Saturday, June 29, 2019

No,The Hunger Stones Is Not A Prequel To The Hunger Games.

The Hunger Stones Of Czechia
In 2018, a terrible drought parched the Elbe river as this area suffered record heatwaves. As the water level of the river dropped, frightening messages carved into rock were revealed. These 700 year old inscriptions reminds us of the brutal wars raged over the precious resource known as water.

One of the inscriptions reads: 
"If you again see this stone, so will you weep, so shallow was the water in the year 1417."

Another inscription expressed that drought had brought a bad harvest, lack of food, high prices and hunger for poor people.

No one knows what happened to the authors of the stones.

The Hunger stones are among the oldest hydro-logical landmarks in Central Europe.

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