Friday, August 16, 2019

A Knightmare: Who Killed Tawnya?

Tawnya Dawn Knight
She was born on February 7th, 1981 to Lori and Frank Knight.
Tawnya was a pretty teenager that boys gravitated towards. She was a tomboy, and someone who always had a smile on her face. Tawnya could probably outrun most of the boys her age. She was very fastShe grew up in Arizona with her mom, but had come to live in Kansas with her dad a few years before her murder. 

On December 7, 1996, Tawnya asked her father if she could have a sleepover at a friend’s house. Tawnya was always on time and when she didn't show up the next day, Frank was concerned. The Spring Hill Police Department considered Tawnya a runaway, and told the family that she would be home in a few days.

On June 7th, 1997. Her body was found in brush in a farmer's field. A farmer was in the middle of tilling his field when he spotted something that he was about to run over. When he took a closer look he realized it was a human skull and a partially decomposed human body. Tawnya's parents were able to identify her through dental records. Detectives had no indication if it was a natural, accidental, or homicidal death. However, the Johnson County Coroner at the time was sure Tawnya was murdered.

No arrests or suspects have been named in the case, so Lori hired a private detective named Jeff McDonald. He thinks that Tawnya was led to believe there was going to be a party.

McDonald said. "I can't find anyone who can say, 'I remember that night. I remember there was a party.'"

McDonald believes it was a lie. A fabrication by two people he called "The Mastermind," a girlfriend of Tawnya's, and "The Heavy," a boy that had a crush on Tawnya. McDonald thinks that the two concocted a murder plot motivated by "The Mastermind" being jealous and "The Heavy" having his advances being shot down by Tawnya.

McDonald learned The Mastermind dropped Tawnya off at a boy's house the night she went missing. McDonald said the boys who were playing video games were surprised to see Tawnya and didn't know why she was there. The Mastermind never came back to pick Tawnya up, one of the boy's mothers offered her a ride home, but she decided to walk back around midnight. The mother watched Tawnya leave and walk down the road.

She is the last person known to see her alive.

To get home, investigators said she had to pass a graveyard just off the main path. McDonald said he believes she was lured into the graveyard by The Mastermind and The Heavy and murdered there. And then her body was dumped just over an adjoining chain link fence from the graveyard, and the spot where her body was found.

The Mastermind and The Heavy were interviewed. The Mastermind was also polygraphed. She thought that the polygraph was fun, and she also failed the test.

Sadly, Tawnya's case remains unsolved. 

"I just got to keep believing that I'm going to get justice because you can't give up hope, and you've got to believe in something," Lori Knight said.

If you believe you have information about the night Tawnya went missing, the Johnson County Sheriff's Department asks that you call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.

There is a $10,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. You can remain anonymous



  1. This case has been bungled from the start. The police foolishly considered her a runaway despite her parents stating otherwise. a potential suspect fails a polygraph and it appears no follow up was done. police obviously never performed a thorough search of the area which is normal procedure or the body would have been found sooner and precious evidence would not have been lost. they never conducted a interview with the one suspect prior to his death. the Private investigators theory is more than likely spot on and the remaining 3 suspects need to be re interviewed and pressure should be applied to them. the other thing i noticed in the articles i read is that one of the suspects(older girl) was upset about losing boyfriends to Tawnya(who was younger), however no mention of Tawnya having a boyfriend or even actively dating was stated.

  2. In the game of criminal minds there are six (6) confessions to this crime . I have reported it don't know if they have looked into it.

  3. I agree DragonWolfe. i like your name by the way.
    Patricia there is a page dedicated to Tawnya's case
    I also have a family member's twitter.
