Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Haunting Disappearances and Murders Of The Bakersfield 3 Pt. 2 James John Kulstad

James John Kulstad II was born on August 9th, 1979.
His reason to live was for the future of his daughters and to surf. James was an entrepreneur who never stopped brainstorming to grow his dreams into reality. He would never turn a shoulder to one less fortunate than himself. James has striking blue eyes, a heart of gold and a smile to last a lifetime. James was a caring and thoughtful soul and a role model to aspire to.

Over the last year, Kulstad had struggled with an opiate addiction.
He had been prescribed pain medication after an operation relating to a fractured wrist, and his mother said it became a slippery slope from that point on.

 “He was trying to get his life back on track,” his mother Diane Byrne  said. “He went to rehab.”

Before his addiction, Kulstad had been an avid surfer, who earned money through his career as an entrepreneur to live near his favorite surf spots.
On April 7th, 2018, Bryne had last seen 38-year-old Kulstad around 10p.m.  
Kulstad had left her house without telling her where he was going.

Byrne woke up a little after 1 a.m. on April 8th, to a call informing her that Kulstad had been shot.

By the time she got dressed, one of her other sons had arrived at her house to take her to the scene of the crime.

They arrived in a south Bakersfield neighborhood to find that the car Kulstad had been driving had crashed into a trailer. He had been shot while pulling out of a driveway.

“The police had a line of caution-tape lines up and I just stood there trying to get through screening,” 

Byrne said. 

“My son just kept giving me a bear hug, saying it would be fine.”

Kulstad had crawled out of the passenger door, making it to the ground before he bled out internally. He had been shot in the hip region.

Police later described the incident as a drive-by shooting.

But after his death, the Bakersfield Police Department had trouble bringing the case to a conclusion. Nobody who knew Kulstad at the time seemed keen to testify.

Byrne reached out to Holsonbake to try to help move both cases forward.

Then Holsonbake noticed another person had gone missing, and she recognized the name
Baylee Despot.

The Haunting Disappearances and Murders Of The Bakersfield 3 Part 1
The Haunting Disappearances And Murders Of The Bakersfield 3 Part 3

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