Saturday, August 10, 2019

What Happened To Colorado Paramedic Eric Pracht? UPDATED 04/24/2020

UPDATE: This statement was released from Eric's family  today.  "From our family, we would like to thank all of you for following Eric's page over the last few years. It is with a very sad heart that we tell you, that the remains found on Green Mountain on Thursday, were most likely those of Eric. We have not received final confirmation from the coroner yet, but all evidence supports the likelihood that it is Eric. Our family would like to thank everyone that has supported us through the years. The love and support has been incredible. We apologize for the delay in getting this posted, however we needed the time to take care of each other. Thank you for your understanding and love through the years."
🚒Eric Randolph Pracht🚒
🚒His parents are Randy and Denice Parcht. Eric loved to help people. Since the age of 12, Eric and his dad would go Kayaking together. Eric was a paramedic.

🚒On July 22nd, 2016, Eric was 25 years old and having a party in his condo in Lakewood, Colorado. After awhile the party dwindled down to Eric's fiance and three friends. That night, the group began discussing some recent police shootings and Eric became upset.

🚒According to his fiance, sometime after midnight on the 23rd, Eric and his fiancee take out the trash out. While doing so, Eric told her that he needed to go for a short walk to get some air. She went back inside and he left for his walk. He was carrying his keys, wallet and cellular phone. 

🚒Around 1 a.m., Eric's fiance and a couple of friends went and looked for him to no avail.

🚒At 1:30 a.m., one of Eric's neighbors said they think they heard a gun shot.

🚒Sometime after 9 a.m., Eric's fiance called the police.

🚒At 2:30 p.m., Eric's parents are contacted about his disappearance.

🚒At 4:30 p.m., the Pracht family arrive at condo to search for Eric around the condo and surrounding area and find nothing as well.

🚒At 5:00 p.m. Eric's cellular phone made a call. The phone pinged off a tower at the base of Green Mountain, but.. the special area that Eric's home was in possible that Eric's phone never left the condo.

🚒Eric has never been heard from again, and since then there hasn't been any activity on his phone, credit or debit cards, or social media pages.

🚒It's extremely uncharacteristic of Eric to leave without warning. His family stated he loved being a paramedic, was looking forward to his upcoming vacation in Mexico and his pending marriage. Eric was never known to have expressed suicidal thoughts. He left his car, clothing and cash behind.

🚒During the investigation, police failed to check a gas station, that was just a half a block away from Eric's condo, until after seven days. By the time the surveillance video was checked, it had been erased. 

🚒The police never did a through search of Eric's condo.

🚒In Eric's condo there was a gun safe. Eric's fiance told investigators that she couldn't open the gun safe because she didn't know the combination and wasn't able to find the key. Eric's parents had bought him that safe and contacted the manufacturer and they were able to send the parents a copy of the key. By the time Eric's parents got the key and went over to Eric's condo, his fiance said that she had found the key above the gun safe.

🚒One of his guns has also been missing as long as he has, but the police have dismissed it as they believe there is no evidence a crime has happened.

🚒Eric's fiance and his two friends, who had looked for him after he went missing, refused to take a lie detector test.

🚒On October 6th, 2016, the FBI went to Eric's condo and got his Google login from his fiance in order to try to pin his location. The detectives and his fiance couldn't pin his location. The next year in January, the detectives had given Eric's parents his Google info. When Eric's parents logged on to his email to see if they could find clues to where Eric was, there was a notification saying that someone had been trying to disable the location feature of his account on October 7th, 2016. Eric's parents went to detectives and they pinged the computer that was trying to turn off the location of Eric's cell as coming from the library. However, the library wasn't open at the time, but the liquor store that his fiance worked at and her parents owned was.

🚒The police never talked to Eric's co-workers, but the parents did. They said that Eric seemed to be dealing with things ok and that he was in a pretty good state of mind before he disappeared.

