Sunday, August 25, 2019

Megan Brown, Her Parents And Nicholas Leonard Had A Run In With The DJ Of Death.

Gregory Arnold & Margaret Estel Thomas Brown
🐎Gregory Brown was raised in Shark River Hills, New Jersey and was the second of five children. He was a gentleman with a big heart. An avid outdoorsman, Greg loved hunting, fishing and being on his farm. He graduated Saint Rose High School, Belmar, in 1979. He had his electrical licenses in both NJ and PA. After obtaining his NJ electrical license, he co-ran and operated Brown Electric in Neptune. He worked at Kullman Industries for 16 years and went on to work at MBR Construction Services.

🐎Margaret was born in Englewood  New Jersey and was the third of seven kids. Maggie was a social butterfly and had a witty sense of humor and a tenacious spirit. She had a lifelong passion for horseback riding, starting with her favorite horse Cinnamon. She attended Wall High School in Wall Township.  Maggie worked as an Emergency Medical Technician at SAS Ambulance in Lakewood for many years. She was the main caretaker for the children and animals.

🐎Greg and Maggie were well-known for their love of animals as well as well as their loved for each other. They loved each other with the vigor of newlyweds through all 34 years together. Their love and commitment was an inspiration for their friends and family. 

🐎Greg and Maggie were good, honest, and hardworking people with good hearts.
Megan Elizabeth Brown
🐎She was born in 1987 to Margaret and Gregory Brown in Brick, New Jersey. Her family then moved to a farm in New Tripoli, Pennsylvania, where they opened Hidden Hills Farm, and bred and boarded horses, and operated a dog kennel. Megan was the youngest of three children. She was a lively person, beautiful inside and out, with a radiant smile and infectious laugh. She and her brother Aaron were best friends.

🐎Megan graduated from Northwestern Lehigh High School in 2005, where she ran track and competed in the PA State Finals. She won a silver medal in the Triple Jump at the 2005 PIAA Track and Field Championship during her senior year. She won an athletic scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania, which she attended in 2006.
Image result for adam matos
🐎In her early twenties, Megan began dating an aspiring DJ named Adam Matos. Soon, she became pregnant with his child and Megan and her family were ecstatic, but they were weary of Adam. Adam wasn't ready for a baby and the couple soon parted ways. After Megan had the baby in 2009, the couple reconciled. 
They named their baby boy Tristan, and he was autistic and needed extra help. Adam moved in with Megan and Tristan who still lived with Megan's family. Adam got on Maggie's nerves. He didn't help around the house and was always lying around. Megan and Adam didn't get a long real well either and would constantly argue.

🐎Greg decided to retire and he moved the family to Florida with Adam in tow, providing that once they got there, he would look for a job and eventually move out. In July of 2014, the family rented a two-story house in a Hudson neighborhood on the banks of a canal while their new home was being built. Maggie got a job as a clerk at a convenience store and Megan got a job as a waitress at a bar. Adam worked at a restaurant as a dishwasher, but was fired not too long after he started because he stopped showing up. Adam would just sit home all day and play video games.

🐎Adam and Megan grew farther and farther apart and argued more and more. They even slept in separate bedrooms. Megan had a group of friends that she liked to go hang out with while Adam stayed home and baby sat Tristan.

🐎Adam became increasingly violent to 27-year-old Megan. This got so bad that Megan had to make an emotional call 9-1-1 one morning after she came home from hanging out with her friends.

Megan: "I just came home, and my son's dad put a knife to my throat and he cut my hand and i'm like, bleeding everywhere and my son's freaking out."
9-1-1: "Ma'am, ma'am, he, he cut your hand with a knife?"
Megan: "Yes, i'm bleeding everywhere."
9-1-1: "Okay, and that's the father of your son?"
Megan: "Yes."
Megan sounded terrified and she can be heard trying to comfort 4-year-old Tristan.
Megan: "It's ok baby. I'm sorry. Please just have someone come out here as soon as possible. He literally tried to kill me."

🐎When authorities arrived, Adam had taken off and Megan was distraught with knife wounds on her hand that she received from the struggle for her life with Adam. After he had left, Adam texted Megan over 100 death threats and she was afraid he was going to come back and finish the job. 

🐎6 days passed and relatives of Megan and her parents called the police, when they tried numerous times to get a hold of the family, with no response. When police arrived to do a welfare check, the house appeared to be empty, but there was a foul odor that seemed like it came from within. There was a spent bullet in the driveway. Police decided to go inside the home through an open door leading to the garage. The family's van was inside, along with bloody blankets and blood all over the floor. Police searched the house, and found trails of blood, but Megan and her family were nowhere to be found.

🐎That same day, an officer noticed a foul smell came from a wooded area down the street from the family's home and called the lead detective investigating, Chet Cougill. When Chet went to the wooded area, there was a pile of bodies that were so decomposed, they were unrecognizable and they couldn't tell how many were even there until they were taken to the medical examiner.

🐎The police brought in forensic experts to the family home and when they sprayed luminol, the house exploded with pink color. Luminol lights up traces of blood pink, so there had been blood everywhere. In the garage in the van, there was a foul smell blood, maggots and a shovel. Outside there was a freshly dug up area of the yard, but it wasn't very deep due to lime rock.

