Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Joann LeCornu's Twin Sister Fights For Justice In Her Sister's Murder.

Joann Elizabeth “Jody” LeCornu
She was born on October 28th,1972 in Washington, District of Columbia. Jody was pretty, vivacious, outgoing and bubbly. She was born two minutes older than her identical twin sister Jenny. Jenny always looked up to Jody. They were inseparable.

As a teenager, Jody had a substance abuse problem and spent time in detox.

Jennifer moved out to California, but kept in close contact with Jody.

In 1996, Jody had also developed severe anxiety and was afraid of almost everything. She was a 23 year old college student with big dreams. She was studying geriatrics at Towson University. She also worked as a receptionist at Eastern Savings Bank in Hunt Valley. 

On March 2nd, in Baltimore, Jody's light would be extinguished and the world a little darker from then on. That morning, she broke up with her live in boyfriend, Steve Dubin, who told her not to come home. Jody went to work at the bank and instead of going home she spent the snowy night, with some friends, at a local bar called "The Mount Washington Tavern."  When the bar closed, she decided an employee at the tavern had asked her for a ride. After Jody dropped him off she went to a atm and then a liquor store on Falls Road and bought a 6 pack of beer. Then Jody decided to hang out in her white Honda Civic in the parking of what is now the Drumcastle Government Center in the 6300 block York Road and made phone calls. At 3:40 a.m. a white BMW was pulled close by. A African-American man, in his 20's or 30's, weighing about 200 or 220 pounds and wearing a green fatigue jacket, exited the vehicle and approached Jody's car. He then pulled out a weapon and shot into the back of her vehicle. The bullet went through Jody's back and severed her spine. Surprisingly, she managed to pull out of the parking lot and drive across five lanes of traffic before coming to a stop outside a 24 hour market called "Giant Food". The man followed Jody in his car, got out and as she lay dying, stole something out of her purse before driving away heading south on York Road.

To me this doesn't sound like some random act. The murder must have been someone that either knew Jody or was stalking her. Whatever was stolen from her purse must have been important enough to someone to kill for it.

Due to her anxiety issues, Jody's family said that her driving out in the snow and taking a strange person home and then sitting in her car parked in a dark parking lot was very uncharacteristic of her. And there was no traces of drugs found in Jody's system to have influenced her behavior.

Fast forward to 2016, Jennifer was contacted via Facebook by a friend of Jody's named Mike. He said that his friend Rob had told him that he knew something about her murder. Rob claimed that he overheard a conversation a group of people were having about a well known drug dealer named Randy, hanging around the tavern the night that Jody was murdered. Randy always carried a gun and was possibly trying to collect money that she owed him. Rob also said that Randy would deliver drug in a brown paper bag. Randy is also a African-American man, but his weight was not on point with the description with that of what witnesses gave.

Randy is in Maryland State prison on drug charges.

Even though, there was witnesses to her murder, fingerprints found in her car and surveillance footage of what transpired the night of her murder, Jody's case remains unsolved.

Jennifer has placed numerous billboards around Baltimore in hopes of getting the tips that is needed to solve her sister's murder.

Police ask that anyone with information about the case call the Baltimore County Police Department or submit an anonymous tip to Metro Crime Stoppers by calling 1-866-7LOCKUP.

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