Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Who Killed Ketie Jones?

Katherine (Ketie) Memory Jones
She was born on December 19th, 1989 to Jevona Livingston in Asheville. Ketie's father died when when she was a child. She loved everything French, she also had taught herself to speak French. She loved binary code and had a tattoo of it on her wrist. She love of acting, singing, drawing and crafting..She was a remarkable woman and one of the smartest person's you could meet. Ketie was everybody's best friend. She was such a gentle heart who never hurt anybody. She was the type of girl who would take in stray cats and look after them. She also had two dogs. Ketie was always taking in animals. She was a kind young woman who took care of her mother after Jevona's mother died of cancer in 2011.

"Ketie was always the one that held me together. My mom passed in 2011 from cancer and I wouldn't have made it through if it wasn't for Ketie. I literally laid in my bed for three weeks and I don't normally drink, but I drank half a gallon of tequila because I found a bucket of it there" said Jevona.

Ketie studied briefly at New York's Marymount Manhattan College, but was unable to continue her drama course because of a lack of funds. 
It was October 18th 2016 and 26 year old Ketie was a waitress at Midwood Smokehouse, in Plaza Midwood, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Which is a critically acclaimed restaurant frequented by Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama's picture adorns the walls.
It was just after 2 a.m. and Ketie was walking home from Midwood Country Club in Charlotte where she had gone with friends after finishing work. One of her friends had offered her a ride home. She turned them down because Ketie claimed that it was the last warm night of the year and wanted to walk.  Ketie was wearing a green sweater, layered over a long-sleeved blue shirt, and black, laced boots. She was dancing and singing all the way down the road while texting and sending pictures to her friends. 
Surveillance footage shows Ketie after leaving the country club and walking up Central Avenue towards her home near Hawthorne, which was just a mile away.

Almost halfway home at 2:33 a.m., in a group chat on the Facebook Messenger app, Kétie sent the last photos of her life and typed out her last,  message to her friends: “Enjoy these Andrew-esque pictures on my lonely walk home.”
It was about 2:45 a.m. and after Ketie disappears into the darkness, headlights can be seen in the video over where Ketie was walking. This is where Ketie was assaulted and shot. The beige sedan then drives quickly down the road past the surveillance camera.
A neighbor walking their dog heard Ketie get shot, but thinks it is fireworks. They walk behind the Berry Hill Reality building and they tripped over what they thought was a crack in the sidewalk. When they looked down they saw Ketie, face down in the driveway, bruised with a single gunshot to her stomach. The neighbor calls 9-1-1 and emergency services arrive on the scene less then 10 minutes later. It's too late for Ketie, she has passed away at the scene.

Ketie still had her phone, money and purse with her pepper spray  still inside it when her body was found. Robbery has not been ruled out though, police think there might have been a chanced the the perpetrators got scared off by the next building's burglar alarm.

There is also thoughts that she might have been killed as a part of a gang initiation.

Ketie's case is far from cold, but police and Ketie's family need your help. Anyone with information about the shooting or those involved are asked to call 704-432-TIPS or Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600.

To donate to the scholarship fund go to the Ketie Memory Jones Arts Award.


  1. You can see a tiny flash of light up the street she was killed at 4.08 and 9.19 in the video,maybe the car drawing up and waiting?So sad!

  2. I've been looking at this all morning. I have lived not too far from where this happened `17 years and very strangely to me...a few times I actually parked in that exact spot if after I went to the library I would go over to CM and have a beer or something then not have to worry about being towed or keeping someone from aprking at the library. I'm thoughtful like that!
    Here is a huge question that needs to be answered.....if she didn't live in that neighborhood.....why did she cross Central....go a block...make that right turn in the first place? If the objective were to stay off the main street....you can take back streets from behind the bar she was at (Midwood Country Club)...if that were the objective. She wasn't new to the area so she would know that. Seems to me someone was there to meet her.....she knew them...and by the time she realized what was happening it was to late! There is no reason someone would be waiting at that time of night with lights off to rob someone....if that were the objective you'd go back a street or two and do it on foot.

  3. I think it is important to note that the Midwood area is "owned" by M13. The gang initiation doesn't seem that farfetched- my best friend lived on Central ans had hit thr car next to him in his apartment parking lot. Just a random gang shooting - he wasn't even that phased