🐎The police suspected that Adam was the culprit, but they weren't sure until the bodies were identified. They had to make sure that he wasn't one of the victims. When the medical examinations were finished, the bodies of Megan, Maggie, Greg and a friend of Megan's named Nicholas Leonard were identified. 
Nicholas "Nick" Leonard
🐎He was born on April 29th, 1977 to Paula and Daniel T. Leonard. He was a carpenter and landscaper. Nick was one of the friends that Megan had been out with the night when she had came home and made the 9-1-1 call. Megan and Nick were in a romantic relationship that she had kept secret from her family and friends. Nick, however and told his family all about Megan and said that she was the love of his life that he'd probably end up marrying someday. He told them that they were keeping their relationship quiet until Adam moved out of the house, because Adam had found out about their relationship and he threatened Nick's life. Which Adam ending up taking.

🐎After the 9-1-1 call that Megan had placed that one night, she called Nick and he came over with his handgun. He told his family that he would be back, that he wanted to go keep Megan and her family safe. That was the last time they'd ever see him again.

🐎Megan, Maggie, Gregory and Nick were accounted for, but there was no sign of Tristan. It was a relief in a way, but that meant that he was either buried somewhere else or possibly with the monster that ended his family's life. It turns out that when the police went to the family home to do a welfare check, Adam had been at the house. When they knocked on the door, he went out the back with Tristan, ran through the back yard, stole a canoe, paddled to the other side of the canal and hailed a taxi to a hotel. At the hotel, he checked in under his own name.

🐎Good thing that he was so dumb that he checked in under his real name because this led investigators right to Adam and a traumatized Tristan. Police tried to talk to Tristan, but he wouldn't really say anything. When they took Adam into custody, investigators told him that he was being arrested for domestic violence from the night that he attacked Megan with a knife. They didn't tell him anything about finding her body or that of her family and new boyfriend. Police wanted to see if Adam would confess or let anything slip about the murders. Adam tells investigators that he didn't attack Megan the night of the 9-1-1 call and she was making it up.

🐎After Adam was squared away, investigators informed him about the Nick's and the family murders. He said that he was shocked and that he'd never kill Megan or her family. Adam even went further to claim that it was an ex-girlfriend of Nick's that did the deed. Police investigated Nick's ex and she had a air tight alibi. There was also a witness to the murders, Tristan. 

🐎Police one again questioned Tristan, who had been staying with Megan's mother's side of the family. This time, he managed to talk to police and retell the horrifying tale that had unfolded in front of him. With the details added by Tristan, investigators were able to come up with a pretty solid timeline of the events and confirm that Adam was the killer.

🐎Investigators believe that Adam staked out the family home and was aware that Nick was staying there for the night. They think that he was waiting to strike once Maggie got off her shift at work around midnight. Once she pulled into the garage and exited the van, Adam pounced, and beat her in the head with a hammer many times until she was still. He then tied Maggie up and put a bag over her head for good measure. Adam then made his way up stairs and into the room where Megan and Nick were sleeping. He beat Nick to death with the hammer as he tried in vain to defend himself. He had been hit 21 times. As Nick was being murdered, Megan and Tristan ran for their lives to her parents room where Greg had hunting rifles. When Adam was finished with Nick, he took Nick's gun and made his way to Megan's parents room. Adam entered the room and fired two shots at Greg's back, who was in his closet loading his gun. Adam then turned his attention to Megan. While she desperately plead for her life, he shot her once in the face.

🐎You'd think that after Adam carried out his heinous act, that he would clean up the scene and then leave. Sadly for Tristan, that's not what happened. After Adam threw the murder weapons in the canal, he and Tristan stayed in the house with the bodies while Adam sold the family's dogs and valuable possessions online. He even had food delivered to the house. Some of the family's neighbors questioned Adam why he was at the house. He told them that the family was away on vacation and he was taking care of things while they were gone.

🐎Poor Tristan, not only did he have to witness the terrible violence inflicted by Adam, he had to sit for nearly a week with the bodies of his loved ones.

🐎When Adam did decide to take care of the bodies, he first tried to bury them in the yard with a shovel he went and bought. After that didn't work, he loaded them up in the van and dumped them in in the woods were they were discovered.

🐎Adam was charged with 4 counts of 1st degree murder. And what did he plea? Not guilty. Adam said that he was there to get his belongings and he was just defending himself from a family that was trying to kill him. 

🐎Is that why he jumped an unarmed woman when she was getting out of her car and then proceeding to beat her to death with a hammer? Oh and to make sure she was good and dead, put a plastic bag over her head? Was Maggie a Kung Fu fighter or what?

 🐎Thankfully, the jury didn't by Adam's lies and he was found guilty on all counts. However, he did not receive the death penalty when 1 person on the jury voted to spare his life. This bewildered and angered the presiding judge, Mary Handsel.

"If there was ever a case that I’ve ever heard that 12 people would have decided that death was appropriate, this was probably it," said Mary.

Mary sentenced Adam with the maximum conviction she could, which was life in prison without the possibility of parole.

🐎Adam tried to make a statement to the family member's of his victims about how sorry he was, but Megan's brother Aaron to yelled at him to shut the f*ck up.

🐎I hope another one of the prisoners gives Adam what he deserves.. 

🐎Rest In Peace Megan, Nick, Maggie and Greg, the world is much darker without you in it.

To Tristan: “God whispered, "You endured a lot. For that I am truly sorry, but grateful. I needed you to struggle to help so many. Through that process you would grow into who you have now become. Didn't you know that I gave all my struggles to my favorite children? One only needs to look at the struggles given to your older brother Jesus to know how important you have been to me.”
― Shannon L. Alder

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