Monday, September 2, 2019

Bosnian Pyramids: Historic Or Hoax?

The Bosnian Pyramids
Image result for bosnian pyramids
The central mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina are home to a handful of peaks called the “Bosnian Pyramids.” They are near Visoko, a town located 20 miles from Sarajevo. These pyramids were rediscovered in 2005 by author Sam Osmanagich who noticed them while on a book tour. The largest of these pyramids is named  “Pyramid of the Sun” and has ruins at the summit believed to be associated with medieval kings. At the Pyramid of the Sun, investigators discovered rectangular and roughly six-sided blocks under a meter of soil. The blocks appeared to be made from a type of concrete. 

Physicists and electrical engineers measured an 13-foot wide electrical “beam” emitted from the top of the Sun Pyramid. This electromagnetic energy at 28 kHz is not commonly found in nature. The pyramid has miles of underground tunnels, multiple chambers, and flowing water which probably were used to conduct electricity.

These pyramids are up for much debate on whether they are really historic or just a hoax that someone made in the last few 100 years or so. Whatever they are, they have been embraced and adopted by the locals.

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