🚒In November of 2016, there was the Green Mountain Fire that burn the areas that Eric's family had been searching. In fact, the day that the fire happened there was a search scheduled for the area where the fire started before it happened. Only Eric's parents, fiance and the dog team knew when and where that search was going to happen. Supposedly, the cause of the fire was arson by a homeless man.

🚒In July of 2017, an ex-boyfriend of Eric's fiance contacted the parents. He stated that his relationship with her was volatile and that she was nuts and he thought that the fiance killed Eric. He had text messages to prove this. Eric's parents asked the ex-boyfriend if he'd talk to the police and he agreed. The ex-boyfriend later decided not to go to police, he said that he was scared to death of the fiance's family and that they had the Lakewood police in their back pockets.

🚒Allegedly, Eric's fiance took down all the fliers that were put up around his condo and there has never been a flier put up at her family's liquor store where she works.

🚒His case remains unsolved.

🚒At the time of his disappearance, Eric was 5'10" - 6'0" tall, 170 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a goatee at the time of his disappearance, but he sometimes had a beard. Eric was wearing a blue t-shirt with video game characters on the front, khaki cargo shorts, black ankle socks, a dark green cloth belt with metal rings, and allegedly no shoes. He would often get a rash around his navel from his belt buckle. Eric had the following tattoos: a star of life with the words "SERVING SINCE 2010" on the right side of his chest, the video game character Sub-Zero in blue ink on his calf, an ambulance on his abdomen, the Star Wars character Boba Fett on his left forearm, a Green Bay Packers helmet on his right calf, a crown across the top of his back, an angel on one shoulder, a demon on the other shoulder, the character Michael Myers from the movie "Halloween" on the left side of his chest, the character Jason Voorhees from the movie "Friday the 13th" below the Michael Myers tattoo, his last name "PRACHT" going down one arm, a dragon from the video game Skyrim on his right forearm, and the name "Denver" on his left forearm. 

🚒If you have any information on Eric's disappearance, no matter how small, please contact Lakewood Police Department at 303-987-711.

🚒There is a $12,000 reward in place for the person that can directly lead to Eric or provide his location.

🚒To Eric's friends and family, believe Eric will be found, i just hope it's sooner than later. If Eric did meet with foul play, i hope whomever was involved will have a conscious and come forward. If something happened to Eric by his own hand, i hope we clues are revealed to help him be found. Eric seemed like a really great guy.


  1. Thank you for putting Eric's story out there. We appreciate your help.
    Randy and Denice Pracht

  2. You are welcome. If there is anyway i can help, let me know.

  3. Thank you for writing this. Ill link your blog in my entry when its published.

  4. Thank you for reading it CrimeBlogger1983. I'll have to take a look at your blog. i love when people write blogs that are trying to spread the word and get justice for others.

  5. Is it Eric who was found this am on Green Mountain? Sincerest condolences to whoever this person's family is. Sad news. Maybe some closure and peace but still unanswered questions. Hugs


  7. i'm not sure yet. If and when i find out i'll post an update.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This seems to be a very biased write up. The author only has one side of the story and they are clearing pointing fingers at the fiance. I am not sure where they got all their info, but this is poorly done as it's so one sided. I found out the parents of the fiance are immigrants from India, and in no way have connections to the Lakewood police department. They are not wealthy people who are highly established in the community. They do not have relatives in the department. All this makes me question if the ex-boyfriend is even real, because his excuse for not going to the police doesnt make sense. I wish the author would have done a bit more research and made it less bias so us readers can decide for ourselves what we think happened.

  10. Hello to the two Anonymouses who posted on 4/24 ... presume you are the fiancee or the fiancee's family?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. When i write articles, i try to state all of the facts and i also offer my own opinion. You are more than welcome to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Eric was a very real person. If you don't like my article that is not my problem, unless you are the victim or the victim's family. i don't get paid for this. This is my own personal blog. I try to give the victim's a voice and help out when i can. i welcome any information you have and value the opinions of others. All i ask is not to threaten or go out of your way to attack the victims, the victim's families or each other or your comments will be deleted. Thank you for reading.
