Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Susan Cox Powell's Brother In Law Lied Under Oath in Attempt To Get Millions of Dollars

  On Oct. 20, 2012,.Michael Powell's lies came out during a deposition over his brother's, Josh Powell, life insurance policy.

  Ten months prior, Josh Powell made changes to the beneficiaries on his life insurance policy. He directed New York Life to distribute 93 percent of the money to Michael Powell. Eight months after the policy changes, Josh killed his two sons and himself by taking a hatchet to his children and then setting fire to his rented home in Graham, Washington. Michael Powell had made a claim for some of the more than 3 million dollar pay out.

  During the deposition he was asked about his Facebook use. He said he rarely used it and never talked with his brother, Josh, about Susan's disappearance.

  It turns out that Michael and Josh created a fake Facebook account to stalk and spy on a group dedicated to locating Susan's body.

  Josh's phones were also tapped by the police. Josh and Michael were heard discussing the the fake Facebook account and the email they used to create it.

  A year after Josh murdered the kids and killed himself, Michael committed suicide in February of 2013.

  It has been long suspected that Michael had involvement in the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell. Some people believe that he helped dispose of her body.

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