Friday, June 28, 2019

Did Natasha Die At Her Owns Hands Or Was Something More Sinister Afoot?

Natasha Roseanna Boykin was born on February 5th, 1985 to Angel King. She was a native of Florida and had resided in St. Augustine since 2003. She was a petite girl just under 5 feet tall. Natasha was very vibrant and bubbly. She loved to spend time with her family and friends. Natasha always wanted to take care of people, but she was also strong willed. 

Natasha was working at "Aunt Kate's" Restaurant. One of her close friends had just been killed in Iraq and she was going through a divorce. She had started a relationship with Willis Casey White whom she had met at a skeet shooting club. Their families had revolved in the same social circles. He was 15 years older than Natasha. Supposedly, he told her that they only could go out on certain days of the week, but he also didn't want her seeing anyone else.

Casey was also recently divorced and he claimed he just wanted to move slowly with their relationship. Angel says her daughter was skeptical of his claims and thought that maybe he was seeing someone else. This made Natasha send Casey a text on November 10th, 2009.

"I really feel like i have a hole in my heart because of this. I'm sorry i came on too strong, i'm sorry i cared and i'm sorry i wanted to be with you so much. i guess i was wrong and i am sorry. i will not do it."

Casey tells Natasha that he is going out with some buddies and in turn Natasha decides to make plans with one of her friends, Miranda. Before leaving for the night, Natasha says to her mother that she has something she wants to tell her that might make her mad, but she can't tell her right now. She does tell her mother that "You were right, all along."

It was in the early morning on November 11th, 2009 when Natasha's mother received a tragic call. Natasha's body was found at her boyfriends parents rental detached garage apartment with a single gun shot wound to the chest. The bullet somehow shot through Natasha's breast implant, but didn't leave a hole or a drop of blood on her bra, and went straight through her heart. Natasha's jeans were unzipped, her panties turned inside out.

Police bring people in for questioning to try to find out what transpired leading up to Natasha's death. Natasha's friend, Miranda, tells police that she and Natasha decided to have a girls' night out and hit up a few bars along Jackson Beach. However, it didn't stay a girls night very long. Miranda and Natasha ran into Casey and his friends at a bar called "The Ritz".

Casey was brought in for questioning as well. He stated that he and Natasha had a great time at The Ritz and he'd hope to see her later that night at his house. He said that Natasha left first and then he left two hours later. Casey said that he was expecting to find Natasha curled up in his bed, instead he claims to have found her dead on the floor. The gun that she had allegedly used was was Casey's .357 magnum that he kept by his bed. He said that Natasha was lying on her back with one hand on her chest. Casey says that he didn't touch or move Natasha, but he did pick up the gun and put it back where he says it was supposed to be. He says then he made the call to 911, which was emotionless.

At the crime scene, there is a trail of blood that starts in the bathroom and leads through the house. There are also fresh bruises found on Natasha's forehead, neck and other parts of her body. Natasha had blood on the inside of her pant leg. 

Even though Casey says he didn't touch Natasha, police say that it appears she was rolled onto her back after she was shot. Authorities claim that Casey did move the body, but forgot that he did. Police do a gun shot residue test on Natasha and Casey's hands, both come up positive.
In crime scene photos, to some people it appears that Casey has burnt gun powder particles on his forehead and eyebrow, which was never tested. Casey claims that it is dirty or something, probably from the bushes in the driveway.
Some say that in this crime scene picture that it looks like Casey has a gun holster on his ankle.
The autopsy stated that there were almost four pints of blood missing from Natasha's body, but at the crime scene there was only 1/4 of a pint of blood found.

The police and medical examiner come to the official cause of death as suicide and that Natasha's "suicide" text to Casey proves it. 
"At your apartment and using your gun thanks for keeping it loaded."
This completely stuns family and friends who think that Natasha was murdered. Angel hired private investigator, David Hodges to find out once and for all if Natasha had killed herself or if foul play was involved.

David Hodges had been an investigator for 28 years who had worked hundreds of cases.  He says that he has found evidence that cops have ignored, like the fingerprint that was clearly visible on the gun that was lying beside Natasha on the floor, which police never tested.

Hodges also wants to know how Natasha's bra didn't have any bullet holes in it. Police say that the holes in Natasha's shirt matched up wit the trajectory of the bullet and where it was found in the mattress. 

Hodges and his team used cellphone tower pings and discovered that Natasha didn't send that "suicide" text while she was at Casey's apartment and that she was on the move at the time. He thinks that someone else sent the text from Natasha's phone.

After Hodges concluded his investigation, he came to the conclusion that Natasha was a victim of murder and not suicide. He believes that Natasha was killed somewhere else and then was taken to Casey's apartment where her death was staged to look like a suicide.

Angel also brought in renowned forensic pathologist, Dr. Jonathan Arden, who had previously worked the Chandra Levy and the D.C. Sniper cases. He said that the "dirt" on Casey's forehead seemed to be stippling, which means that he was at least within two feet of the gun when it was fired. 

When Arden looked closely at the pictures of Natasha's shirt he said that it looked like her shirt was bunched up when she was shot. Like maybe there was an altercation going on at the time.

Arden said that there should have been a hole in the back strap of Natasha's bra. He stated that she either wasn't wearing her bra or it had been slid up or was unfastened at the time she was shot and then put on or fastened up later.

Arden also comes to the conclusion that Natasha was murdered. And he thinks that at least her manner of death should be changed to undetermined.

It's a year after Natasha's death and Angel contacts the local sheriff's department and shows them Arden's findings. Then Casey is brought back in for more questioning and they ask him to take a lie detector test. He was asked three questions.
"Did you see Natasha shoot herself?"
"Were you there when Natasha shot herself?"
"When Natasha shot herself, were you there?"
To all three questions he answered no. Police say that Casey passed the test. 

Angel said that she wasn't surprised that Casey passed, because they asked the wrong questions. That he passed because Natasha didn't shoot herself. 

Do you think it was murder or suicide? I think there are some things that don't add up. That doesn't necessarily mean that she was murdered. I do think that at the very least Casey isn't 100 percent truthful of what went on that night. I wish that the particles on Casey's forehead had been tested and a more thorough investigation would have been done. Then one way or the other i think it would be more clear what happened.

On a side note, Casey got involved in a relationship with Natasha's best friend. Also, according to Angel, Casey was good friends with the local police.

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