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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Away from me, Satan!: Man dies after jumping out of a freezer.

It was a typical Sunday morning, until 11 a.m. rolled around.
Workers were busy preparing brunch at Sarabeth’s , in New York, on 80th street and Amsterdam Avenue. 
One of them went to the freezer
The freezer door opened, a man leaped out at them, yelling,
“Away from me, Satan!”
He then grabbed a knife and tried to attack the kitchen staff.
Kitchen staff stripped away the knife and wrestled him to the floor.
Then he had a heart attack and lost consciousness. 
He was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

His name was 54 year old Carlton Henderson.
He was a suspected cold-case killer who had just been released from jail in Boston.

Carlton Henderson had been in jail since 2017 awaiting trial.

He was charged in the murders of William Medina, 26, and Antonio Dos Reis, 22.

They were both shot in Boston on May 7, 1988.

The men were gunned down while they sat in a parked car. Authorities suspect that their deaths were linked to a drug trafficking gang, whose leader may have ordered the deaths of Medina and Dos Reis.

In June 2017, police arrested Henderson in St Louis Missouri, after bullets from the Boston killings were matched to a gun recovered in a fatal shooting in Miami in 1993.

They extradited him to Boston.

There, he was indicted on two counts of first degree murder.

He was released on August 1, on his own recognizance after some of the evidence in that case was dismissed as inadmissible, allegedly because he and investigators had an understanding that they couldn’t be used against him.

He was looking to trade the information for a reduction in his 15-year prison sentence on drug and gun charges.

Investigators treated him as a cooperating witness.

He was supposed to come back on August 14.
He had told the judge who released him that he might go and stay with his sister in California for a while.

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