Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Haunting Of Goatman's Bridge

Image result for goatman bridge
Built in 1884, the "Old Alton Bridge" aka "Goatman's Bridge" and the forest surrounding it are rich with hauntings, murders, and mysteries. People from all over the United States to have Goatman's Bridge in order to see if they could get a glimpse of the Goatman. Some unfortunate things have happened to people who have decided to visit the bridge. 

The bridge lies in Texas and was built to connect Alton to Denton and for horses and automobiles to travel across the river. The bridge can no longer handle automobiles and is strictly a pedestrian crossing. 

Alton was founded in 1848 and some say that it originally had a population of 1. Alton was chosen as the legal center of Denton county and remained that way for about 10 years. After the county seat was moved to Denton, the residents of Alton moved to other towns and Alton eventually disappeared. Today, the Baptist Church and the Alton cemetery are all that remains of the Alton village

Some people believe that Satanists have performed dark rituals on the bridge and opened a portal to another dimension. Pet stores in the area have stopped selling cats, due to many of their tortured little dead bodies being found in the woods. There have also been reports of inhuman screams coming from the woods, or maniacal laughter sounding. On Halloween, if you go the bridge and honk your horn twice, you may see the fiery red eyes of the Goatman, preceded by the stench of decaying flesh. Numerous reports tell of a Goat-headed man-beast stomping in the wooded shadows, or a frightening apparition of a maniacal Satyr carrying the heads of goats or humans in his hands. Many ghost box sessions have resulted in the name Steven being heard.The spirits are theorized to be violent and angry. Many people that have visited the area have claimed that they have been dragged, struck in the head or scratched three times, which is a mock of the Holy Trinity. Some people have also reported to feel an urge to kill whomever they are visiting the area with.

The legends the bridge differ depending on who tells it, but one of the most popular version is that of an African-American entrepreneur named Oscar Washburn. Oscar and his family tended a farmstead goat herd near the bridge that was renowned for quality meat, milk, cheeses and hides. When the popular businessman proudly hung a sign on the Old Alton Bridge directing “This way to the Goatman,” which caught the attention of the local Ku Klux Klansmen. On a dark night in the late 1930's, a infuriated lynch mob made up of the KKK stormed Oscar’s shack and kidnapped him. They then dragged the screaming Goatman to their noose waiting on the bridge, tightened the rope around Oscar’s neck, then mercilessly flung him over the side. But when the the mob stumbled down to the dark river’s edge to confirm their murderous handiwork, they were shocked to empty noose dangling over undisturbed waters.

The KKK were confused and upset that their insidious plan didn't work  rushed to Oscar’s shack, setting it afire with the Goatman’s family shrieking inside, perhaps to bait a desperate rescue attempt by the vanished Oscar. Oscar was never seen again, they say, but a vengeful spirit has haunted the Old Alton Bridge ever since. 

Whether or not Oscar's story is true, many people still believe that the bridge as well as the forest surrounding it are haunted by spirits.

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