Sunday, July 28, 2019

What Would Happen If You Were To Get Sucked Into Space?

When i envisioned being an astronaut and being sucked into space accidentally and without any gear on, i thought that my body would instantly pop due to the lack of oxygen. Through research i discovered that what really happens to be far more scary and gnarly.

In the shade in space it is around -250 degrees and in the sun it is 250 degrees. Yikes! For some reason i just thought the entirety of space was exceptionally cold and only when you got close to a sun would it be hot. I guess your blood would start to boil and your lungs would be sucked flat instantaneously.  You will also freeze at the same time you burn. Yay....

It would take 15 seconds to 2 minutes for you to die... I thought it would take even less than 15 seconds. Can you imagine 2 whole minutes??

Depending on if you are closer to the sun or farther in the shadows, your body will either be mummified or frozen quickly. Then your lifeless body could potentially sail through the cosmos for millions of years before encountering another object. I wonder if this were to happen close to Earth, if the body could be seen through a telescope. That would be freaky.

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