Friday, March 1, 2019

Will There Ever Be Justice For Hailey Dunn?

Hailey Dunn was born to Billie Jean and Clint Dunn.
She was a bright kid with a winning smile and she was a little bit of a tomboy. She loved her family.

Hailey was a 13-year-old middle school student, band member, cheerleader and athlete in 2010. She lived with her mom and her mom's boyfriend, Shawn Adkins. Hailey's 16 year-old brother, David, also lived there and their dad lived just across the street.

Here mom and Shawn drank a lot and threw wild parties with drugs involved.

About ten months before Hailey's disappearance, Billie and Shawn got into a fight. They both called 911 on each other. Neither one was arrested. Billie said that Shawn had threatened to kill her and her daughter. Shawn said that Billie was threatening to killer herself and frame him.

On December 26th, 2010 at around 9 p.m., David said he left the house to go to a friends home. He stated that he saw Hailey playing video games when he left. Authorities say that there was evidence that Hailey played video games until around midnight.

Around 6a.m. the next day, Shawn arrives at work, in Scurry county, walks in, looks at his supervisor and leaves his job, without saying a word. Shawn later tells everyone he was fired, but his work says that they did not.

Sometime after shortly after 6 a.m., Hailey's mom said she went to work, for her 12 hour shift, also in Scurry county, and Hailey was asleep in her bed.

After Shawn left work he says he went to his mother’s house in Big Springs, Texas, which was a lie. Cell phone towers indicate that between 6:35 and 6:56 a.m., Shawn was in the area of Colorado City, Texas. It wasn't until after 9:30 a.m. when he was in Big Springs and he left that area at almost 3 p.m.

Around 4 p.m., David returned home, but could not get in, so he pounded on the door and then eventually climbed through a window. When David got inside, he stated that Shawn was standing in the hallway with a "deer in the headlights" look.

At 6:19 p.m., Billie Dunn made two cash withdrawals from an ATM, Scurry County. First she takes out $60 and then $80. The money was to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County. Billie claims these narcotics were for her and Shawn.

Also according to Billie, Shawn tells her that Hailey left in the afternoon to go to her father’s house then to go to her friend’s house, for a slumber party.

Billie did not call the friend’s house to confirm Hailey spending the night there, nor did she call Clint's house.

On December 28th, around 2 p.m., Billie reports her daughter missing to Colorado City police after she didn't return home. She had also called Hailey's friend's house and they stated that Hailey never came over. It turns out Hailey did't show up at her dad's house either.

Sometime after Hailey's disappearance, Hailey's uncle told police that he had a conversation with Shawn about Hailey being missing. The uncle told Shawn he couldn't believe that someone would hurt a child. Shawn replied "yah, it's like killing a deer." According to the uncle, on previous occasions, Shawn had "talked often about how he kills deer and cuts them up with a chainsaw."

Clint says Billie and Shawn changed their entire living room, painting and getting new furniture, even a new TV. He also says that mutual friends of his and Billie's brought him a book that Billie had she had given to these friends. She asked them to burn it and to never mention it. The title of the book is A Witches' Bible. Clint turned the book over the the FBI.

On December 31st, Billie and Shawn thrown a New Year's Eve party.

On January 2nd, a candlelight vigil for Hailey is attended by at least 750 people.

On January 3rd, Colorado City police announce that Hailey Dunn’s case, previously treated as a runaway, now is being called a missing person case.

On January 4th, Billie and Shawn take polygraph tests. Billie fails hers and so does Shawn for the most part. The two questions he answered truthfully were disturbing. One of the questions was asking who the police should look at in Hailey's disappearance. Shawn answered "Us." The second question was if he knew where Hailey was, he answered yes. He said that Hailey was in Surrey.
After this, Shawn is asked by Billie to leave her home.

On February 24, authorities announce that nearly 109,000 images of child pornography, bestiality and deviant acts were discovered on numerous electronic devices Billie's home and Shawn’s mother's house. 

A purple rug painted with a pentagram was pulled from Hailey's home during the investigation and booked into evidence.

On March 17, Police had came to her door and asked for Shawn, Billie said he wasn't home. The police produced a search warrant, so Billie let them in. It turns out Shawn was home and Billie lied. Billie is arrested for lying to police.

On March 26th, 2013, Hailey's remains are found near Lake J.B. Thomas in Scurry County.

Allegedly court documents, say investigators believe Shawn was the last person to have seen Hailey, on December 27th. Investigators also believe that Hailey was "kidnapped and transported to another location against her will."

No one has been brought to justice for Hailey's murder.

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