Saturday, June 29, 2019

Ancient Secret Cults Twisted Ritual?

Hadrian's Wall is in the UK and was a defensive fortification used by the Romans to keep tribes, in what is now modern day Scotland, from attacking their settlements. 
In 2018, in a fort next to the wall, a hand made of solid bronze was unearthed. Some believe the hand was connected to the worship of an ancient god known as Jupiter Dolichenus whose mysterious cult was widespread in the Roman Empire from the early-2nd to mid-3rd centuries AD. It was possible that the hand was placed there on purpose in celebration of victory against Scottish tribes during the Roman invasion. 

In one account of the Roman invasion, written by famous Roman writer of the time, Cassius Dio, the Roman army was going to  annihilate the Scottish tribes.

“We are not going to leave a single one of them alive, down to the babies in their mothers’ wombs, not even they must live. The whole people must be wiped out of existence, with none to shed a tear for them, leaving no trace.”

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