Friday, September 20, 2019

Unsolved Halloween Murders: #2 Ernestine Andregg

Image result for Ernestine Andregg
Ernestine was born on May 29th, 1945. She loved get togethers, family, talking, laughing, and living. She was a loving, sweet, kind person with a big heart. Ernestine sacrificed everything she had for her children.

In October 1995, Ernestine was living with her son on 15th and Cypress in Rogers, Arkansas following her divorce. On Halloween night Ernestine's daughter and granddaughter came to visit. After awhile they left, leaving Ernestine alone to pass out candy. A short time later, Ernestine’s boyfriend, Bill Ochoa, found her stabbed to death on the kitchen floor. He then called her family and police. Police said that the door was ajar, but there was no forced entry. Nothing was stolen and the knife used in the killing was nowhere to be found. Police have no idea if Ernestine knew her attacker. A random Halloween crime hasn't been ruled out. There was also a carnival in town that had just set up a few blocks for Ernestine's house. Detectives interviewed close friends and family, but they were ruled out as potential suspects. Police can’t go into detail as to what kind of DNA evidence they have, but there has been no match yet. The DNA evidence sits in the police's evidence locker just waiting to be retested.

“Ultimately God is going to judge whoever did this, but it would be nice for us to see the result or someone behind bars,” Ernestine's son, Dwayne Andregg said.

If you know anything at all about Ernestine’s death, no matter how small it may seem, please contact Arkansas police at (479) 636-4141.

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