Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Was JonBenet's Murder Just A Kidnapping Gone Wrong? Bernice Johnson Thinks So.

68-year-old Colorado woman, Bernice Johnson, who is locked up in prison at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility, believes that her former partner and father of her children, Todd Fuss, was involved in JonBenet's murder. Johnson, is of the opinion that the murder of JonBenet was actually a hired kidnapping that had gone horribly wrong. 

Johnson claimed that Fuss had help from a man named Michael Helgoth who worked at a junkyard. For many years, Helgoth was part of a theory which stated that there were two intruders, even before Johnson had come out with the theory.

Helgoth was discovered dead, with a stun gun near his hand, in Boulder, Colorado, just a day after the district attorney's news conference that announced that they were getting closer to the killer. The Ramsey's private detective thinks that he was murdered, maybe by someone who helped him murder JonBenet.

There was a pair of hi-tech boots found in Helgoth's room with a shoe print similar to one found at the scene of JonBenet's murder. One of Helgoth's friends, who was convinced that Helgoth was involved, handed an impression of the boot to the Ramseys who gave it to the authorities.

The authorities believed that the boots were of the wrong size and quickly dismissed the claims. According to Johnson, Fuss would take her to the same junkyard where Helgoth worked and Fuss was "chummy" with the folks who worked there.At the time that Helgoth worked there, she and Fuss had gone to the junkyard to look for car parts.

Johnson shared that Fuss seemed to know that the Helgoth junkyard had the same car parts which she needed. A man who used to work with Helgoth, John Kenady, believes that Helgoth was most certainly involved in the murder. According to Kenady, Helgoth had wanted to know "what it would be like to crack a human skull."

Helgoth's most prized possession, which was his flashlight, turned up missing. On the scene of the crime, the Ramseys claimed that they had found an unidentified flashlight on the kitchen counter the day that JonBenet was murdered.

In late November of 1996, Helgoth allegedly had said to a coworker, "Me and a partner are going to make $50-60K each." Helgoth called this a "killer deal" and the overall amount matched the same as what was on the ransom note found at the Ramsey home.

After Christmas Helgoth told the same coworker that the deal went by the "wayside". He then changed his appearance and got a buzz cut. 

After Helgoth passed away, his family have been reluctant to provide any DNA sample. 

Detectives interrogated Todd and asked him if he were ready to submit to a DNA test, he agreed and gave  swabs then and there. Todd's DNA was not found to be matching with the crime.

If you have read up on this case as much as i have, i think detectives are relying on the DNA too much. I think the DNA is contaminated and should not be used.

John Ramsey is supposedly involved in a new documentary coming out soon. It is about the search for JonBenet's killer.

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