Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Time Capsule From A Ghost Was Found.

Glass bottle time capsule from 1968 that was discovered in Albuquerque, New Mexico (Screenshot via KQRE)

Back in 2016, Demolitions crews in Albuquerque, New Mexico  discovered a time capsule from 1968 near former Montgomery Elementary School.

Some of the letters discovered in the capsule are from kids who wrote about their favorite TV shows (Lost in Space) and their favorite bands (The Monkees). But one kid named Greg Lee Youngman wrote about something far different. It reads:
"I am dead. I go to Montgomery School. That is the olden school name. I was born 1900. You auto now I dead. My favorite subject is spooking the police. I play the guitar. In case you don’t know what it is, it is board with strings on then. I am 10 years old. See you later savages."

There is no record of a Greg Lee Youngman going to that school. Is he really a 10 year old ghost who likes to play the guitar?Messages written by children in a 1968 time capsule that was discovered in Albuquerque, New Mexico (Screenshot via KQRE)

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