Sunday, September 29, 2019

Can You Help Monique Daniel's Sister Find Out What Happened To Her?

Monique Daniels
"Always have faith, it allows you to cope. 
Trying times will pass as they always do.
Just have patience, your dreams will come true.
So put on a smile, you will through your pain.
Know it will pass, and strength you will regain."

She was very smart, cute, had a ton of friends and everybody loved her. Monique was someone who would put other people’s needs before her own. She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

Monique was born in 1977 in Moore, Oklahoma to Candice. Her biological father was not in her life very much as he was constantly in and out of prison. Monique’s father consistently abused both Monique and her mother as well as her three siblings. Candice decided to leave him and soon after, and married a man named "Chuck" Charles Daniels. Together, they ended up having two more children and so there were six children in total. Monique was the oldest child in the family. 

Candice and Chuck were in the military and ran a very strict household. The house was always very clean and the children were well disciplined, as both Candice and Chuck ran the house as if it was a boot camp. However, there was a lot of fighting going on at home.

In 1992, Monique was 15-years-old when she became pregnant. Chuck forced her to get an abortion. This made Monique so upset that she actually ran away from home and unbeknownst to her parents, she stayed with a friend. Her friends were able to convince Monique to go back to her home and talk to her parents. Once home, things were very tense.

Just a few weeks before Monique's 16th birthday, her sister Angelique and brother Bryan went to a one week choir festival with Candice, leaving Monique and Chuck alone for a week. When they returned, Angelique and Bryan said that there was something off in the household when they both came back. Instead of a spotless household there were cigarettes and beer bottles everywhere. There was an empty pregnancy test box on the bathroom counter. When Candice, Angelique, and Bryan entered the house, Chuck said: “She’s gone again” and Candice responded with “Oh, really?” And that was it. They didn’t seem to care at all. Candice and Chuck forbid the children from talking about Monique and removed all photos of her in the house. They also took new family pictures and put them up. And after the new pictures were hung up, Chuck said "There you go. Now isn't everything so much more tranquil?"

Six months after Monique’s disappearance, Monique’s aunt Leslie (Candice’s sister) became extremely worried and was fed up that nothing was being done to find her. Leslie contacted Candice to ask her if she could have Monique’s missing person report so that Leslie could enter it into an online database to search for missing and exploited children. Candice told Leslie that she would get back to her with the missing person’ report, but she never did. Leslie later found out that Chuck and Candice had never filed a missing person report. Their excuse was Monique had ran away before and so they had just assumed she ran away again.

Leslie decided to take matters into her own hands. She called the Moore police and reported that Monique was missing. After the report was filed, Candice claimed that she received  a call from Monique. Candice then called up her entire family and all her relatives to let them know that Monique called her and told her that she was fine. A week later, Candice allegedly got a letter from Monique saying she is in Texas saying again that she was fine and that she’s married with a child named Chelsea. The letter also stated that she wasn’t going to come home. A few weeks later, Candice received another letter from Monique saying that she was fine.

Leslie ended up calling the Moore police department because she wanted to get the letters authenticated since she didn’t believe that they were from Monique. Candice agreed to bring the letters in, but then her house supposedly was broken into. The furniture was tipped over and the letters were gone.

Two years later after Monique’s disappearance, Angelique ran away to Michigan to stay with Leslie. Angelique came forward and told Leslie that she herself had written the letters. She explained that the reason she wrote them  was because Chuck had threatened her and said she'd be arrested. Chuck drove her all the way to Texas to send the letters.  Angelique thought that she'd be sent off to military camp and or maybe where sister might be. The phone call was also Angelique.

Leslie responded to Angelique's confession by saying, “Oh my god, what have they done to her?”  And for Angelique, this is when it finally sunk in that something sinister could have happened to Monique.

When Angelique ran away, Candice and Chuck immediately filed a missing person’s report on her and finally one on Monique. This was when the investigation into Monique's disappearance officially began. When police questioned Chuck and Candice, Chuck admitted to faking the letters with Angelique. Other than that, they couple were uncooperative, and refused to a lie detector test. When interviewing neighbors, one of them said that they saw Monique get into the back of a truck with a white male in the driver's seat on the day she disappeared.

Angelique was too scared to return home and told Leslie and her relatives in Michigan that she had been both physically and mentally abused by her parents at home. Angelique then decided to go to child protection services to charge her parents with abuse. When the parents were charged with this, they plead not guilty to abuse and neglect. The judge let Angelique stay with her relatives in Michigan. Angelique and Leslie then started publicizing what happened to Monique. Angelique publicly stated that she believed her parents had something to do with her sister’s disappearance and that they were involved. 

One day, Angelique's younger brother, 13-year-old Andrew, called her and asked her if she'd pick him up and that he was being abused. Despite this, Candice and Chuck decided to move to Germany and Andrew and all of the rest of the kids still living at home went with them.

Angelique stayed in Michigan and eventually got married. And years later, she gets a call from Andrew. He was crying and said “Angelique, she wasn’t talking she wasn’t talking.” He said that while Angelique, Candice, and Bryan were away on their one week choir trip, Monique and Chuck were fighting. Andrew also said that Chuck gathered the boys up for a fishing trip. Before they left for the trip they were ordered to stand outside Monique's room in a single file line and say goodbye to her. From the small gap in the door, Andrew said he could see that Monique was completely still and on her bedroom floor with her legs crossed. She didn’t say goodbye back. Chuck then gathered the boys and they left in the pouring rain without their fishing poles. They then drove four two hours before Chuck took them to McDonald’s. Then they drove back home. When they got home, Chuck left all of the boys in the car and in the garage for over an hour and told them that they couldn’t get out. When Chuck finally let the boys out of the car, Andrew ran to the bathroom. In the bathroom the curtains were closed and Andrew said that he didn't feel like he was alone. Chuck came banging on the door and told him to get out of there. Chuck then gathered all of the boys again and locked them inside of his bedroom. Chuck said that he was going to look for Monique, and that he would be back soon. Chuck returned two days later. 

After Andrew told Angelique this story, she convinced him to go to the police. The police ended up digging up the entire family home but unfortunately did not find anything. 

One of Angelique's twin brothers also told her that the day they were locked in the bedroom that Chuck came in and him one inside of his truck where they drove to an unknown destination. The twin told Angelique that he remembered that he looked at the back of the truck and saw an oil-drum. Chuck then buried the oil drum and went back home.

Monique case is classified as a missing person's case.

Chuck and Candice currently live in Florida. In and interview with Crime Watch Daily Candice and Chuck both stated that, "Whatever happened is in god's hands."

Monique, your Angelique will never stop fighting for you.

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