidence.

On garbage day, in a trash can 100 yards from the motel where Mr. and Mrs. Styler were staying, personal items belonging to Nancy, as well as a hammer with her blood on it, is found in a garbage bag. On the outside of the bag was Mr. Styler's DNA. When Investigators searched the couple's car, Nancy's blood is found in the trunk. And one more thing, the key to the closet that Nancy's body was found in, was discovered on the ground, outside the couple's motel room.
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Mr. and Mrs. Styler were arrested and charged with first degree murder as well as conspiracy to commit murder. 
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Mr, Styler was 65-years-old and allegedly was suffering from a debilitating a neurological disorder. To some it appeared that he couldn't commit Nancy's murder on his own. 11 days later, Kathy was arrested on the same charges. 

Were they all working together, their hatred for Nancy binding them in an unholy tryst?

For three months, the trio sat behind bars awaiting their court appearance. Once inside, Mr. Styler signed a written affidavit stating that he murdered Nancy all by himself and without the knowledge of his wife or Kathy. He stated that he went over their to discuss the money dispute and also to retrieve some of their equipment that they left at Nancy's house. He claimed that while she was sleeping, he struck her in the back of the head. He then took her pulse and when he realized she wasn't dead, he turned her over and beat her in the front of the head. 

Did Mr. Styler really commit this dubious deed by himself?

Mrs. Styler's cellphone pinged at a tower by Nancy's house when Mr. Styler said he was there committing the murder. Mr. Styler claimed that he had taken his wife's phone, because his was dead.

In August of 2015, Mr. Styler hung himself in his jail cell. Months before he killed himself, he made a 8 hour video confession detailing Nancy's murder. In the detailed video, Mr. Styler was very emotional as he talked about his wife.

Was justice served? Or is there one or more accomplices out there?

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